View Full Version : lowered suspension

02-03-04, 08:32 PM
Is gte nova struts or springs different than other nova models? How come gte suspension kits are listed different than base models? would any nova struts fit in a gte nova?

02-03-04, 08:57 PM
I'm not sure about the struts, but the springs are a little lower...

02-03-04, 09:46 PM
Any Nova struts will fit in a GTE, but if it's a lowering kit expect the drop figures to be totally wrong


02-03-04, 09:53 PM
How will the lowering figures be wrong,if i fit a lowering kit from an other nova thats say 60mm lower,wil my gte not be 60 lower?

02-03-04, 10:01 PM
Because the figures are based on lowering a normal nova 60mm... and seen as a GTE is already lowered, it will be lowered less...

ok that doesn't make sense lol. Basically, if you dropped your GTE and a merit on the same lowering suspension they'd both be the same height off the ground. Compared to standard, the Merit will have been lowered say 60mm, but as the GTE is already lowered as standard it will only be 40mm or however much lower.

02-03-04, 10:05 PM
The GTE is about 10mm lower already - so if you use 60mm drop for a GTE it will drop 60, if you use a kit for a base model it will drop 50.

Don't quote me on that - the difference between GTE and standard is somewhere between 5 and 20mm anyway, not sure of the exact figure.


02-03-04, 10:31 PM
im lost now on gte and merits
shoreing lowering 60 on a gte would be the same as a merit they would be the same height after lowering

02-03-04, 10:38 PM
shoreing lowering 60 on a gte would be the same as a merit they would be the same height after lowering

Yep, they would be teh same height afterwards.

But the -60mm refers to how far the car has been dropped - not how high it is off the ground. Hence a GTE will not drop as far as a standard nova, as the standard one is higher to start with.

02-03-04, 10:41 PM
so would they end up the smae height after bein dropped from the ground

03-03-04, 06:47 PM
No they would not be the same height after lowering. Lets assume here that the GTE is already 10mm lower than a base model as standard, and the floor is 150mm off the ground. The Base model on it's standard suspension would therefore be 160mm from the ground. Lowering the base model 60mm would eman it's now 100mm off the ground. Lower the GTE 60mm using a kit for a GTE means it would now be 90mm off the ground. Lower the GTE 60mm using a kit for a base model and it would be 100mm off the ground.


04-03-04, 09:24 AM
i was thinking if u use a set of springs that lower a standard model by 60mm they'd only lower a GTE by 50mm over its standard ride height?

If you lower both cars using springs specific to base model and GTE, stated to lower both by 60mm then sure the GTE would still sit lower than the base model.

ok now i'm confusing myself again... :?