View Full Version : the definative guide to pikies

06-01-04, 09:53 PM
ever wondered why they tuck there trousers into there socks?
or why the girls have earings the size of bracelets? all will be revealed :lol:


07-01-04, 09:45 AM
lol. a post of where i live......................

Yep, 'tis like a giant council estate, and atleast 95% of the population is scally'


07-01-04, 02:47 PM
lol god i hate pikies and kevs,and especially all those groups that go round wearing burbery caps.

i mean i went to the villa match last night and there were so many groups of kevs about wearing there burbery caps and socks tucked into there trackies thinking they were big and hard.lol made me laugh they were all trying to talk 2 me when they saw me get into my nova.

07-01-04, 02:52 PM
Excuse me i have a burberry cap :evil: , i dont wear it anymore mind you people seem to take an instant disliking to me when im wearing that and my trakies with my rockports on :lol:

07-01-04, 02:54 PM
lmao. ohh another one we call them is twocka's. anyway i dont see the harm in the cap but when theres huge groups of them wearing the caps and with the rockie p's and trackie p's it just makes u laugh.

07-01-04, 06:26 PM
what do you exspect dave it does say merseyside in your location. lol

thing is denny, at one point they prob did look good, but it's like the old nova thing (boy racer) burberry (scally).
well atleast this year they will be wearing there caps as opposed to walking down the road and a bunch of skin heads turn up. suddenly you think your caught in a white is right movement.

on the positve note, my fav pub has banned all caps and shell suits from its premises. and no trackies at week ends.

07-01-04, 06:42 PM
Shell suits do people still wear those, set a match to them it will take 13sec for them to go up :lol: :lol: :lol:

07-01-04, 11:39 PM
lacoste seems to be the tracksuit of choice at the moment :roll:

08-01-04, 12:55 AM
LOL, i bought a Lacoste track suit so i could wear when doing my football coaching, but discovered that they provide the 'uniform'!

so i have a brand new never been worn tracky in the wardrope, which wil never be worn! might use it when doing work on the car!

never had anything by burberry though, its just fake cheesy tartan cr*p, i dont follow trends, they just fade away within a few months!

08-01-04, 07:37 AM
i like me lacoste and burberry stuff :oops:
but i dont own a tracksuit
i dont understand this tucking ur traky bottoms in ur socks i thought that u did that if u rode a bike stop ur tousers gettin oil on them from the chain
maybe all pikies ride bikes :lol:

08-01-04, 09:26 AM
They steal bikes so they cant have there trousers getting dirty as the speeding away on it.

08-01-04, 09:54 AM
lmao ^^^^

08-01-04, 11:20 AM
as you may have noticed that they all seem to wear "sports wear" and trainers. This is inorder to aid them when there on the run from the police, so i imagine that they tuck there trousers into there socks so that they don't get caught on fences :lol:

08-01-04, 11:44 AM
lmao again ^^^

08-01-04, 12:40 PM
So, you ask what this page is about? Easy -- it is an effort to hopefully end the madness that is currently going on on the streets of any major city: every other person, male or female, being more or less clothed in the Burberry pattern.

You can spot a victim of the Burberry hype easily:

In its initial stages, the victim usually wears a Burberry pattern scarf.
Quickly dissatisfied, the victim realizes that a Burberry scarf is pretty common, so the cravings for more begin, but the victim is still afraid to admit the addiction: the solution is to hide the pattern in jacket linings, mobile phones etc


Over time, the natural, obvious and reasonable reaction to consider the pattern boring, outdated and a disgrace fades, and especially women succumb to dressing in the Burberry pattern more obviously, as in skirts, pants or on hand bags etc.


What follows is particularly vicious: the victim attempts to actively spread the addiction by giving more Burberry scarfs or other items as presents. Particularly evil is the attempt to infect little kids using teddy bears, see the corpus delicti below -- I hope this illustrates the severity of the situation!


After that stage, the disease usually spreads unlimitedly, including couch designs, gift wrapping paper, anything. Toilet paper hasn't yet been reported but surely will appear any day now.


Don't become the next victim!

You now probably think that only teenagers that will blindly follow any fashion trend anyway will become victims. Alas! 'tis not the case. Quite the opposite -- healthy, established adults seem to be particularly prone to becoming infected!

Help the victims!

Talk to them. Tell them that they're in deep trouble. Be warned, they won't believe you at first.
Tell them that they look boring, anonymous, uncreative and conservative.
Ask them how much money they have spent on original or faked Burberry patterns. The amount will usually help the victim recover.


08-01-04, 12:42 PM

A BAR which banned customers wearing Burberry clothes turned away a football fan wearing a Scotland strip.

Jamie Donald went to the Filling Station in Aberdeen with a friend who works in the bar last Wednesday to watch the Euro 2004 play-off against Holland.

But bouncers turned Jamie away telling him Scotland tops were banned that night.

The 22-year-old artist said: ``They will have no customers left at this rate.

``I bet if it was a rugby top, I would have been allowed in.''

Two weeks ago we told how a woman was turned away for having a Burberry brolly and bag.

Manager Maureen Lethorn said Burberry items were worn by troublemakers. She was unavailable for comment last night.

08-01-04, 12:43 PM
LMFAO @ the dog, it is far to common now

08-01-04, 12:43 PM

Woman in casual slur

By Charlie Gall

A WOMAN carrying a Burberry umbrella and bag was turned away from a pub because bouncers thought she was a soccer casual.

Trendy Burberry check has become fashionable with football thugs and now many bars in Aberdeen refuse entry to anyone wearing it.

But last night the woman oil worker hit out: ``I looked nothing like a soccer casual. I was wearing the best of clothes.

``But for some reason they had a real problem with my bag and umbrella.

``It's absolutely ridiculous and I think they took things too far. There was no way I would have caused any problems in the pub.''

Yesterday the Filling Station bar said sorry but insisted they would continue to monitor Burberry-clad customers.

Manager Maureen Lethorn said: ``We have had a number of incidents where people wearing Burberry have caused problems.

``It is not a general ban but we don't want rowdies so we judge each case as it comes along. Unfortunatelythis woman arrived shortly after a group of young lads were turned away for wearing Burberry. It was more a case of bad timing.''

Doormen at the Filling Station are employed by Option One Security.

David Cook, of the security firm, added: ``Burberry clothing is usually worn by undesirable elements or troublemakers.

``It is alsoseenasabadgeor uniform for groups of young lads who wear it proudly.

``Obviously, not everyonewho wears the label can be called a troublemaker but we have to be careful.

``The doormen have been told no one is allowed in wearing Burberry and on this occasion they simply enforced that ruling.''

Mr Cook said that the majority of the 15 venues where his firm work in Aberdeen apply a Burberry ban.

A spokesman for Aberdeen's O'Neill's pub said: ``Burberry is about identity and we would prevent people coming in if we suspected them to be troublemakers.

``But we wouldn't ban someone with a Burberry handbag or umbrella. That's taking it too far.''

City pub Triple Kirks also confirmed men are banned from wearing Burberry at weekends.

But its manager added: ``We'd have no problem with a woman carrying an umbrella.''

Burberry refused to make any official comment.

But an insider said: ``We have absolutely no control over who buys what and when and where they choose to wear it.''

08-01-04, 12:47 PM

taking it slightly too far :roll:

i was once told to take my cap off in a pub (not burberry lol) so the video cameras could see my face lol.

it felt like i'd be appearing on crimewatch anyday now

08-01-04, 12:47 PM

Matt, 14
You have an idea but not a very good one. I'm from merseyside the home of the scal and know a slight bit moer. They love tracksuits (lacoste) and often clash the tracksuit witha pair of rockprts or trainers that would take anyother person years to save up for. The always have skin heds or dodgy hair cuts. They are found round shops and street corners. Like moths they are attracted to light. The drink out of large ottles of cider and take pleasure in becoming rowdy and aggresive towards passing memebers of the public who will be harresed of alot of the time attcked because scallies do not have the intelingence to find omthing constructive with their lives to do. They will always be witha group. Very few can look after themselves on their own. This is why they seem so intimidating. As the saying goes its not what you know its who you know.

Fave music: Rap and hip hop
Always wearing: Casual clothes
Like doing: sport

08-01-04, 12:49 PM
LMFAO, I think ive seen him before

08-01-04, 12:50 PM
lol, multiply by 50 and you have the scene at most of the local shops :lol:

08-01-04, 12:51 PM

08-01-04, 12:53 PM

they should make that into a car sticker with the words 'I'M A TWAT' coming out of his mouth.

i'd put one in my car lol

08-01-04, 12:55 PM
I always remeber pykies saying they were going to steal my shoes while i was at school. I hate them so much

08-01-04, 12:58 PM

they should make that into a car sticker with the words 'I'M A t**t' coming out of his mouth.

i'd put one in my car lol

like ur saxo video straight 2 the point lol

08-01-04, 01:13 PM
i cant fucking stand burberry! :evil:
i hate the stuff with a passion!
the only thing i would buy is the toilet paper! so i could wipe my shit all over it!

09-01-04, 12:03 PM
no bog roll but i'm sure you can wipe your ass on this towel set
