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16-01-04, 07:12 PM
Know the basics in photoshop (like putting on bodykits, wheels etc.) but how do i give the car a "respray" using photoshop ??


16-01-04, 07:47 PM
lol thas ahard one buddy you have to change the values of the colours dont try just paintin the car with the cursor :P

16-01-04, 07:53 PM
so how do we go about that ?? similar to psp where you click on the colour and swap it for a different one .. that would take ages though if there was light effects on the car.. is there a quicker way ??

16-01-04, 08:24 PM
best way to change it is to carefully select the whole shell or painted bits. exclude windows what ever . then copy the selection to new layers you can then tint this layer using selective color, replace color, different filters saturate desaturate then different things such as overlay, difference hard light soft light burn dodge . there is end less opertunities many which will [piss you off make you throw the mouse and shit ya pants

god bless the magnetic lasso selection tool does the k=job for ya
dont forget quick mask either
for those of you who dont know simply press 'q' and your pic will go red you then use the mouse to paint out the bits you do and dont want selected. use x to change the brush to select or deselect. this is very use full for getting round those edges where the magnetic lasso would reach.

have fun

16-01-04, 08:31 PM
best way ive found m8is to make a duplicate layer on top of the one u have. ctrl + alt + u to decolourise it then ok, that again and choose the colour using the sliders. wen u coloured it, delete all u dont want to b coloured, windows wheels etc......

then wen ure dun, ctrl+alt+e to flatten the top layer to the bottom, the jobs a gudun'.

jus my opinion and the only way i personally no how to.

16-01-04, 10:10 PM
http://www.digimods.co.uk will tell u all you need to know mate

17-01-04, 12:48 AM
^^^ Been beaten to it.

Was going to make one of those 'virtual modifying' things i.e. wheel selector, colour/kit changer and etc BUT with an actual photoshopped car, rather than a 'drawing', in Flash. Easy to do, but couldn't find a decent side-view picture of a standard nova, PLUS realised i could not be arsed with making the different versions and what not.

17-01-04, 01:25 AM
best way to change it is to carefully select the whole shell or painted bits. exclude windows what ever . then copy the selection to new layers you can then tint this layer using selective color, replace color, different filters saturate desaturate then different things such as overlay, difference hard light soft light burn dodge . there is end less opertunities many which will [p**s you off make you throw the mouse and s**t ya pants

god bless the magnetic lasso selection tool does the k=job for ya
dont forget quick mask either
for those of you who dont know simply press 'q' and your pic will go red you then use the mouse to paint out the bits you do and dont want selected. use x to change the brush to select or deselect. this is very use full for getting round those edges where the magnetic lasso would reach.
have fun

best way ive found m8is to make a duplicate layer on top of the one u have. ctrl + alt + u to decolourise it then ok, that again and choose the colour using the sliders. wen u coloured it, delete all u dont want to b coloured, windows wheels etc......

then wen ure dun, ctrl+alt+e to flatten the top layer to the bottom, the jobs a gudun'.

jus my opinion and the only way i personally no how to.
think I'll leave the photoshoppin to u guys

17-01-04, 08:26 AM
i found this site excellent in doing a lot of things with photoshop