View Full Version : Nova vs Bikes

16-04-01, 07:38 PM
Mixed it with some of the squillions of bikes comin outa Silverstone today. Aha,I thought time to play. However i was a bit disappointed to find that over 100 no-one seemed on for it. I was pleased not to be wasted off the roundabouts but really it seems that the majority haven't actually got the bottle to ride them anywhere near flat out. Is this true or am I faster than I have a right to be?:p

16-04-01, 09:15 PM
id race ya if i had a bike charlie!! (if i didnt crash it first of course ;) )

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SR ;)

17-04-01, 12:55 AM
bikes = 180mph in no time...

cant keep up with that no matter what...

17-04-01, 07:18 PM
Some novas are fast but it doesnt matter what you have under the bonnet a bike is a lot faster. I've raced an R1 in my 2.0 and he caned me. If they can ride they will leave for dust but it is fun trying:D

17-04-01, 07:23 PM
bikers dont want to waste their time coz they know they can beat you.

BEng Hons Automotive Electronics Engineering :) worship my electronics skills :D

17-04-01, 09:27 PM
Exactly right cambridge!! Im a biker and there is no point racin something u know u are gonna piss all over. Its just like when u are in a nova u look for other cars at a similar speed level and race them, u dont look for a granny in her electric car and try and race her!!!!!!! cos u know u will win

17-04-01, 10:26 PM
Agreed, I know they're fast and don't need to prove themselves but if u've red blood in your veins and some cheeky twat in a souped up Nova gets up your arse and tries it on, wouldn't you leave him for dead just as a matter of principal?

21-04-01, 06:41 PM
I work on bikes every day and the only problem with caning them is people in cars don`t look before lane changing etc, no offence to anyone on here but have another look for bikes, cause 150mph is easily achievable in a matter of a few seconds on a 600+ and it hurts when u fall off!!!

21-04-01, 07:37 PM
No offence but if bike riders didn't sit all over your backside then they'd be far easier to see and avoid. So ner.