View Full Version : Visa Card

22-02-04, 05:02 PM
Just logged onto my online banking and found that someone has used my card to pay for ?270 worth of flights with RyanAir.

Little wanker is probably some snotty nosed kid from a store who nicked my carbon copy receipt or something.

Called the bank, they are gonna send me a form to fill in which i gotta send back, and then hopefully i can claim the money back but it means i'm ?280 overdrawn until friday when i get paid...

RyanAir were no help either, all they could tell me is that i've got a booking - won't tell me destination, who the passengers are, when it is, how many or anything 'for security reasons'. Yeh same fucking security that let some little twat use my card!

Sorry for the rant, pretty pissed off :lol: Anyone ever heard of anything like this? J

22-02-04, 07:55 PM
the only probs weve had is when some 1 nicked r lasses hand bag and went on a spendin spre with her visa luckly we reported it stolen quick so didnt have 2 pay altho the card wasnt stopped in time

also mother in law had her visa card stolen when the decorater was workin in her house
mother in law was out of the country so could prove she never spent owt on it
i recon it was the decorator but cant prove owt

22-02-04, 09:04 PM
some people hey you must be well p**sed off geez

23-02-04, 09:15 AM
that happened to my mates dad, he thinks they either guessed correctly or had one of his old receipts
little bastids :evil: