View Full Version : Astra 1.3L = Nova 1.3SR?

17-02-04, 10:09 AM
I'm thinking of nicking inlet/carb off a 1.3L Astra that I've seen kicking about my area (slowly getting parts taken off it!!)

If they are in good nick, is it worth it? Are the 1.3 Astra parts the same as the Nova 1.3 SRs?


17-02-04, 12:46 PM
i hope your not implying your stealing parts of someone elses car?

cos if u are then your an arse

the 1300 astra does have the same engine as the 1300 nova tho

17-02-04, 02:16 PM
i hope your not implying your stealing parts of someone elses car?

cos if u are then your an arse

the 1300 astra does have the same engine as the 1300 nova tho

no he aint an arse if the car is abandoned, he is an opertunist, im a law abbiding citizen, but if i saw an abondoned car, and it was fucked up and people were all ready taking bits off then standard i wud help myself, wats wrong with that? - nothing at all.

17-02-04, 02:22 PM
depends if it was my car :?

17-02-04, 02:45 PM
im a law abbiding citizen

no your not

17-02-04, 02:48 PM
i hope your not implying your stealing parts of someone elses car?

cos if u are then your an arse

the 1300 astra does have the same engine as the 1300 nova tho

im a law abbiding citizen


interests: blazing :roll:

17-02-04, 05:01 PM
not another one of thesetopics :twisted:

17-02-04, 07:58 PM
i fcukin hate pikeys :evil:

just go to the soddin scrap yard they chage next to nothin for bits (dont nick from them either)

17-02-04, 08:21 PM
Thanks anyway guys, went back this evening and it was burnt out.

No bother.

ps. Maybe I should explain what I was trying to say!! The car had been sitting for ages round the corner from me, and was slowly being ripped to bits by somebody! There was a big 'council aware' sign on it, it had no tax etc.

I am no pikey, I'm just not loaded! Its a shame it was all burnt out though :(

17-02-04, 09:08 PM
Why is it that when a post like this coms up everyone starts saying absolute shit like " I dont take parts of off abandoned cars, if you do that then your a tosser ect.

I put money on it that the people that say them sort of things have done in the past and will do it again. whats the point in lying?

So what if you take the parts you need off of a car thats been abandoned and is only going to be crushed anyway! whats the big deal?

17-02-04, 10:38 PM
Why is it that when a post like this coms up everyone starts saying absolute s**t like " I dont take parts of off abandoned cars, if you do that then your a tosser ect.

Its called theft which is generally accepted as being against the law.

that is why

would rather work for things and earn them than take easy way out and steal.


PS: you lose.. so how much did you wager?

17-02-04, 10:47 PM
^^^^^ Here we are a perfect example

Shut up u nob, you are only lying to yourself

What is "how much did you wager?" Suppost to mean?


17-02-04, 11:09 PM
well im not trying to get involved but this is what he's onabout ben
ben said:I put money on it that the people that say them sort of things have done in the past and will do it again. whats the point in lying?
sorry mate :lol:

17-02-04, 11:14 PM
Scott youv confused me :?

17-02-04, 11:29 PM
sorry... well you put(i put money on it that ppl...ect ect)
so mate he askes "how much did you wager" you know as in how much you wanted to bet,cus in his eyes you lost your bet mate...

17-02-04, 11:41 PM
Yeah but i havent though :lol: and every one knows i havent.

17-02-04, 11:45 PM
well i did put(in his eye's) but now im not going to post anymore,remember what happend with the saxo1.. :?

18-02-04, 01:01 AM
Why is it that when a post like this coms up everyone starts saying absolute s**t like " I dont take parts of off abandoned cars, if you do that then your a tosser ect.

I put money on it that the people that say them sort of things have done in the past and will do it again. whats the point in lying?

So what if you take the parts you need off of a car thats been abandoned and is only going to be crushed anyway! whats the big deal?


say no more..

18-02-04, 01:05 AM
Why is it that when a post like this coms up everyone starts saying absolute s**t like " I dont take parts of off abandoned cars, if you do that then your a tosser ect.

Its called theft which is generally accepted as being against the law.

that is why

would rather work for things and earn them than take easy way out and steal.


PS: you lose.. so how much did you wager?

has to be said, sory..


little pork chop perhaps.......
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: 8) 8) :P :P :D

:twisted: goodnight! :twisted:

18-02-04, 12:30 PM
ben is right its going to get crushed anyway by takeing the parts for free you save money therefore meaning you can buy more/betta stuff for your car :lol:

phil g's old man is a copper i reckon :lol:

18-02-04, 02:33 PM
Jesus will you lot grow up?!

Does it matter if Phil's dad is a policeman? I've no idea if he is or isn't and tbh I don't care (No offence Phil!!) but at the end of the day - stealing is stealing, just because other people are taking parts off it does that make it OK for you to steal bits off it aswell?
If you saw some burglars coming out of your next door neighbours house carried away TV's and DVD players, would you go round and help yourself aswell? I mean they'll probably only claim on the insurance for the value of the goods so you might aswell help yourself before they come home right?

'No' is the answer to both statements incase you were wondering.

All people are trying to tell you is that you shouldn't be taking the parts because it IS illegal regardless of the condition of the car and the fact that it's going to be scrapped or not is not the issue.
You can get those parts for peanuts from scrapyards, at the end of the day you'll have to pay your own way through life so you might aswell start getting used to it.

Oh and as for your dis-regard for the police - try and imagine what would happen if they were to strike for a week, no, A DAY - isn't even worth thinking about.

18-02-04, 06:14 PM
well said jules :!:

18-02-04, 06:20 PM
Jules, if you saw a burnt out car, or one that was obviously wrecked - broken windows, popped tyres etc. then you would know it was worth nothing to the owner whatsoever. To scrap it costs more in towage etc than you get back - if anything at all!

I wouldnt go round a neighbours house and steal their DVD player, but its a completely different kettle of fish compared to a wrecked car.

If a tree fell over, would you feel bad about nicking a bit of firewood off it? Same scenario - once the vehicle is totally 'dead' it has little or no value.

Can you imagine an eBay ad for example - Burnt out Nova 240k miles, most parts gone - o??ers??

Grow up yourself. We arent talking a specced up car. Preaching will not convert the real thieves, and pikeys will be pikeys. The real question was if the parts would fit.


18-02-04, 07:13 PM
if a car has a orange sticker on it, can you not apply for the log book and then the car is legally yours?
i no people that do this wen people buy new cars and cant sell there old ones they just dump there old ones, so police put orange stickers on them and they get scraped but you can legaly take the cars notify the police apply for the log book and then the car legaly belongs to you i think im sure somone will no this

18-02-04, 07:36 PM
even so, why the fuck do you lot all say that you never have and never will touch an abandened car?

you just havent got the bottle to admit it because your scared of the response youll get from all the other Novaload members

Ill admit iv touched an abandened car before! and il lay money on it that most of you lot have,

Think i've said enought.

18-02-04, 08:05 PM
i can honistly say ben ive never done it or stole off one or stole from a scrappy u see the scrappies round scunny are really cheap + they know me so get a bit of discount

18-02-04, 08:20 PM
They aint round here mate, they try to rip you off lol, although i get discount from the breakers which is right next to where i work!

As most of you know i hate people who steal or tamper with peoples cars thats why i sat out in the van for 4 hours on Friday night as most of you already know about. (Had a result though :lol:)

But when the cars going to be impounded anyway whats the big deal!

18-02-04, 08:23 PM
breakers round here are well expensive, i bought a numberplate light and they wanted 4 pound! i paid it without thinking then realised what i done! lol! bunch of fucking rip off merchants round here.

18-02-04, 08:29 PM
i know its not the same as a numberplate light
but i got me laguna splitter for ?7 and the a lad there took it off for me :?

18-02-04, 09:43 PM
^^^^^ Here we are a perfect example

Shut up u nob, you are only lying to yourself

What is "how much did you wager?" Suppost to mean?


ben 3042

a "wager" is another word for a bet you thick fuck. You said you would bet that everyone has done it. I havent therefore you lost.


18-02-04, 09:57 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Im ment all the others! not u :roll:

Of course your going to say you havent because your a little goodie 2 shoes who doesnt do nothing wrong!

18-02-04, 10:13 PM
lol at this thread this is gonna be another 10 pager at this rate :P

18-02-04, 10:24 PM
lol at this thread this is gonna be another 10 pager at this rate :P

nah itll be locked soon :lol:

19-02-04, 12:07 AM
Yes I am sure that this is going to be locked soon....

But before it does - Ben - I have NEVER taken, stolen, repossesed or otherwise aquired a part from another vehicle except at a breakers yard and I paid for the bits!

19-02-04, 09:18 AM
Jules, if you saw a burnt out car, or one that was obviously wrecked - broken windows, popped tyres etc. then you would know it was worth nothing to the owner whatsoever. To scrap it costs more in towage etc than you get back - if anything at all!

I wouldnt go round a neighbours house and steal their DVD player, but its a completely different kettle of fish compared to a wrecked car.

If a tree fell over, would you feel bad about nicking a bit of firewood off it? Same scenario - once the vehicle is totally 'dead' it has little or no value.

Can you imagine an eBay ad for example - Burnt out Nova 240k miles, most parts gone - o??ers??

Grow up yourself. We arent talking a specced up car. Preaching will not convert the real thieves, and pikeys will be pikeys. The real question was if the parts would fit.


Stealing is still stealing - end of story

Oh and does this tree that fell over 'belong' to anyone? Or is it in the public domain? If so then if I wanted firewood (Which I don't because my house has full central heating) then maybe I would, but the tree isn't somebody's possesion like the car and I doubt very much if the police caught me taking a piece of wood home they'd say anything, where as if they saw you under the bonnet of a car that had a 'Police aware' notice on it pulling bits off the engine, I expect they'd (quite rightly) have a word.

19-02-04, 09:23 AM
even so, why the fcuk do you lot all say that you never have and never will touch an abandened car?

you just havent got the bottle to admit it because your scared of the response youll get from all the other Novaload members

What a crock of shit you're talking, I've never stolen bits from a abandoned car, if I want bits then I go and buy them from a breakers yard, motor factors, Vauxhall dealer etc etc etc
As for "being scared to admit it" because of what other NL members would think? Why would that stop me? Yeah I've got friends on NL but they don't control my life - I don't have to answer to them and I don't have to lie to try and get people to like me, some people like me some people don't - I'm not going to be someone I'm not to please other people!!

19-02-04, 09:26 AM
lol at this thread this is gonna be another 10 pager at this rate :P

nah itll be locked soon :lol:

I hope to christ it is 'cos I'm starting to lose my rag this thread already!!!
Jesus, talk about tarring everybody with the same brush!!
Just 'cos a few people do it then it's assumed we all do?! WTF is that all about!?!

19-02-04, 09:07 PM
Lets all just go mad with the rolleyes shall we. :roll:

We all (probably!!) own novas here, we aren't talking about car jacking scoobies or anything.

If anyone wants to be up their own arse, preachy, and on a high horse, let em 8)

I stopped listening to twats like that a long time ago. I suppose you never sipped a beer before you were 18, waited until you were 16 until you fucked, broken a speed limit etc etc. It is not as parasitic to break the law as you think. Just because somebody says something becomes illegal/legal doesn't mean you have to agree with it. Alcohol was illegal in the 20's in the US, FFS! This is a NOVA board last time I checked, not one to have a go at people you think are pikeys.

So fuck off, and stop being so judgemental! Ye ****.

Edited to add 'ye ****' :lol:

19-02-04, 09:09 PM
I agree with jules. Your all chumps really. why boast on here about what you get up to on the wrong side of the law. you look like a child. There's lots of things I've done when I was younger that people may frown on, so I don't mention them. This post got like this because someone turned abusive at another's opinion. pathetic.

and if a tree fell from my land into the road (which has happened before) then I have to clear it up, and the firewood is MINE. If someone took some for their fire and left the rest I'd probably hit them with a spare branch. If someone ASKED for some firewood I'd say 'Help yourself'.

Find out who collects abandoned cars in your area so in future you can go and see them and explain you want some bits from it. It'll probably be free or piss cheap. It's called being honest. the only reason I added to this pile of nonse was because I was stupid enough to read it all. Can someone please lock it and warn whoever started the abuse to grow up

19-02-04, 10:27 PM
second Jules and Derek Zoolander.

People wonder why Modified car drivers and nova drivers have such an image problem - its because of gobshites like we are witnessing on this post.


19-02-04, 10:34 PM
well this was why if you read i put i didnt want to be involved,was just trying to point out to ben about you and the bet/wager thing...
every time when someone askes what car do you have,if ur talking to someone over the age of 28 thats not really into cars and dosent understand, when you say nova! they look at you and then reply,what are you one of them racer boy's or something like this!!! really gets to me..cus im not really a boy,im coming on 24! and as for racing i do try not to.... :lol:
thats it im not posting on this topic again! :lol: :lol:

20-02-04, 12:01 AM
second Jules and Derek Zoolander.

People wonder why Modified car drivers and nova drivers have such an image problem - its because of s**t like we are witnessing on this post.


Have to dissagree with that bollocks.

Nova's have a bad name beacuase there a typical Boy Racers car, there cheap as fuck which makes them popular for being purchased and thrashed about in.