View Full Version : Who knows?????

01-05-01, 06:35 PM
Ok, it is now exactly 6 months since I nearly had a head-on with a police car (it wasn't my fault - honest!). I was charged 3 months ago, cos they took ages to catch up with me!! Someone told me that basically they have fcuked up cos they didn't charge me within 14 days - or inform me they were gonna charge me!
Am I now in the clear or is it 6 months after you were charged???

02-05-01, 12:35 AM
Nah, thats only for statuary traffic laws. Dangerous drvining isnt included in that i hear!

02-05-01, 09:09 AM
You hear wrong, you have to be informed within 14 days with a notice of intended prosecution, thats why they pulle me up on motorway so they could give me the Notice of Intended Prosecution.

1 cup down 2 to go!