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View Full Version : Meet with a twist!

18-04-01, 07:28 PM
I`ve Just been speaking to Hodder, and he wants to arrange a large Novaload gathering for the Region 8 PNG meet in June. Nothing new u might say, but this time he has managed to persuade Walshy from Redline to come and do a feature and then stay for the cruise in the evening. The only snag is that for them to come along we need about 40 Novas, thats about 15 or 20 more than recently. So we need as many people as poss to travel and make it happen. Who`s interested? Breeny could we link this with the meet you are organising?


Whoopass! :D

18-04-01, 08:41 PM
yup, he phoned me too. seems like a v good idea even tho its a bit short notice. From my reckoning it should be the 3rd of June. What does everyone think? :D come on you know you want your motors featured in Redline :D

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SR ;)

18-04-01, 09:25 PM
good idea boys, i aint to sure bout having it at x-scape tho. ??

18-04-01, 09:31 PM
I cant make it, car wont be ready by then

B-) When you become a Taxi driver, is it compulsary to have a lobotomy?


18-04-01, 09:38 PM
ohh ohhim going to have a party shall i call mix mag and get em to come and cover it. LMAO

or im going to watch telly shall i get Radio Times to come and do a feature??

i could go on but it would get boring. but just a point that if you go just so you can get in a mag its a bit sad, esp if its the ONLY reason to travel a few hundred miles and waste fuel that you could have played with in the back roads.

Like with breenys meeting idea, people will only wanna come if a mag is involved. Its wrong, you should go allong to these things for the, dare i say it, "fun" of it, or to see the work that has been put in, rather than just go along coz you might get your arse in a mag

rant over :)

BEng Hons Automotive Electronics Engineering :) worship my electronics skills :D

18-04-01, 09:55 PM
yes cambridge, no cambridge, 3 bags full cambridge. hmm i wonder do people go to cruises because the mags are going hmmm let me think YES. self opiniated little git (on a good day) :D

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SR ;)

19-04-01, 12:56 AM
Well mag or no mag i'm up for it!! 40 Nova's sounds good to me, mine should be done by then too! Probably have a few others with me too, add to the numbers!!

19-04-01, 09:25 AM
Cambridge, can you read? Breeny started organising the meeting a long time ago before talk of a magazine was mentioned. A magazine feature is not some sort of blackmail, but it has proven that a magazine feature attracts more cars. This meeting isn't to do with a magazine it's to do with giving Novaload more coverage. P.N.G are out and Novaload is in, as far as I know the only advertisment this site gets is from the window stickers that GSi Boy made and word of mouth. Were not making you come because a magazine MIGHT turn up, were asking people to come to support Novalaod. It does give you a buzz when people come up to you and say 'wow, I never knew your car was in a mag'. I attended the Rolling Road day, which was over 4 hours drive for myself (and that was relatively short compared to some people), since then I've kept in contact with alot of people that I met there and it was good to put names to faces. I didn't go to get my car in a mag, as personnaly I think Fast Car is sh1t.
So Cambridge, were not forcing you to come, in fact, I don't think any tears will be spilt if you didn't turn up.

I am god :) worship me :D

"Beware of the voices"

19-04-01, 10:00 AM
Well said Jim.

19-04-01, 10:15 AM
Here Here! Go Jim, Go Jim, Go Jim!


Whoopass! :D

19-04-01, 10:27 AM
where and when is this prestigious event going to take place??

dan69_gsi@hotmail.com :p

dangsi@novaload.org.uk :>

19-04-01, 10:30 AM
i can probabally get a few to come
i know a few people i could get to come but they will only come if it not to far a way (lazy bastards )

:)taxi drivers are cunts :)

19-04-01, 11:26 AM
if my novas sorted for then,Im up for it

19-04-01, 11:32 AM
I could get a few from Berkshire probably 4 or 5. Where is it going o be though, and is it just a meet or is there a rolling road etc. ?


19-04-01, 01:00 PM
go jim!!!!!! crusader of all that is Novaload!!!!!!

count me in, I'll be there.

Mmmmm forbidden donut. :)

19-04-01, 01:01 PM
i have faxed the dates to redline mag there happy to be there on the 03/06/01 and stay for the mk cruise thats why it is better to have the meet in mk everone can find it.

19-04-01, 01:22 PM
I'm up for it I'll try a bring a couple of other novas with me, but there will def be two of us whatever, let me know when the dates are definate:D

19-04-01, 02:22 PM
wahoo, what did i miss??! The meeting is in Milton Keynes Central at the large Xscape building. If anyone would like to know any directions/information, don't hesitate in emailing me or Jim. The more nova's that come, the more publicity we get for novaload. I'm sure Kev will be pleased for any publicity and it sounds like it's going to be great fun :D

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SR ;)

19-04-01, 02:25 PM
oh yeh... and as Hodder said Redline will be there on 3rd June 2001. thats 5/6 weeks away yet, so get your cars ready! :D

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SR ;)

19-04-01, 05:04 PM
I will be bringing my Monkey ass from Margate, will be bringing the South Coast Nova Posse (4 in total!) Just let us know whats the plan!!!

19-04-01, 05:46 PM
so is santapod binned??????

Innocent until proven guilty! X-(


19-04-01, 06:39 PM
no ian, look at my post from earlier on in the week :D

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SR ;)

19-04-01, 09:27 PM
i,ll be there, hopefully with a couple of other nov's, keep us posted with details so i can sort me little convoy out:D
Cheers ladies!!!!!!!

20-04-01, 11:51 AM
im sure i can get a few nova beasts along for it. ill see!

20-04-01, 01:03 PM
i'm sure i could make it with a few other cars, 4 possibly what day is this on?

xr2 ??? i'd rather walk!