View Full Version : Get Away with no Points!

03-04-01, 12:33 PM
Hi peeps,

I've just been emailed the following below from a friend of a friend (you know the one) lol... anyway I thought I would post this, because there was no harm in doing so... so read this, and see what you think! :-/

GET this

Just thought I would share this with you. I work in the speeding fine
department in Swindon's Magistrate's Court and in the course of my investigation into "fines,
their payment methods, and how points are automatically added against drivers licences" we discovered
something very interesting "If You Get a Speeding Fine." This has been tried and it works

.... I tried to send this to everyone I know. I know that for a fact is works so if you ever get in
this situation, you have an out.

We discovered that this procedure works nationwide. Read it and try it,you have nothing to lose but the points on your license. This is how it works:

If you get a speeding ticket or went through a red light or whatever the case may be, and you are going to get points on your licence, then there is a method to ensure that you DO NOT get any points.

When you get your fine, send in the cheque to pay for it and if the fine
is say, 40, then make the cheque out for 41 or some small amount over the fine. The system will then have to send you back a cheque for the difference, but here is the trick!


Throw it away!! Points are not assessed to your licence until all
financial transactions are complete. If you do not cash the cheque, then the transactions are NOT complete. However, the system has gotten its money and is happy and will not bother you any more.

This information came to our attention from a very reliable computer company that sets up the standard database used by each county's computing system.

Good luck and share this with all your friends and other family members as well!!!


03-04-01, 12:39 PM

"Theres something missing, I'm not all there, Theres something missing".

03-04-01, 01:09 PM
saw it on the fastcar BB about a week ago. If only i knew it 4 months back...

03-04-01, 02:00 PM
lmao @ PAUL...:D

Yeah...might be worth a shot when i get my fine...thing is...how do u know for certain it has worked? If i did it then went and insured a car etc saying that i had 0 points, and the whole thing backfired...i could be in deeper shit :(

When u say 'the system is happy cos it's got it's money and it wont bother u again" why wont it? it's not like a human that can just forget about it...it will have it stored somewhere in it's memory that financial transactions are not complete, so after a while surely it will start to chase things up?


Charlotte Church ?...I would ;)
Sarah Louise Platt ?...I would ;)
The girl off the film Leon ?...I would ;)
If i was chinese i'd be called Pokemyoung


03-04-01, 02:10 PM
Chase what though?
As far as the database in concerned you have paid the dept... and they owe you! .... (as far as I can work it out! -but its upto you!! )

03-04-01, 02:26 PM
I have a friend who did it several years ago, and they have not had the points!


Whoopass! :D

03-04-01, 03:22 PM
what would happen to me though? I've been caught driving without insurance in my first 2 years of driving, so the 6 points = licence being taken off me. If i do this little trick will it mean i won't get my licence taken of me??? do u know anyone in my situation where this little trick has worked?


Charlotte Church ?...I would ;)
Sarah Louise Platt ?...I would ;)
The girl off the film Leon ?...I would ;)
If i was chinese i'd be called Pokemyoung


03-04-01, 03:29 PM
Yeah but don't you have to send ur license off to get the points added? How do you get it back without them?


03-04-01, 03:30 PM
thats so wicked!!!

bad bwoy tings a gwan!!

03-04-01, 03:33 PM
another thought...as soon as you sign the little piece of paper when you are caught...you are on record as 'awaiting points'

Having points and awaiting points is the same thing...if you do this little trick...you are still awaiting points = if the insurance does a check on you with the DVLA, u will come up as awaiting points, it won't come up as you 'not having points at all'

03-04-01, 03:39 PM
i think the only thing tat this little trick does is actually stop the points literally being printed on your licence. U are still classes as having the points, it's just not in black and white on your licence, it's on the central database somewhere.

03-04-01, 03:40 PM
Kev is right, don't you have to send your licence with the fine????? they wouldn't just send the licence back to you with the refund cheque and then expect you to send off your licence again for the points to be added!!!

Mmmmm forbidden donut. :)

03-04-01, 04:55 PM
ged surely the insurance company can't do anything unless you actually have the points on your licence....they must go away after three years from the database as well

03-04-01, 06:50 PM
if u just want no points to be written on your licence then lose your current one and when the new one arives theres no points on it!

Micky@novaload.net :)

04-04-01, 01:30 AM
Or stick to all the rules of the road :D

(as if lol)