View Full Version : My Nova Kicked in :(

09-02-04, 01:32 AM
About 10:30 lastnight I was taking the girlfriend home, pulled up at a pellican crossing on red. Out of nowhere about 5 or 6 youths came running to my car and kicked it and smashed my drivers side window. Glass shattered everywhere and ive got afew cuts on my forehead and around my eye.

My mate who was behind me got out and gave chase but they jumped in a white tranny van with no number plates on.

Phoned police and they took a statement etc of what happened. Apparently theres cctv in the area of where the incident happened so they're checking over that.

Here's acouple of pics.



Do you think this will panel beat out?

Im so p!ssed off its unbelievable. It all seemed to happen so quick, all i keep hearing in my head is the sound of my car getting twated and glass shattering everywhere, think im still in shock to be honest, one of thw worst moments in my life.


09-02-04, 01:35 AM
pics dont work,

sound like a terrible ordeal, hope your alright mate, could it of been anyone you know, did then try to high-jack it or just scare you?

Wat is happening with ppl's novas on here!

Glad mine is off road at mo!

09-02-04, 01:37 AM
pics dont work, soz too hear that mate :(
i wouldnt put yer hopes too much on the police tho

09-02-04, 01:43 AM
Do the pics work now?

09-02-04, 01:45 AM
no, email them to neil@stuffing.freeserve.co.uk, ill host them for you.

09-02-04, 01:45 AM
send em to me and ill host em mate

09-02-04, 01:50 AM
no me, im better!

09-02-04, 01:52 AM


09-02-04, 01:53 AM
Cheers for that, Do you think a bodyshop will be able to repair it?

09-02-04, 01:58 AM
i dont know mate, it looks quite bad
im no expert, im sure some1 will be able to tell ya

09-02-04, 02:01 AM
dont know either mate. hoep u feel better soon.

09-02-04, 02:04 AM
like neil said mate....did you know em?
did they try steal the car or were they out to cause some damage?

09-02-04, 06:48 AM
Fucking tossers - Main thing, are you and the GF ok Gazz?

09-02-04, 08:06 AM
out to cause damage, never seen them before in my life.

we're both ok just abit shook up.

09-02-04, 08:13 AM
Thats so bad. What posseses people to do it? Why can't they just f**k off and die. F***ing scum with no lives and nothing better to do. Hope you and your g/f are ok.

09-02-04, 08:28 AM
I'm gutted for you m8..

Hope those idiot's crash and die in that fu*king van.. :twisted:

Hope you and your gf are ok. :wink:

09-02-04, 10:27 AM
Pretty shit Gazz, thought Derby was a nice city! :o
Dent in the drivers side looks pretty bad!! :(

Hope you and the GF are ok, give me a shout if you need a hand with anything, only just round the corner :)

xX NoVaBoY Xx
09-02-04, 04:46 PM
A scruffy jippo kicked my car in same place las year most of the dents out but on a sunny day looking down where it is u can still see it slightly but looks better than it did. hope your ok mate.

09-02-04, 05:36 PM
Damn i must have just missed that, saw you just after 10 in notts. To be honest notts is full of wnakers like that, i also saw some nob crash a cav outside ocean. Im not sure how he did as he was going straight but being the god of driving he was he lost it. A few weeks back i had a group of p*ssed up n*bs throughing bricks at the cars luckly none hit mine but the car next to was hit a few times.
There is no need for this type of behaviour, just because their jealous that we work hard to get our cars the way they think its acceptable do smash them up. I make sure i carry some sort of weapon round in the car just incase that happens to me.
Chances are these sorts of people wont do s**t if there on their own but but them in a crowd of burbery wearing retards an all of a sudden they think they hard by starting a fight with one person.
Anyway i hope your all right and that you get your car sorted.

09-02-04, 06:22 PM
sorry to hear that mate hope your both ok mate

09-02-04, 06:24 PM
didn't you have some lads get in your way a few weeks back gaz, could it be them. saw an oppertuanity and did some damage.

i think if you remove the rear quarter panels, you could push some of the dent out, but not all as its on the crease.

glad your ok and your gf. i just cant understand where all this shit is coming from. they should def bring back all this, you can beat your kid. and the teachers can use the good old ruler on you. kids these day and age, just dont care. there are far too many laws protecting them.

09-02-04, 07:25 PM
well the police wonder why ppl take the law into there own hands! well this is why :x ....Cus this sort of sh1t should not be happening...
well least ur both ok.. :)

09-02-04, 07:58 PM
Sorry to hear bout your car, glad you and the bird are ok!

09-02-04, 08:24 PM
hope your alright mate. where did it happen? as for the dent, the best thing to do is get someone who does paintless repairs out of the yellow pages and get them to have a look. don't try it yourself you will just make it worse.

09-02-04, 10:53 PM
Little C*nts, sorry to hear that mate, that is well bad,

10-02-04, 12:01 AM
Hope all you are all right.

About those scum, just have a gun and next time you'll see them, just shoot over them and, if one of them dies, well, that's one less pain in the a**.

It's the treatment they're looking after. :wink:

10-02-04, 12:21 AM
sorry to hear that mate thats just bang out of order. 1 of my mate just had his car bricked the other day and when we find out who did it there gonna get such a beating i hate it when wankers like that do the cars over i fucking hate it

14-02-04, 04:28 PM
thats mental!

You should be able to get that repaired - looks like you'll need a new window surround but a competent body shop'll be able to knock out hat panel - you can easily get to it from behind the 1/4 panel.

respray the drivers side - approx ?250-?300. Whats your insurnace like? If its protected I'd claim on that.


14-02-04, 05:11 PM
Sorry to here that mate bet your well gutted :(
White transit with no number plate's sounds like pikey's to me :!:

14-02-04, 06:46 PM
Glad you and your missus are ok gazza, the damage to your car is repairable, i think you cannel buy full rear quarter pannels from Bodypannel shops ect,

Sorry to hear about it all anyway mate.

15-02-04, 12:46 PM
Managed to get the panel beaten out abit and looks better. I am getting a full respray next week and he said he'd sort the panel out for nothing cuz theres afew other little knocks that needed clearing up anyway.

As for the window surround, i was removing it and i didnt realise it was joined to the window rubber. Are all of them like this?

15-02-04, 11:08 PM
no - theyre not joined to the window rubber - the rubber sits in the surround and then overlaps the surround and the cars body shell from the inside...

should be able to get a replacement.