View Full Version : ffs

03-02-04, 07:06 PM
My escort got hit up the arse the other day.

?2200 worth of damage, so I thought they would write it off as I only paid 2k for the car

However they decided to repair it, which I was happy with as it saves me lookin around for another car.

Now while its being repaired, the body shop gets broken into and my soundsystem gets stolen- reciepts and pics to the value of ?1650

So now I have to fax my reciepts so they can replace it. I wouldn't of minded, but the cheeky body shop wanted to put it on my god damn insurance - cheeky fecs

I told them when i was arranging for them to pick it up it had an expensive soundsystem in and they said leave it in, so they have full responsibility.

I reckon its an inside job

Grrr so much god damn bad luck :evil:

03-02-04, 07:09 PM
wow man im sorry

03-02-04, 07:12 PM
oh and i 4got to say, they ripped out most of the dash as my headunit was screwed in from the back, and ripped the doorcards off to get the speakers


03-02-04, 07:20 PM
to unscrew that dash and everything they must have known they would have alot of time to do it,

03-02-04, 07:28 PM
deff sounds like an inside job, alot of body shops seem to get broken into and cars nicked or stuff stolen.

Took all my system out wen it went in.

sorry 2 hear that anton.

03-02-04, 07:33 PM
:o you dont have much luck with cars do you mate?

hope it all gets sorted for ya

03-02-04, 07:59 PM
thats wank mate sorry 2 hear about that still least its all covered

04-02-04, 12:25 AM
Bastards :twisted:

04-02-04, 12:34 AM
unlucky, it does sound like an inside job

there is the possibility that someones clocked you with the tunes on and then caught a glimpse of the car getting fixed, but i reckon insider


04-02-04, 01:04 AM
nah the only ppl that would know they are in there is the body shop, as its 80 miles away in london!

04-02-04, 01:07 AM
sorry to hear it anton, hope it gets sorted.

04-02-04, 11:02 AM
f*ckin hell anton - you ever thought about writing your stories into eastenders... they would fit in quite nicely!!

one tradgedy to another!

04-02-04, 11:38 AM
Paul just had a quote for 4.5k worth of damage on his Bmw

04-02-04, 12:41 PM
definately an inside job. like someone else said would have needed a bit of time to get the unit...most theiving b*stards would have just left the unit there. be fair, how many of them have enough brains at one time to figure out thats its screwed from the back?

similiar situation to a mate of mine, he had a pumping system in his Micra ( :roll: ). his car went into a bodyshop for accident damage repairs....and listen to this...the bloke took my mates car from the bodyshop (without asking him first) and all his ICE got nicked from 'outside' the blokes house while it was there. what the bloke said to my mate to cover that one up I don't know.


04-02-04, 12:45 PM
I WOULD BE FURIOUS if that was my car being used without permission like that... and mine is only a clio :lol:

04-02-04, 01:00 PM
that happens all the time... when i worked in a garage the boss took home any car he wanted (usually ones that needed a road test or had fuel in!)

as for stuff getting nicked i had 3k worth taken when i crashed my car and it went away on a wagon.... they left it outside over night.... i couldn't claim on their ins cause it was outside....

04-02-04, 01:31 PM
that happens all the time... when i worked in a garage the boss took home any car he wanted (usually ones that needed a road test or had fuel in!)

Yep, same as where i worked. Used to use them as his own personal cars. Also lent them to his wife

04-02-04, 01:38 PM
anton, wot body shop? one round r way?

think u should blame scotty!!!!

04-02-04, 04:25 PM
Can't blame scotty he did'nt knick the sounds he just hit anton up the arse

04-02-04, 05:13 PM
when i done work exsperience at a kwikfit when i was at skool the boss helped himself to the amp out of a golf that was in ovanight :evil:

05-02-04, 01:59 AM
lol latest news:

the car has now been vandalized outside the bodyshop. All glass has been smashed, and as it was in the rain, the interior is wrecked.

wow fun times!

05-02-04, 02:08 AM
thats harsh mate, go all the way with legal action, you've got such a strong case!