View Full Version : Does any1 want to help with my 2.2 8v conversion next week?

13-01-04, 08:31 PM
I'm on my knees begging for your help....

I've got this Saturday 17th till next Sunday 25th booked off for my engine conversion.

Me and mike are working on it tuesday till thursday as this is the only time when he can get time off work, but ive got the whole week off, does anyone else fancy coming and giving me a hand, ive no idea what to do so any help is greatly apprechiated.
I've got the car booked into powerflow exhaust place for full Stainless Steel from downpipe back on friday so would be helpful for it to be done by then.
Im in Sheffield S17 3QD(not my real post code but nearish, will pm you real post code if you do want to help)

You get lots of drink(alcohol or non-alcholic) and food.

I have a 2ltr 8v Cav SRi sat in my drive and my nova, got all parts i need, apart from fuel tank+pump and driveshafts which im still trying to get hold of.

If anyone would like ot lend me a hand i'd be greatful forever!

Thanks alot novaload people,

from one begging neil.

13-01-04, 08:34 PM
where are you from?

i might be able to give u a hand m8

13-01-04, 08:38 PM
opps forgot to put that in, ill edit it now, im in sheffield mate. S17 3QD Not my post code but nearish, will pm you real address if u really want to help. Ta people!

13-01-04, 08:43 PM
im in leicester, how far away is that?

13-01-04, 10:23 PM
im in leicester, how far away is that?

Just down the road, approx 60 miles.

13-01-04, 10:47 PM
ill see what i can do, it depends how long im signed off work for, and i couldnt lifty anything even if i did make it

13-01-04, 10:54 PM
i'd be no help lol. too far anyway

13-01-04, 10:57 PM
id love to help but i wouldnt have a clue wot im doin and its to far

13-01-04, 11:15 PM
ive done both my engine swaps in a weekend, so allowing for the third day we will do it no problem. have faith neil!

only thing i havent attempted before is cracking the cv joints apart for the new cv joints.

shouldnt take long i expect.

13-01-04, 11:51 PM
its ok, wont need a hand, me and mike have it all under control, thanks anyway guys!

14-01-04, 01:51 PM
mike the cvs are dead easy just make sure you have a decent pair of circlip pliers srong but not that fat at the ends (from my experiance on tony ds anyway)


14-01-04, 06:43 PM
its ok, wont need a hand, me and mike have it all under control, thanks anyway guys!

sod u then :lol:
if u do get stuck mate or need a hand ill pop over and help just give us a bit of notice 2 organise a baby sitter ive never done an engine conversion but wud help in ne way i cud

i dont live 2 far away sunny scunny does me head in i cant type scun.thorpe in full on here otherwise the swaer word thing cuts it out

14-01-04, 09:06 PM
will let u know if we get stuck, ta espo.

14-01-04, 09:09 PM
nay probs mate
1 question tho whyd u call me espo :lol: :lol: it makes me sound spanish