View Full Version : New Job/Car! :D

20-02-04, 04:47 PM
I start on monday as a field installation engineer! get a vauxhall vectra company car! lol
i collect the car on monday and then go straight up to head office at manchester for a weeks training!
proper bo! no more bumming around! my brains turning to mush looking at the net everyday! :?

20-02-04, 04:50 PM
good stuff mate hope it works out for u!!

20-02-04, 05:05 PM
nice one dan! i want a company car!

20-02-04, 08:17 PM
As i said earlier Dan well done :D

Get me a job there :P

20-02-04, 08:54 PM

g'luck :wink:

20-02-04, 10:46 PM
Well done Dan!

20-02-04, 10:48 PM
well done :D , you gonna lower ya car now? :lol:

21-02-04, 01:23 AM
you fuckers. Alex, Cambridge and Dan, getting jobs and stuff, you've all left me behind! I once had a job too, sob sob.

21-02-04, 01:27 PM
lol my job is only "temp" until something proper bo comes along.

oh Dan, what kind of fields will you be installing? ready ploughed or grassy ones etc?? lol

21-02-04, 01:37 PM
Don't worry Marty your not the only one I finshed my degree last yr too and still no proper job :( Only a shity part-time one :?

Seems you need experience these days to get a job :x

21-02-04, 04:39 PM
cheers guys, its bank software camb :roll: :lol:

paul i know it sounds really shit, but you thought about getting a job in pcworld? or some pc related job?? even if its a 6 months??

21-02-04, 06:44 PM
i'm still jobless too lol

cant really say i'm looking that hard though :roll:

22-02-04, 04:24 AM
i'm still jobless...cant really say i'm looking...

shit, is that what i'm supposed to be doing!? i thought i just had to wait for someone to knock on my front door and offer me one.

22-02-04, 12:29 PM
dosent it work like that marty?? feck best start buying papers :D