View Full Version : Electric Windows

11-02-04, 11:50 PM
can anyone help me?
ive bought a pair of eleccy windows from a guy off ebay from a GSI, and im just about to put them in mi car but im a bit unsure of how they are wired, ive got the basic wires done to the switches, motors and the earth, but there are a few more which i dont know where to put em, theres one wire with a large connector, 2 smaller ones which have orange and black connectors. If anyone could help me it would be great!

12-02-04, 12:14 AM
i'm not shore where my windows came from but the loom has the central locking b uilt in to. think there the smaller 1's. Get some central locking solinoids add class

12-02-04, 12:36 AM
yes i'm sure it is the central locking mechinism.

the illegal immergrants poll is a bit out of tone!

did you hear the joke about the two sharks in the irish sea?


2 sharks in the irsish sea, one says to the other. i'm sick off eating tampons and shit all day.

the other responsed, shall we go to morecomb for a chinese instead!

12-02-04, 08:57 AM
ornage and black go into the fusebox

moffat sri
12-02-04, 07:47 PM
Did you here about the 17 pairs of shoes that were found at morecomb bay?

They were all winkle pickers!

Ha ha ha, Bum bum!

12-02-04, 10:07 PM
why does it take so long to get a chinees in morcambe

there waiting for the chef 2 wash up

12-02-04, 10:20 PM
which slots do i put the orange and black ones in the fuse box? any idea where the wire with the biggest connector goes?