View Full Version : does anyone know the girl in the blue top?

10-05-01, 11:17 PM
does anyone know who the blonde girl is in the first picture of rexy getting dunked?

it's not for me, a mate saw the picture and fancies the a**e off her. if she reads this then tell her to email me to get in touch with him. he's a quality guy!

[naked_davo] Look she said she was 16!

11-05-01, 02:24 AM
lol. yeah m8 i got her fone number but it got wet and i couldnt read the writing sorry m8ty


11-05-01, 09:12 AM
it wasnt actually me. it was one of my mates. we were a bit drunky


[naked_davo] Look she said she was 16!

11-05-01, 10:01 AM
Novaload dating agency?

get a grip and a life davo...stalking girls from a photo! oh dear :O

and i know who she is, and yes i do have her number....and you are not getting it hahahaha
(she said she never liked happy days anyway!)heheheehe

1 cup down 2 to go!

11-05-01, 11:54 AM
you you "little" comedian you. it wasnt me who posted it. it was a guy that lives with us. We were pissed depressed and he fell in love with her. he posted it and thats that.

11-05-01, 12:31 PM
lmao@ian. does the truth hert davo

11-05-01, 01:29 PM
y does every1 pick on davo??

11-05-01, 01:31 PM
cos davo "LAVS IT!" (cockney accent)
hes the new elgan???

:D City City RA RA RA, Leeds Leeds BA BA BA, Scousers Scousers... where's my car? :D

11-05-01, 02:12 PM

this could be the next topic of discussion!!!

Is davo the new elgan!!!!

1 cup down 2 to go!

11-05-01, 02:31 PM
hmmmm dodgy

I am Micheal "Mullet" Knight!! mu ha ha ha :D

11-05-01, 02:39 PM
you pick on me because i am not all nova thinking drones. I am different, i do not conform to society. You are scred of my differing opinons and rahter than accepting my individuality you choose to diss it.

its your choice.


[naked_davo] Look she said she was 16!

11-05-01, 02:49 PM
yep that's right. In our own little world your nobody.

Sh*t who am i talking to then?


B-) "Don't send me back to the dark place" B-)

11-05-01, 02:53 PM
hit the nail on the head fenix. I am nobody in your opinion because you are all tunnel visioned. I am not. :D

[naked_davo] Look she said she was 16!

11-05-01, 03:50 PM
conform to society, individuality?

errrm let me see..one of us has a pug 306 family car the same as the other millions on the road, another has a modified individual nova, so who is the drone.

Ps i'm coming to get you! Long eaton derbyshire tomorrow! Any fountains near you davo? muhahaahahahaha

1 cup down 2 to go!

11-05-01, 03:55 PM
Davo. I know that u didn't write the message about the girl in blue.

coz the person who wrote it has some taste!

B-) "Don't send me back to the dark place" B-)

13-05-01, 08:01 PM
fuck you all.

[naked_davo] Look she said she was 16!

14-05-01, 10:18 AM
nice witty come back davo!

2 cups down 1 to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!