View Full Version : I hate NIGHTs

17-02-04, 05:32 AM
On poxy nights at work. Godd money though and no work to do. Just have to mann the desk incase some aussie banker phones to confirm something.

Anyone else on here working nights?

17-02-04, 06:44 AM
That'll be an interesting poll then - Yes or...........Yes.. :lol:

17-02-04, 07:56 AM
im with you there purplenova ive just got home from nights a hate it please kill me know :( :( :( :( :( :cry: :(

17-02-04, 05:06 PM
i just spent 2 years on nights and come back onto days on moday and what a difference it is ill miss the money but there always overtime lol

17-02-04, 05:10 PM
Am I the only person who likes nights?

I hate days, cant get up for shit, dont want to get up.

Nights - Get in at 7am, sleep by 8 am and by 1pm im up and got few hours to chill and do a few errands etc.

17-02-04, 07:16 PM
i'm on nights next week for 4 nights. been a while since i did them. i dont think i will get time to think about if i like them or not. but on the positive side. i'm off monday day, so going to play with the car.

17-02-04, 08:19 PM
ive only worked nights 4 a week hated em wudnt do em again
r lass works a fair few so she can look after the kids in the day

17-02-04, 08:27 PM
nights are cool kinda, used to work 10pm till 7am this was in 2002 when world cup was on so got home watched the game went to bed got up at 3pm chilled went pub at 8pm then off to work, LOL

17-02-04, 09:48 PM
Well, at least you lot get to do your hours then go home. If you choose to do overtime you probably get paid for it. In my job (Designer for a Computer Games company) you have to do as many hours as it takes to get the game out on time. You dont get paid overtime and you dont see a bonus unless your really lucky. I was doing 12-14 hours days last week and will have to for the next couple of weeks. I'll also have to work weekends, again without getting paid extra. It blows, but I love my job and thats how the industry is :|


17-02-04, 10:08 PM
Jim atleast you enjoy your work, not many like you eh? You like what you do, lots of people are stuck in jobs they hate :cry:

17-02-04, 10:23 PM
True solo. I've been very lucky and i dont intend on giving my job up for some time. I suppose it's give and take, you either work normal hours for something you might not enjoy, or you work too many hours for something that you do enjoy :?


17-02-04, 10:38 PM
i seriously hate my job for the hours...
Start of week
Sundays - 9am till 12/1am 14/14 hours, no breaks.
Monday - 10am till 12am, with 1 hour break.
and rest of week are like 10am-5pm or 4pm till 12am.

They are stupid hours and we dont get any credit for it.

It's doing me nut in!

17-02-04, 11:04 PM
mines not bad 7am or 7:30 till at least 4pm 37.5 hours a week then any thing extra is time and a half

i wont work weekends as its not worth it the tax man seems 2 see more of MY hard earned money than i do

oh and we tend 2 drive round the country which is a good laugh

nearly wiped out a passat 2day :oops:

18-02-04, 12:02 AM
well you guy's im in the buildig industry(joiner) and have just started a new job for a firm that dose exhibition stands at places like the N.E.C
and we do what ever hours that is needed to get the job done before the dissplay goes on show,in the work shop the hours very from 7.00am-6.30pm
8.00am-5.30pm.. Then on site it can be 7.00am-7.00pm,or 6.30am-9.00pm or latter depends on how the job's going allong..
Dont get me wrong im on good money but it's just that like now i dont go to bed that erly and i will be up at 5.30am!! :?
Well least my car will get done... :D

18-02-04, 01:11 AM
it's funny how the majority of the uk is so clueless about employment law/rules and regulations.

18-02-04, 01:24 AM
i was going to put another post about this but u may be able to help me marty,

Ive heard that ur meant to have 11 hours rest from finshing and starting work, 20 minutes every 6 hours or sumimt,

can u enlighten me and let me know what it actually is?

18-02-04, 01:53 AM
You have (by law) to have at least 11 hours rest between finishing one shift and starting the next (With the same employer).
Not sure about the rest though.

18-02-04, 02:13 AM
yeah thought so, just found this lot too.

The Working Time Regulations 1998 & your legal rights.
The Working Time Regulations 1998 came into force at midnight on 1 October 1998. The Regulations introduce limits on working time and rest entitlement. The Regulations are primarily a health and safety provision.
There are a number of basic issues that need to be understood. These are:

Maximum working week
The short point it is 48 hours per week. The long point is rather different. The 48 hour limitation on the average working week is one of the most widely publicised and controversial aspects of the Regulations. It is also one of the most easily misunderstood.

? The 48 hour limit is a limit on average working time
? It is necessary to determine a "reference period" in order to calculate the average hours worked - unless the parties specify that the reference period is a defined period, then the reference period will generally be a rolling 17 week period (that is a 17 week period commencing each day)
? There is a calculation method for working out average working hours provided by the Regulations
? There are a number of potential exceptions and exclusions including the right of individuals to agree to disapply the 48 hour average limit
Individual opt-out from the 48 hour average week
If any individual agreement to opt out of the 48 hour average working week is to be valid:
? the agreement to opt out must be in writing
? the agreement may either specify its duration or may be of indefinite length; however, it must be subject to the right of the employee to bring the agreement to an end by giving 7 days notice - unless a different notice period is specified in the agreement, which in any event, must not exceed 3 months
? the employer must maintain up to date records of time worked which are available for inspection by specified authorities.

Daily rest
All workers are entitled to at least 11 hours consecutive rest in each 24 hour period during which they perform work.

Rest Breaks
Workers are entitled to a rest break where daily working time is more than 6 hours. The details of such breaks, including their duration and the terms on which they are granted, can be agreed. If there is no Agreement, the rest break must be for an uninterrupted period of not less than 20 minutes.

18-02-04, 06:43 PM
i was doing 84 hours a (7-day) week or 82 hours in 6 days working on a farm last summer at peak of harvest.