View Full Version : NL 2004 Calenders - Artwork completed

05-01-04, 11:58 PM
Hello Ladies and Gents,

Here at last is the NL 2004 Calender. Sorry it's taken so long, but theres been so many things on my plate over the last few months. **note to self: Start next years Calenders sooner** ;)

Below are the links to the individual months of the year. I would post the images below, but it would be a mammoth post and peeps with 56k would get p****d off with waiting ;) The quality of the images is not how it's going to be on the final Calender. The images are a much lower res in the links. The final size of the Calender will be A3 (29.7cm wide x 42cm high). The Calender should be hung in full A3 portrait format to get the full affect from it.

The cover image is the front and back cover of the Calender (once folded in half) So the front cover will display the NL online logo and the back cover will display a pic of all the cars.

Each months main picture will subsequently hold the dates of the previous month (excluding January of course :)) on the reverse side (or it'll work something like that anyway :)).

The Year Planner will be a pull-out poster that you can pin up next to your Calender so that you can keep an eye on any importnat dates throughout the year. I was going to put specific show dates on the calender, but simply didn't trust that these dates were set in stone, so I'll leave it down to you lot to mark the dates for the shows that you wish to attend ;)

Front and Back Cover (http://www.breeny.co.uk/cover.jpg)

January (http://www.breeny.co.uk/January.jpg)

February (http://www.breeny.co.uk/February.jpg)

March (http://www.breeny.co.uk/March.jpg)

April (http://www.breeny.co.uk/April.jpg)

May (http://www.breeny.co.uk/May.jpg)

June (http://www.breeny.co.uk/June.jpg)

July (http://www.breeny.co.uk/July.jpg)

August (http://www.breeny.co.uk/August.jpg)

September (http://www.breeny.co.uk/September.jpg)

October (http://www.breeny.co.uk/October.jpg)

November (http://www.breeny.co.uk/November.jpg)

December (http://www.breeny.co.uk/December.jpg)

Yearplanner (http://www.breeny.co.uk/Yearplanner.jpg)

Apologies if I got any details wrong, but I could only go by what I was sent from those that supplied me with pictures and information of thier cars.

Now that you can all view the Calenders, it would be very much appreciated if we could get a feedback on who wants one. Mike Oxford has contacts with regarding the printing and prices will be added up in the near future. The Calender and Top Trumps will have individual printing prices. I think there was around 40+ Top Trump cards that made it through to the deck. More can be added at a later date, but that wont be happening for some time. I can't post images of each of the Top Trumps as thier are far too many cars. If you order the Top Trumps pack and your car isn't in the pack, then you probably missed the deadline for them. I tried to email back all of those that did miss the deadline, but I may have missed one or two, for which I can only apologise.

We will get you prices on the cost of printing and postage as soon as we get a rough idea for numbers. So please reply if you are intrested or not. The price for the Calenders and Top Trumps will be enough to cover the printing costs, that is all! If we do make any profit at all on the calenders it will all be going to cancer research. The aim has never been to make any money out of the Calender and top trumps. Hopefully this factor will keep the prices low and more of you will want a calender :)

This has been great fun to do and if you all like them we'll do another Calender next year, which (if things turn out well) will hold 12 new Novas that will have been rebuilt/modded fresh for this years show season :)

I think that's about it. Again, apologies that the Calenders wern't ready before the New Year. If you can think of anything that I've missed then please let me know.

Thanks for reading


P.S. On some of the images there may be the word "path" in blue text, this is where the curser was over the image when I took the screenshot :oops:

P.P.S Can an Admin make this Sticky and put a post on the home page please, thanks in advance.

06-01-04, 12:26 AM

please dont reply yet regular members.

i should have asked slimjim to do this.

can ADMIN PLEASE add a poll to this thread. just a simple poll with one option will suffice, i need to count the numbers of calenders that will sell, so that instead of ordering them in small batches i can order them all in one go thus reducing cost.

please dont reply saying yes i want one as itll get complicated. let admin make a simple poll and also maybe retitle the thread URGENT calender info / poll?

thanks all

06-01-04, 12:49 AM
cancer research is a good place for the excess profit to go.

i tip hat. calender looks great.

so three cheers to all involved

06-01-04, 02:01 AM
with the exception of a few, almost all the cars are 'the same car in a different colour'. I couldn't look at the same thing every day for a year.

still, i'm sure the quality will be great.

also, the e-mail addresses on the front cover look pap, in terms of design. Esp since they're like 'hotmail' one's.

erm, yeah. lol

06-01-04, 03:16 AM
to many red cars.

maybe ill get on next years callender then :(

06-01-04, 06:59 AM
Moan, moan, moan, moan, fecking moan, is that all you guys do! :lol:

Looks spot on guys, well done :!:

Lets get the poll up so we can get 'em :!:

06-01-04, 07:53 AM
I've edited the post to include a Poll option (good thinking Mike).


06-01-04, 08:49 AM
This is shocking jims spent hours doing this and all alot of you can do is moan, if you dont like the selection of cars then why dont you go out and buy another nova calendar... oh wait a second no one else makes one!!! I think that the quality looks excellent good job jim.

Rick Draper
06-01-04, 10:34 AM
to many red cars.

maybe ill get on next years callender then :(

Thats cause red cars are the best :lol: :lol: And the fastest! Rick

06-01-04, 11:02 AM
voted for both :D

06-01-04, 12:48 PM
looks good jim, cant wait to get mine :D

06-01-04, 01:48 PM
Voted for both too.. :D

06-01-04, 02:24 PM
well done guys will def be havin one :D

06-01-04, 02:56 PM
3 or 4 calenders for me definatly three not sure about fourth yet

06-01-04, 03:08 PM
Moan, moan, moan, moan, fecking moan, is that all you guys do! :lol:

LOL he's a little bitch sometimes ain't he :lol:

lookin good, I want one

06-01-04, 03:57 PM
i think marty has a point though. there are some nice cars but all too similar.

ps i'd learn how to spell before taking a career full time in publishing ;)

you made a mistake on every single page :P

06-01-04, 04:04 PM
correct me if im wrong but the cars may be similar due to the fact that they are NOVAS.

if you can be so quick to put the calender down why did you not make one. Slim has bothered to do this in his own time and people are moaning about it. i dont see any other NOVA calenders any where.

so well done slim when you starting next years one :wink:

06-01-04, 04:09 PM
ps i'd learn how to spell before taking a career full time in publishing ;)

you made a mistake on every single page :P

Wheres the mistake?


06-01-04, 04:12 PM
i helped last year



id have told you on msn but you not on :p

06-01-04, 04:19 PM
i helped last year



id have told you on msn but you not on :p

LOL :oops: I'll make the changes and upload the files when I get home. Don't think Mike has sent them to the printers yet.


06-01-04, 06:20 PM
well done chaps for spending the time and effort on the calenders.

voted for both :D

06-01-04, 06:59 PM
Calandar looks excellent mate, well done to everyone involved

06-01-04, 08:21 PM
both for me please. :D

can see martys point abit too :?

maybe next year the centre pull out/show dates bit could have a collage of all the regulars cars on, even if there shit. just so you can say, theres my car lol

anyway, well done slim/mike. why not use any profit to help novaloads server costs???

makes sense

06-01-04, 08:31 PM
anyway, well done slim/mike. why not use any profit to help novaloads server costs???

makes sense

Good idea, but had already made arrangements for any money to go to Cancer Research.


lightweight racer
06-01-04, 08:36 PM
Nice one to all involved.

Just a quick thought- can't both of these be sold through the NL online shop??

I'll be having both!!


06-01-04, 10:07 PM
Nice work! :wink:

07-01-04, 01:00 AM
looks very good, when can we get a copy??

that nova on january is sex as fook!!! lmao

07-01-04, 01:05 PM
kevs servers down today so i cant view the pics on breeny's site, but going on the early artwork you showed us i'd be more than happy to have a calender... and might as well have the toptrumps too.

Sign me up for both :D

07-01-04, 01:32 PM
ill have both

07-01-04, 01:42 PM
both for me, 33 orders and mounting!

07-01-04, 02:00 PM
Both for me aswell please

07-01-04, 02:05 PM
Thanks for all your comments. I made one or two changes last night (thanks to Ian for spotting the mistake ;)). I'm hoping we will get a price for the Calenders and Top Trumps in the very near future. Make sure you select one of the options in the Poll so that we don't miss anyones order. Chances are we might print an extra few for "just in case" circumstances but please remember to choose a Poll option :)

Thanks again


07-01-04, 07:01 PM
please hurry up. its my birthday at the end of this month, gives me an excuse for someone else to buy me it. have ordered both.

07-01-04, 09:53 PM
We will take the first count this weekend and get some prices from the number of orders that we've recieved, so please click the poll option if you want a calendar or Top trumps or both as soon as you can, thanks.


07-01-04, 11:24 PM
i know what i'm getting for my birthday. lol :D :D

07-01-04, 11:42 PM
X 3 please,

one going in my Dads cop station again... lol

08-01-04, 06:10 PM
excellent work chaps - know how long it took you - well done!

i've used the poll and want both!


09-01-04, 03:42 PM
Calendar looks good and well done for all ur efforts.
I just like to say i have my JOHNNY WILKINSON calendar for this year and MEN IN UNIFORM grrrrrrrrrr so no need for another.
But i also refuse to buy one for the fact that last year money was due to go to charity and nothing ever got posted up about it having been

09-01-04, 04:50 PM
lol at bringing that up again, jim is in charge of money this year and will be sorting teh charity, im sure he will post up about how much went where and when, get some top trumps nat so we can play a game at billing together, lmfao :D

09-01-04, 05:21 PM
since when am i nat.
how much are the cards.

i was digging at jim and i did say its great the effort that has been put in

09-01-04, 05:32 PM
since when am i nat.
how much are the cards.

i was digging at jim and i did say its great the effort that has been put in

Up to you at the end of the day, im not making money from them.


09-01-04, 07:17 PM
*apologises* my post was meant to say wasn't digging at jim. but i cant edit it

09-01-04, 08:22 PM
so what hters a few red one's..fu<kin mint i want 2 soon as!!! :D :D :+:

09-01-04, 08:37 PM
Yeah Yeah yeah i want calender and the cards x2 please!!! let us know how much...........bursting with annticipation!! :microwav:

10-01-04, 01:35 AM

just a quick rant.

no offence meant to jim here at all, or anyone else that could or might take humbridge to it, but just so i can say this to everyone, and not having chineese whsipers saying diffrent things, i havent had any involvement in the calenders this year :( , and im sorry if your not in it, but i havent decided personally who has gone in the calender this year and i knew who was in the calender at the same time you guys did.

im just the tea boy doing the printing.

10-01-04, 11:00 AM
no offence meant to jim here at all,

im just the tea boy doing the printing.

Non taken Mike....now go put the kettle on and make me a tea! :P

Seriously though Mike, I think we should get 50, maybe 60 copies of the Calenders and Trumps printed out? I'm in work today, so give me a bell on my mobile to confirm details if you want.


10-01-04, 11:10 AM
I think that is a good idea, personally I know I am having both, no matter what, but dependant on price I will probably have another calendar for work too.

10-01-04, 07:03 PM
i maybee the same there i def havin both but i may want another calender for work myself :D

nova m@rk
12-01-04, 01:57 PM
both 4 me please
how much , when they cummin

14-01-04, 07:10 PM
Well done. good job :D

LOL at Tilly with her nat thing..depends on the mood is it! :lol:

15-01-04, 05:54 PM
will look good in me garage :lol:

19-01-04, 11:04 PM
any news when these will be availiable?

20-01-04, 07:41 AM
any news when these will be availiable?

As far as I know, Mike was getting some printed versions this week. If the quality is as good as we hope, then we should be able to start taking orders soon. We'll keep you posted.


20-01-04, 12:45 PM
:cry: :cry: :cry:

januarys car wont get much of a showing, sob sob, lol :P


20-01-04, 08:12 PM
:cry: :cry: :cry:

januarys car wont get much of a showing, sob sob, lol :P


i know and that was the best one aswell :wink:

20-01-04, 08:16 PM
:cry: :cry: :cry:

januarys car wont get much of a showing, sob sob, lol :P


Well done for pointing out the bleeding obvious! :roll:


21-01-04, 11:16 PM
Slim me mate I would like three copies of the calender when ready


31-01-04, 12:30 AM
any new's on this??

31-01-04, 12:31 AM
none that I know of. I phoned Mike in the week, but got no reply :(


31-01-04, 09:29 PM
couldn't you get him on here? :?

01-02-04, 03:13 AM
he's a very busy boy, he stayed at mine couple weeks back :wink:

06-02-04, 11:27 PM
unstickying this now too crowded up top ;)

18-02-04, 06:22 PM
Any news Mike its now mid Feb :roll:

18-02-04, 06:25 PM
Dont need janurary anymore lol

18-02-04, 06:33 PM
I must of mist this post :roll: Callender looks good,Good selection of car's to :wink:

19-02-04, 10:45 AM
lol and you still think there gonna be printed?


19-02-04, 11:10 AM

19-02-04, 01:23 PM

19-02-04, 01:29 PM
dan paynes beast should have been on that

19-02-04, 01:53 PM
dan paynes beast should have been on that

it is

20-02-04, 08:31 AM

20-02-04, 01:33 PM
So aren't these gonna be printed now then?

20-02-04, 03:33 PM

20-02-04, 07:16 PM
So aren't these gonna be printed now then?

I'm desperatley trying to get a Calander for each of the 12 people who's cars were in them, but it's too long gone now to be honest :|

I'll be more prepared for 2005, I promise!
