View Full Version : Shud Breeny keep or sell his Nova turbo?

Rick Draper
21-01-04, 06:39 PM
Seen as Breeny cannot make his mind up shud he keep his nova turbo after having it repaired, a F28 gearbox fitted and the bay painted or sell it knowing that he still needs to buy bits for it like wheels, seats and other stuff. Vote now! Rick

21-01-04, 06:50 PM
id say keep it
But then i know for a fact it is cursed...and all the parts from it..... (you know this too rick )
Dont want that curse inflicted on anyone else now do we....

21-01-04, 06:51 PM

I still say scrap the fecker :lol:

21-01-04, 07:15 PM
Keep it, you'd regret selling it and then just build another anyways :P


Bilbo ballbaggins
21-01-04, 07:18 PM
whats wrong with it???? and why does it still need wheels n stuff, all the pics ive seen it looks fine??

21-01-04, 07:25 PM
Keep it ya big wendy!!

21-01-04, 07:33 PM
change your name to wendy, its funny

21-01-04, 07:44 PM
whats wrong with it???? and why does it still need wheels n stuff, all the pics ive seen it looks fine??

Its been knackered since the 21st July (My Mums Bday! lol)

Got some offers on a few parts so I sold them, hence no interior and wheels.

If I do keep it I'll end up spending a load more on it.. which I'm happy with doing but I've already had an offer that shouldn't really be refused.. tis a lot of money. :?

Rick Draper
21-01-04, 07:51 PM
whats wrong with it???? and why does it still need wheels n stuff, all the pics ive seen it looks fine??

Its been knackered since the 21st July (My Mums Bday! lol)

Got some offers on a few parts so I sold them, hence no interior and wheels.

If I do keep it I'll end up spending a load more on it.. which I'm happy with doing but I've already had an offer that shouldn't really be refused.. tis a lot of money. :?

What other car this fast can you but for the cash though :?: ! Rick

21-01-04, 07:55 PM
if its not complete anymore Isay sell it.

Pitty though as I really loved your car.

21-01-04, 08:00 PM
I voted for you to sell it. Mainly because if you really wanted the car you would have sorted it out a long time ago. I don't think you're heart is in it anymore. On the other hand, I do think you'll regret selling it. At least you know that it's going to a good home (provided that person doesn't curse the car with thier deathly touch :wink: ). This doesn't have to be the last Nova you own, and I don't think it will be the last Nova you'll own.


21-01-04, 08:48 PM
how much for the car as it stands now?

21-01-04, 09:03 PM
I say it's a difficult decision. I would keep it, purely because you will regret it.

That doesn't mean it's the right answer...

21-01-04, 09:13 PM
HHmmmn difficult one.....Chances are, if you sell it, you'll just miss it and end up doing another one...maybe not a bad thing??

Although....as you are still buying bits for it, you must want to finish it???


21-01-04, 09:48 PM
hmm....... I think you should sell it....it would halve your decision making troubles!!!! lol!



21-01-04, 10:08 PM
keep it, stop whinging and fix it :lol:

use it as an excuse to do something new. get new rims and interior and maybe a different style to the car

21-01-04, 11:06 PM
breeny-itis {bree-nee it-us} Medical Condition :-

Indecision over whether one should sell or modify their Nova further

Keep it - its mint :)


21-01-04, 11:24 PM
you must keep it,then if your still not happy then sell it! :)

21-01-04, 11:27 PM
lol, breeny pay no attention to the people that say keep it, they dont understand the troubles you have with decision making and getting rid would make your life so much easier and more relaxed..



22-01-04, 12:00 AM
22 to 5! :o

pmsl @ Breenyitis! Thats been mentioned a few times!

22-01-04, 12:17 AM
i think you have to give it one more chance. was it on the road long? i only recall seeing it at pv2003 thats it..if it wasn't on long you have try again. if you got quite a lot of use out of it; sell it on.

22-01-04, 12:17 AM
if you dont sell it now you will only start mincing about whether to sell it in 6 months

22-01-04, 08:34 AM
Hmmmm wonder who it is that *might* be the buyer...................

22-01-04, 10:21 AM
how much for the car as it stands now?

22-01-04, 10:33 AM
Peeter, it was at PV2003, Billing and Donny South (but that was with the knackered rear 1/4) Was on the road about 3 months.

This is true Ian... However if i do keep it, I'll be spending a lot more money so I'll be reluctant to sell it on for the amount of money it'll cost me! lol

I wonder Jules... dum de dum lol

22-01-04, 05:51 PM
the thing is, I think you should make a decision and stick to it as the offer wont last for much longer if nothing is definate, as the potential buyer needs to get a car and cant hang around.

22-01-04, 06:46 PM
how much for the car as it stands now?

22-01-04, 10:48 PM
^^ lol, is there an echo in here??

22-01-04, 10:59 PM
lol wots ur offer ste?

22-01-04, 11:14 PM
how much for the car as it stands now?

err its in my shed so how much would you be prepared to pay? lol

23-01-04, 09:19 AM
no interior, steels = let + clean shell price

23-01-04, 10:25 AM
the steels are not included as they are mine, lmfao

23-01-04, 10:55 AM
Ever get the feeling your being ignored Ste??

I'm not discussing the price with you or anybody else. An offer has been made that I am more than happy with and I'm leaving it at that.

Decision will be made before tomorrow... arghhh :!: :| :?

23-01-04, 10:57 AM
just flog it mate get some money and go start a new project that will be twice as good :lol:

23-01-04, 11:40 AM
An offer has been made that I am more than happy with and I'm leaving it at that.


23-01-04, 09:39 PM
Ever get the feeling your being ignored Ste??

I'm not discussing the price with you or anybody else. An offer has been made that I am more than happy with and I'm leaving it at that.

Decision will be made before tomorrow... arghhh :!: :| :?

Nice to see Ste Finally being made to look like a clampet........