View Full Version : buying a 2.0 16v

04-03-04, 05:46 PM
i am buying a 2.0 16v nova, i need to know what to check for when i am buying one, eg disks, strengthening, rust, etc
if anyone knows the main things to check for then please let me know, i want a converted GSI.

04-03-04, 06:12 PM
If you want one then i would build it yourself or get it done rather than buying a ready made one.

Where are you based to, might be worth finding a member near you with one and having a look at that and talk to them.

04-03-04, 06:16 PM
i am based in kent, if any1 has a "beast" 2.0 16v then i would appreciate a little chat and a pint?

04-03-04, 06:18 PM
Theres a few members down that way, someone should be more than willing to help.

04-03-04, 06:20 PM
cheers ben,
hopefully, ppl will read this and help me out, id love to see one of these "animals" myself!
quite happy to buy them a beer and smoke a fag!
i cant wait to get one!

04-03-04, 06:54 PM
how mechanically minded are you because you can probably buy a cheap nova, prepare the engine bay and drop the engine in for about a grand, where as it will cost you about 3000 to get yoursef a ready made one

04-03-04, 08:38 PM
i am fairly mechanically minded, but i would neva attempt sumthing like this, although i concidered it!
i want to buy one that has been done profesionally! with the engineers report, strengthened, disks all round and coscast head etc.
im not a welder and two of the main things are new bar at the back for disks and strengthening the car itself (seam welded or strengthening plates!) because i have been told that the torque pulls the bulkhead away from the chassis! after all, they weren't designed for a 2.0 beast!
i need to know what to look out for when i go to view one!

04-03-04, 09:10 PM
i got my work done for ?100 u guys must be mental paying 1000

04-03-04, 09:15 PM
the only reason that i wanna buy one already done is i would neva cut corners on something like this and so its cheaper! than paying for a GSI shell in good condition, then paying courtenay sport ?3000 to drop a C20XE into it!

04-03-04, 09:35 PM
the only reason that i wanna buy one already done is i would neva cut corners on something like this and so its cheaper! than paying for a GSI shell in good condition, then paying courtenay sport ?3000 to drop a C20XE into it!

err so you want a ready done one so you can't cut corners...

04-03-04, 09:43 PM
i want a ready done one because i cant afford to have one built! im only an apprentice!
i wouldnt cut corners anyway. i want it to have all been done properly!
its gonna take me months to find the one for me neway!
i have a mental picture in my head of what it must be like or i wont buy it!