View Full Version : Kazaa

12-02-04, 11:14 AM
just a little warning about not using them! at the minute they are in serious trouble. they are based in australia and have been hit hard by america for legal reasons, just a warning because u could be punished for being associated with them. ive stop using it for a bit untill i know whats going on for deffinate

12-02-04, 11:18 AM
I heard this aswell but dont worry mate, whos ur boradband with cos bt will moan they sussed my mate downloading films

12-02-04, 01:47 PM
im with telewest

12-02-04, 02:12 PM
Dont worry then matey

12-02-04, 02:26 PM
I heard this aswell but dont worry mate, whos ur boradband with cos bt will moan they sussed my mate downloading films

along with the other 10 million ppl downloading films what did they do to him lmfao

12-02-04, 02:30 PM
they sent my mate a leter telling him they new he downloaded Final Destination 2 and if he didnt stop doing this they would cancel his account. Its prob cos he abused it over night. im not being a billy bull*hitter if thats what you think

12-02-04, 02:46 PM
lol "abused over night"

cause the bandwidth must get raped by all the hard core 4am users, pmsl

the best time to DL is overnight as no1 uses the fookin thing ;)

i have a dedicated pc DL 24/7 and i check it once daily and if the downloads are finished or nearing i fill them with more, i have to take down the pc to burn 10 disks or so every week which means the system is not DL for a few hrs so im building another pc to be my burning station.

I pay ?24.99 a month to get my broadband and i make sure i get my ?25 worth, if i wanted to suit on msn alone i wud be using a dialup or slimband 150k ;)

12-02-04, 02:49 PM
Will are you on telewest cos there is some software that allows you to uncap ur modem allowing better speeds,

12-02-04, 02:51 PM
NTL same company........ do tell id like 1mb :P

i have 2 modems planning 2x1mb accounts of description


12-02-04, 02:55 PM
PM sent. im not being held responsable if you get found out

12-02-04, 03:01 PM
modem doesnt look the same as mine oh well


12-02-04, 03:02 PM
ohh well prob for the best,

12-02-04, 03:24 PM
they sent my mate a leter telling him they new he downloaded Final Destination 2 and if he didnt stop doing this they would cancel his account. Its prob cos he abused it over night. im not being a billy bull*hitter if thats what you think

They can send you a letter about absuing the service, but telling him wot he has downloaded means they have accessed his computer / privacy, they are only allowed to access modem (afaik thats farest they can go) and the modem only reads data which is sent as binary.

12-02-04, 03:27 PM
They wouldnt be able to physically go on his pc anyway, they can see the path he is downloading from though. im entirly sure how they did it but they did trust me

12-02-04, 03:29 PM
it is possible for RIAA to track him through kazza, but not for his ISP. As the data wud be binary and the path would be an IP address of the peer/client.

12-02-04, 03:31 PM
for you i will find his letter and scan it, bt joint up to stop the illegal downloading over there cable were as telewest and others did not sign into it

12-02-04, 03:37 PM
i arent saying ure lying or owt dont get me wrong, but BT wud be breaking there own ToC by doing this.

12-02-04, 03:39 PM
Aint bothered by it tbh mate, ill get him to dig out his letter he recieved i dont know how they went about doing it but they did.