View Full Version : help on Fitting a Magnum front bumper

09-02-04, 09:24 PM
hi there y'all

just started kitting my nova up, :D the first thing was to fit the body kit.

the back bumper and side skirts were fine to fit on, but the front bumper is giving me some problems. :x

how the hell do i mount the front mangum bumper, with only four bolt on mountings, which do not align with any other holes, so i can bolt the bumper on? :?:

most people say to make mounting brackets to go in the bumper mounting holes, they look like the original brackets that come off a sr nova, but longer. :!:

does any one now how to make these brackets, or does any one now another way to mount this bumper on the front, easily and with strength

pm me, or email me on d.25.patel@herts.ac.uk


11-02-04, 01:10 AM
Blue Peter job

Use sella tape :D

11-02-04, 03:20 AM
i find prick stick is VERY strong and does wonders!

25-02-04, 02:09 AM
use the brackets of your orignal nova bumper.

25-02-04, 06:38 PM
how do u mount the original brackets to the bumper itself? im havin problems myself

25-02-04, 11:51 PM
send me a picture and i will explain. Not sure what they supply it with.

26-02-04, 12:25 AM
I got a novadose bumper and that mounts by fitting onto the original bumper iron, the bumper iron has 2 hole drilled into it,and then u line up ur bumper and mark where the 2 holes r on the iron to correspond wiv ur bumper and then drill 2 holes in ur bumper and bolt ur bumper to the bumper iron and refit it.
Then on the inner wing drill 2 or 3 hole down the side of ur bumper where the flange on the inner arch is and go through the inner arch aswell and fill the resulting holes wiv self tapping screws, do the same to the other side and voilla on new bumper fitted securly and wont come off in a hurry either.

sorry its long winded but i hope it helps ya mate, good luck and let us know how u get on! :)

27-02-04, 01:16 AM
i know how a novadose bumper fits. Sne dme a pic of the magnum and i will explain how to fit

27-02-04, 01:55 AM
soz purplenova i thouight they were basically all the same to fit :o

27-02-04, 02:28 AM
i though so too. But when i told him to use his original bumper iron he said he couldn't.

So i'm wondereing if his is different in some way. It was a good explanation though. Cheers!


27-02-04, 02:31 AM
ty and no problem purplnova :)

27-02-04, 02:37 AM
np :D