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26-02-04, 06:23 PM
Tell me somewhere else has mass amounts of snow? Came home expecting tons of posts with people having it and there weren't any lol! had about 7 inches plus id say here, all schools have been shut, no public transport....

and me...my work HAD to be open and my manger HAD to pick me up lol. Apparently north wales had it worse and have been advised not to leave homes unless really necessary :roll:

26-02-04, 06:32 PM
no snow 4 me im affraid! :(

26-02-04, 06:33 PM
theres no snow here buts its f**king freezing

26-02-04, 06:36 PM
ya it is freezin and i have to catch the peasent wagon home!!!!
still at work by the way :o

26-02-04, 06:52 PM
No snow in Sunny essex but were expecting some 4'' :cry:

TO F**KING COLD :x :evil:

26-02-04, 06:55 PM
keeps snowing then stopping, its annoying now!

26-02-04, 06:59 PM
keeps snowing then stopping, its annoying now!

Are you anywhere near Essex mate

26-02-04, 07:03 PM

im gonna go make that now in my back garden :twisted: 8)

26-02-04, 07:08 PM
little snow here but not 2 much

26-02-04, 07:16 PM

im gonna go make that now in my back garden :twisted: 8)

lmao - nice one!

26-02-04, 07:57 PM

im gonna go make that now in my back garden :twisted: 8)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

we had a bit in somerset, enough to cover things, not much. Fair bit on the hills round taunton tho... just as i was driving home :D

26-02-04, 08:19 PM
my bird said that swansea was litterally shut lol

Ive had snow here on and off since xmas. up to 18" at times lol

26-02-04, 09:20 PM
weve had about 10 snowflakes every hour lol qiute pethetic (sp)

26-02-04, 09:32 PM
its settelin here not deep or owt yet like

26-02-04, 09:46 PM
been snowing on and off all day. from major blizzard to a few flakes. nothing has stuck though :(

plus that was in ellsmere port only a few miles from north wales :?:

26-02-04, 09:49 PM
Yeh I spoke to Kev and it isn't too bad up there, have had some snow but nothing major. So I dont know what our local radio station is talking about :?:

27-02-04, 12:09 AM
Just started snowing in colchester :!:
Just thought you'd all like to know that :o

27-02-04, 05:29 AM
just finished my night shift. and at 2.30am it was down tools and have a snowball fight.

followed by an empty car park frozen. time to play.

27-02-04, 11:45 AM
bit of snow this morning, suns melted most of it though :evil:

27-02-04, 01:16 PM
same here was loads this mornin all gone now though

oh but break time was top turned our works car park into a skid pad lol

27-02-04, 04:41 PM
work last night snowed all damm night to wet to settle tho