View Full Version : bodykits

26-01-04, 09:23 PM
where can i get a body kit for my nova saloon :D :lol:

26-01-04, 10:04 PM
What sort do u want

26-01-04, 11:21 PM
What sort do u want

One that fits will be a start!

27-01-04, 12:38 PM
^^^ does it have to fit anything in particular? lol

sorry i dont really know anything bout nova saloons, so cant help you out there.

front bumper's same as on all of then, not sure about rear. And the skirts need lengthening?

Have only seen one, possibly two, actual kits out there for a saloon, and they WERE shite.

27-01-04, 12:59 PM
this one doesnt look 2 bad.


i dont like the back of it though.

27-01-04, 10:46 PM
wot eva kit u go 4, it'll need modifyin. the front should go staight on as the fronts r all the same. the skirts might need 2 b lengthend on a 4dr saloon but they go straight on the 2dr. but the rear bumper will defo need 2 b stretched at the sides 2 meet the wheels. apart from the kindom saloon (the 1 in the bic above) ive only seen 3 more saloon novas on here that have been modded. 1 has a full delta2 kit (http://www.novaload.net/features/viewfeature.php?ref=1225), 1 has abyss front n skirts wit std mk2 saloon rear (http://www.novaload.net/features/viewfeature.php?ref=1380), n the other hasnt changed the bumpers (http://www.novaload.net/features/viewfeature.php?ref=1054).

how this helps ya mate
