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01-05-01, 01:43 PM
this sunday 06.05.01 at 2 at the back of the xcscape snow dome in m k. and next time 03.06.01 redline mag will be there so get your cars clean. who is likley to be there. this time and next.

01-05-01, 02:02 PM
me, more than likely :)

"Beware of the voices"

01-05-01, 02:12 PM
possibly next time if i'm back on the road!

xr2 ??? i'd rather walk!

01-05-01, 02:15 PM
This time I`ll be along as a passenger, but next time I`ll be back, faster than ever.


Whoopass! :D

01-05-01, 03:07 PM
might be ????????????????
bit short notice ???????

:)taxi drivers are cunts :)

01-05-01, 03:33 PM
i will be there, not sure whether my nova will be though! grrr i'm hoping it will be road worthy at least X-(

\\// //~\\ ((_)) X ||-|| //~\\ ||_ ||_

||\\|| (()) \\// //~\\

SR ;)

Founder of the PBG (Perfomance Blaggers Group)

01-05-01, 03:45 PM
yep i'll be coming up in me shit box

01-05-01, 03:59 PM
This might sound thick but WTF is MK?:-/

"Theres something missing, I'm not all there, Theres something missing".

01-05-01, 04:09 PM
Milton Keynes


01-05-01, 06:26 PM
Where abouts in MK, i dont even know where MK is never mind a land mark there. Is it easy to find and what are the police like round that area

01-05-01, 07:47 PM
hmm correction, i will be there, not in my car though :( MK is on the M1 (junction anyone - cant remember!) piece of pi55 to find, police are assholes if you do anything stupid but as long as your sensible, its fine :D

\\// //~\\ ((_)) X ||-|| //~\\ ||_ ||_

||\\|| (()) \\// //~\\

SR ;)

Founder of the PBG (Perfomance Blaggers Group)

01-05-01, 10:57 PM
may be... i know where m k is but any directions from the aylesbury side of mk?

02-05-01, 01:20 AM
may be depending if the work has been done on the car in time. Next time though for sure! :D

02-05-01, 08:06 AM
Mike, you can meet up with us on the way if you want.


Whoopass! :D

02-05-01, 09:10 AM
you can see the ski dome from miles aay just head for that
or just follow the singns to centreal mk

:)taxi drivers are cunts :)

02-05-01, 10:02 AM
Fao Dave Harlow... The easiest thing to do mate, is head straight into Aylesbury city centre and follow the signs, just about every round-a-bout has signs for MK. Where are you comming from? :)

02-05-01, 01:33 PM
The snowdome is about a mile or so from junction 14 on the M1. Just head into MK ie over the roundabouts. U cant miss it , its a bloody great white whale of a thing that can be seen for miles around.
Each road is marked with an H or a V number eg H16. H roads run north south, V roads run east west in a grid system.

02-05-01, 01:36 PM
The snowdome is about a mile or so from junction 14 on the M1. Just head into MK ie over the roundabouts. U cant miss it , its a bloody great white whale of a thing that can be seen for miles around.
Each road is marked with an H or a V number eg H16. H roads run north south, V roads run east west in a grid system.

02-05-01, 02:25 PM
I will be at the June one, with my nova and 3 of my mates are coming in their novas, 2 2.0l's and 2 1.4sr's. Its about 2 hours drive from where Im coming from so I hope theres a few of us that turns up. Is it just going to be people from this site or will there be other cruisers going ???

Which W4nker made nova's with a 49 offset !!!!!

02-05-01, 03:24 PM
there will be all sorts later on in the evening (http://www.mkcruise.co.uk) but during the day novaload members, + other novas that turn up. :D

\\// //~\\ ((_)) X ||-|| //~\\ ||_ ||_

||\\|| (()) \\// //~\\

SR ;)

Founder of the PBG (Perfomance Blaggers Group)

02-05-01, 08:18 PM
MK is easy to find , come off junction 14 of M1 , follow signs to Cenral MK , get on the V7, and look out for a f**k off massive dome!!, the meeting place is round the back

02-05-01, 09:04 PM
MC sounds good mate where do you want to meet and what time. You cant boot it off and leave me, i Cant go fast down roads I dont know. I'm down to my last point, and hopefully lose 6 in november, NICE:D

03-05-01, 12:13 AM
short notice!!!!!

i now summit was planned but i thought we was talking months away

Micky@novaload.net :)

03-05-01, 08:42 AM
This is the monthly PNG meet for this region (Milton Keynes). The main meeting that Redline/Revs (can't remember which one) will be featuring is next month. We'll give everyone loads of notice for the big meet. If you wanna come along on Sunday, you're more than welcome, if you can't make it, no problems.
Jim ;)

"Beware of the voices"

03-05-01, 06:18 PM
ahh ok
i will come to the big meet

nothing personal but its a bit ov a drive just for a png meeting.
if car mags will be there then they will prob bring sum flange so the next big meet gets my thunbs up

Micky@novaload.net :)

04-05-01, 09:02 AM
Kewl, we'll keep you posted Micky.


"Beware of the voices"