View Full Version : Got em!!!

14-02-04, 12:57 PM
As everyone knows theres been alot of car crime in my area in the past few weeks. well as for my idea of sitting on the driveway last night in a van with 2 mates WE CAUGHT THEM RED HANDED!!!!!!!!!

After 4 hours of sitting uncomtably and sqaushed into a van the little bastard appeared walking down the road looking at every car, there were 3 of them about 18 - 20 and were wearing dark clothes and and hats.

They got to the pubs opposite the van and had a good look into every car outside, they were there for a good half hour sitting on a wall and then seemed to dissapear down the alley leading round the back of the pub.

We carried on waiting thinking they had gone untill we heard a window break. so we kept watch. still no sign of them. 15 minuits later we decided that they have gone and were just getting out of the van to go indoors when they walked out of the alley straight towards us, one was carrying a black bag.

We took action and chased them accross the field next to my house, little did they know that i had turned round and took another route to the otherside of the field to greet them with a golf club :D .

After running straight into me, We geabed hold of 1 and my old man who had just turned up walked over and Nutted him :lol: , i followed the other two with a golf club and told them to get over by their mate who they were just about to leave :roll:

Kept hold of them untill the old bill arrived at 4 this morning and they were then taken away, after the police inspected the alley ways they had found that the pub had been broken into.

Probably coz there was nothing in the car park worth stealing that night so they decided to rob the pub, the bag they were carrying was full of tools such as hammers, crowbars and screwdrivers. Oh and all three were wearing black socks over there hands!!!

Im now thr local hero :D but also have the feeling that my house is soon to get burnt down :D

14-02-04, 01:34 PM
oh tell you what bet the adrenaline was on max! you should of kicked the shit out off all of them and then told the cop's it was self defence! :lol:
i would of said well the one was swingign that crowbar at me... :lol:
im so glad you got the fuckers!!
But like you say now you just got to make sure they dont return with more of them and do shit to your house,or your nova when it's done....
Well done though mate.. :D


14-02-04, 01:39 PM
mission: possible!

14-02-04, 01:48 PM
Yeah did torture them a bit, I smashed 1 round the legs with a golf club! 1 got his nose split open by my dad, we just said that it was from when he broke his way through the pub window! Im going in da local paper! i dont think i want to though.

Im keeping watch again tonight just incase they come back. If they do then this time they will get hurt.

Oh and one of the blokes we court is a suspect for arm robbery :D

14-02-04, 03:06 PM
well done ben. the only thing that i would suggest is to move the van you were in. park it up a neighbours drive or something. if they do come back, they will know where you are hideing out.

did you take them back to your house to call the cops? if so they def know were you live.

14-02-04, 03:13 PM
nice one :wink
But like the otheres said, watch out for them in the future, you don't wana fcuk with some one who wear's socks on there hands :lol:

14-02-04, 05:13 PM
Great m8, well done. :wink: :D

14-02-04, 05:14 PM
Nice 1 mate :D

14-02-04, 05:20 PM
what a result! thieving pricks got what they deserve. wouldnt advise going in the paper if they are going to print a picture though mate, for your own safety.


14-02-04, 06:34 PM
Nah im not going to go in the paper for the reason that the would have a picture of me.

Yes scott the adrenaline was max, all 3 of us were sitting there thinking "Shit, wot we gonna do now?" :lol:

I dont think they knew we were watching them, we thought they had gone so we were just geting out of the van parked on my drive to go indoors and they came walking normally out of the alleyway opposite us! they carried on walking accross the field so we chased them with a golf club each :D .

Heard from the police about half hour ago saying that there was loads of firenzic evidence in the pub that they had broke into.

Blood on broken glass
Foot prints on the floor
Fibres from the socks they were wearing on their hands

Im going to keep watch 2night as they might come back.

14-02-04, 06:39 PM
my old man who had just turned up walked over and Nutted him :lol: ,

wicked. good oh ya; ide struggle to have to balls tbh.

14-02-04, 06:46 PM
Well done Ben!!!! :P Thats Awesome! I take my hat of to you. I hope they get everything they deserve.....(drop the soap in the shower :wink: :wink: )

14-02-04, 06:48 PM
I smashed one round the legs with a 7 iron :lol: Damn that felt good :lol: He screamed and hit the deck!!

14-02-04, 06:54 PM
your my hero now well done chap we need more people like protecting us :lol: :lol: :lol:

14-02-04, 07:02 PM
with billy bats down the lorry park :roll:

14-02-04, 07:06 PM
Should have 'tee-d off into his face' ;)

Good going son, just make sure if they do come back for more... be ready.

All the best...

14-02-04, 07:14 PM
Cheerz mate,

They wont be coming back 2night, police still have them behind bars. turns out that they are all aged between 25 and 27, me and my mates thought they were about 19 and are suprises of what we did as im only 17 and my mates 17 and 19 :D

They live in bromley amd were realeased from jail 6 months ago and not seen by the police since, oh and all three had a criminal record as long as your arm :lol:

14-02-04, 07:46 PM
well done!

keep an eye on ur car tho m8, it may be possible that they aren't the ones :?

14-02-04, 08:41 PM
Should have 'tee-d off into his face' ;)

lol Ben is now Gangster #1...

Well done tho mate, lets hope you don't get any more trouble... hopefully they'll be too scared to come round your house in case you get the golf clubs out again :!:

14-02-04, 08:42 PM
i can see your car/house/you getting fuc.ked over in the next few days lol.

in that situation allways stamp the fuck out of there hands to break a few bones. 1, stops them nicking for a few weeks and 2, stops them punching you in the gob when they get out

14-02-04, 08:55 PM
Yeah i have seen similar things happen, people start a war fighting about 3 people and end up fighting a town of about 300. You wouldn't believe how many people criminals know

14-02-04, 09:06 PM
Hey Ben, did the guys that you sorted know you and your house, or hadn't they seen you before.

If they do know you and your house, i would lie low for a while, and keep you car fcuking secure.!!!!

14-02-04, 09:14 PM
No mate i dont know them never seen them before, Im not sure if its them doing the cars as the police said that their records didnt show anything to do with car crime, these were known for burglary and armed robbery plus a few more things.

There was a coulered guy who was one of the 3, when the police took statements said he fit the description for other insidents that had happend.

Where having cctv put around the outside of the house 2moorow.

As for the cars being done we think that it may be other people who the 3 burglars know and are working the same area. All the cars are being done on sataday nights and burglaries on friday nights so fingers crossed something might happen later on.

14-02-04, 09:19 PM
Wise choice for the CCTV,
invest in a 10ft iron gate and a set of 10 guard dogs as well,LOL :D

14-02-04, 09:26 PM
i can see your car/house/you getting fuc.ked over in the next few days lol.

in that situation allways stamp the fcuk out of there hands to break a few bones. 1, stops them nicking for a few weeks and 2, stops them punching you in the gob when they get out

Me to mate, They were all scag heads so who knows who they know and what there capable of.

15-02-04, 01:08 AM
Glad you caught them, but at the same time, can't help thinking these kids are going to want revenge :S

15-02-04, 01:16 AM
Congrats mate, weldone, if u were in a van then they shouldn't know your car or anything.
But be careful!

Should of stood on their balls so they cant have kids!

Can imagine a Resivour Dogs stile beating with em ona chair and u chopping body parts off!

Weldone and ur desreve all the praise u get!

15-02-04, 01:45 AM
it will prob be your windows that go m8 if they are scared of ya, but gj on getting the twats u have a full nl team behind ya :lol:

15-02-04, 08:49 AM
well done mate

u should have done the scene out of lock stock

"golf a perfect way to spoil a good walk" "winston churchill said that"

like it was surgested t off on his face :lol:

15-02-04, 09:59 AM
Well done Ben,

Watch your back though. Hopefully the scum network will have got the message that fucking around on your manor will result in getting twatted and stay away from the area. Surely if it was dark they're unlikely to be 100% to id you anyway??

Nice one!


15-02-04, 12:14 PM
Cheers ppl, THey wenrt kids, they were 27 :o i thought they were about 19 :lol:

Oh they threatened me saying they were going to get their big brothers :lol:

After staying up all night last night and keeping watch i didnt see anything! although i did see a lad who looked really dodgy wandering around in the street so i got the golf clubs out again and went outside without them seing where i came from. I went other to this lad and was ready to play golf using his head as a ball and he turned round and se "what the fuck are you doin Ben?". It was my mate Gav waiting around outside to try and catch the ppl who broke into his car and nicked his speakers,

So we got in the car and drove around the area for a few hours keeping an eye open.

15-02-04, 05:19 PM
vigilante nice 1 :lol:

15-02-04, 05:36 PM
nice 1 ben

we did exactly the same when my m8's car got burned down outside Auto XS in Milton Keynes, bout 10 of us waited out all night using a m8's car as bait, no-one showed tho :( the adrenolin was going then so can imagine u were buzzing lol!

15-02-04, 09:56 PM
It just gets better and better! i've just looked in the news paper earlier on 2 day and there was a women attacked a knife point a few days ago in her home over in gillingham, there attacker left with ?2000 worth of jewelery, Police have drawn up an e fit picture which looks near on identicle to one of the twats we caught.