View Full Version : Wrote off due to woman driver and snow!

moffat sri
29-02-04, 04:39 PM
So who's all had problems with the recent snow fall?
Me, me!
Yesterday i was approaching a blind hump-backed bridge on a single lane road, and as this bridge is bad enough in good conditions, i was being extra cautious. Just as i was climbing the bridge i saw the roof of another car climbing the other side, so i braked. There was no snow on my side of the road so i didn't skid or anything, but when i saw how fast this woman was actually going, never mind her having all 4 wheels locked up, i tried to get into reverse as fast as i could. Obviously not quick enough as i don't think i'd started moving backwards when "Wham!" straight into the front of me. She was obviously going too fast for the conditions, seeing as there was snow on her side of the bridge.
I couldn't open my door so i had to go out through the passenger door.
First thing i said to her was "i don't mean to be funny but i think you were going a little too fast" to which she replied " I don't think so, not in these conditions!"
But obviously she was as i was stationary when she hit me so doesn't that just show that it was her fault because she couldn't stop in the distance that she could see infront of her?
Anyway, she hasn't accepted liability yet so we're going to her house later on to "have a word". She knows fine well that i was stationary because she said that she could see me fighting with the gear stick trying to get it into reverse.

The damage:
Well, she hit the drivers side headlight area pushing the majority of the front end backwards. The chassis leg, inner wing, strut top, pushed the roof up at the top of the windscreen, bent the bonnet in 2, pushed the wing out further that a wide arch kit, etc etc.

i have pics on my phone (Samsung E700) but don't know what i need to upload them onto the computer. Any help?

So i'm jut waiting to see whats happening then i'll know what i'm doing with the nova.
I've just started saving for a new car too, fancy an Astra mk4 so i dunno if i'm going to have to get ma new car a lot sooner that i thought.
Women Drivers!!!

29-02-04, 04:50 PM
:o crunch!!...nasty mate not nice when some prick runs into you is it..well as fpr the pic's just e.mail then to your addy then there in the PC then put them on NL..

good luck on getting some copensation..

scott :)

moffat sri
29-02-04, 05:07 PM
Er, can't send pics at all. need ma phone set up.

29-02-04, 05:25 PM
sorry to hear that mate yours was one of my fave novas before you took it off road looked top in your profile mate :(

29-02-04, 05:36 PM
same happened to me last year, my car was wrote off while i was stationary due to someone not being able to control their. Hope you get it all sorted.

29-02-04, 05:39 PM
Er, can't send pics at all. need ma phone set up.
just ring your service provider (orange, 02 etc) and ask them to set it up for you (takes about 3 seconds)..they will send you a sim update, just read the message, delete it, turn your phone off for about 10seconds and turn it back on then it should be ok.


29-02-04, 05:39 PM
:o thats sh!t news m8! funnily enuff my car is safe and sound at the mo in gettin a new bumper + the bonnet and wing sprayed cos of sum arse in a 4x4 hitting me in the last lot of snow we had!

where abouts did this happen n e way? that car was mint as well! fcukin women!

moffat sri
29-02-04, 05:55 PM
http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0QQDxAvoST2FesI5qAwaBeD4DKnrLabWhALOBwP5I2XOIO4pxU !Rb!j6mNi*caOdjXK8bpSfTOY4ZDbfQ42s6956CrXRVaBPEG4n MbxPgJ!E/sri%201.jpg?dc=4675461872572344509
http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0QQDhAvsSiGFesI5qAwaBeCImQwS1eUSmVAdkJQhs3Mbsw3FPp 8laAB2jh3RA2Dy0SxvcOZa3Me6OBEp2z5IyqkesvdsYuWqUj2I StdSvo4Q/sri%202.jpg?dc=4675461872581836386
http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0QQDdAvwSwWFesI5qAwaBeK!aI7k99Uxgyh8N9Di5NVBAdxIYo BwHVrBuQ364CP6o0tJrRXdZkalNq!Paxi00pdf!GJW3DD*YA0* RuMjCgBQ/sri%203.jpg?dc=4675461872589196688

29-02-04, 06:02 PM
have u seen that wife yet about the liability???

29-02-04, 06:03 PM
Looks nasty!!Bet your gutted

moffat sri
29-02-04, 06:14 PM
http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0QQAxA*0S!mFesI5qAwaBeOOwejjoDtHSWPzWxwvE8dZ2kZvwJ 1KzT0tvNjO5OUFaOjOhPAUneieoL6xSbyiK*R1gjiRZ1CXRlrq BKNPhC!g/sri%204.jpg?dc=4675461874009329215

And from the impact, that crack is the only damage to the bumper. How damn Strong are they!

http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0TAAAAN4WjmtesI5qAwaBeD0sftUbz4FJCnhTpkWHYdhACuHdY GcTS!ih9719g*I5tcNXwCXxXeo7bSFWK2BCJyt2pFlvsyMuQi4 n5!agPEPazIrN1tEKcA/sri%205%20location.jpg?dc=4675461874016339556

And this is the little blind bridge that it happened on.

A small place called East Bolton, up the moors from Alnwick in Northumberland

29-02-04, 06:19 PM
she really did make a right mess to it

29-02-04, 06:30 PM
Opps sorry to hear that mate

29-02-04, 07:33 PM
sorry to hear that mate. hope you get compensation. by what you have said then she was to blame for it, cause she was clearly going to fast in the conditions!!

hope it works out for you mate

29-02-04, 07:49 PM
ouch, looks nasty, sorry to hear that, let us know how it goes..

but i gotta stress, its not all female drivers that are a menace on the road, i always take care when driving, but even more so when theres snow/ice and even rain on the road...just cause some are s**t female drivers dont make us all one too :wink:

29-02-04, 08:59 PM
gutted sorry 2 hear that mate
i really did like ur car especially the colour :cry:

01-03-04, 04:29 PM
shite moffat thats bad!!!
Was it the belissis hump back bridge where you did it between morpeth and dinnington?????

I hate these conditions i nearlly went into the back of a yaris and i was only doing 15mph and had to break it was mad just shut my eyes and missed by about a centermeter.

So what u gonna get now then?

01-03-04, 06:37 PM
its not all female drivers that are a menace on the road, just cause some are s**t female drivers dont make us all one too :wink:

I'll second that :lol: :twisted:

01-03-04, 07:41 PM
wonna sell ya wheels?? :lol:

01-03-04, 07:49 PM
sorry to hear that about your car mate.
i think if memory serves me correct, she is at fault cause you were stationary. so it is in a sense, no different to you parking your car at the side of the road.

as for the women drivers thing, you just had bad luck mate!

02-03-04, 12:50 AM
i've had 'bad luck' twice wiht a older female drivers and one with a bloke in mids 30's.

02-03-04, 11:05 AM
i've had 'bad luck' twice wiht a older female drivers and one with a bloke in mids 30's.

some old bloke nearly polaxed my old fiat once... just pulled clean out in front of me, he even looked at me before and whilst he was doing it! Then had the cheek to try and accuse me of speeding (i was doing 40 in a 60 zone!)

moffat sri
03-03-04, 07:37 PM
Cheers for the concern all.
The woman has been on the phone to insurance company and they say that she's to claim on her insurance and i'm to claim on mine, but i cant cos i'm not fully comp. So i'll have to take matters further.
Still, probably won't get anything for it in the end.

LinzTDI: No it wasnt that place that you mentioned, never heard of it. It was up by Alnwick.

XZiBiT: One of my mates asked for the wheels first so i think they'll be goin to him.

Mel: You're probably just a young lady, not a 40 - 50 yr old woman, you don't count.

I found out that a couple of days afterwards, the woman slipped on ice and broke her arm/hand. Tee hee hee! Stupid bint!

03-03-04, 07:49 PM
So you ain't gonna get anything for your car, why the hell do we have insurance if you can't even use it for its purpose.

03-03-04, 10:24 PM
that is true. i would speak to your insurance company. i know a 50 50 you claim off your own, but if you were stationary then it is surley a clear case she hit you.

do her and kick her in the other arm if she doesn't pay up. lol

03-03-04, 10:58 PM
dont it just prove how careless she is, slipping on ice and breaking a bone, stupid bint! tell your insurance company, that'll prve how stupid she is!

04-03-04, 10:57 AM
do her and kick her in the other arm if she doesn't pay up. lol

aye do it the viking way........rape and pillage!

thats crap about the insurance! they are all robbing b*stards! quick enuff to take yer money off but not so keen to pay up if owt goes wrong!