View Full Version : how much paint do i need?

03-01-04, 06:09 PM
i want to get my car resprayed and have been quoted ?700 to do it but someone has offered to do it for free. how many litres of paint do i need?

03-01-04, 06:16 PM
I brought 5 litres of crimson/carmine red for my Nova. And when mixed with 50% thinners was enough to do my Front and rear bumper, tailgate, spoiler, grill, front wing and dash board. With a fair bit left over. So a rough guess would be 6-8 litres should easily do it??? Just ask the place that will be supplying you the paint.... they'll know.

03-01-04, 06:19 PM
how much did that cost? was that just to go over your original paint?

04-01-04, 03:31 PM
5 Litres cost ?57 in Cellouse.... (The stuff you can spray yourself without dieing) The stuff the professionals use is called 2pack.

The thinners where ?13 if I remember correctly.

I also brought 5 litres of primer (?23)

05-01-04, 06:50 PM
it all depends on the quality of the paint, the type of paint and the quality of the job u want done.

if the car needs prepping (ie sanding down and rust fixing) youll prob need etch primer, then youll need a primer (surfacer). if you use cellulose you'll need about 5-6 ltrs of paint for a good 3-4 coats - which you'll need to get a good deep shine.

once thats applied i highlu recommend you get the whole car lacquered to prevent stone damage and weather damage (fade) - the more coast you apply the better protection offered.

you could if your friend has the facilities use 2 pak paint - needs to have right equipment though (fresh air respirator) as its cyanide based (cyanoacrylate) - nasty stuff on the lungs! if u use this you done need lacquer as its like plastic when set - also you can get away with 2 coats.

it also sets in 24 hours and doesnt need baking to get a solid finish - which in the current weather conditions you should do with celly - this ensures that all the solvent has evaporated and the paint is hard.

i cannae remember the exact proportions of thinners to paint but the body shop you get the paint from will help you there - it changes depending on the conditions, time of year, paint used and equipment you have (ie type of spray gun, whether in proper spray booth or garage - change in temperature etc)

tbh i'd spend ?700 on the respray at the body shop this time of year - that way if its crap you can bust them and get it done again. if your mate makes a mess (not that he will but you never know) - theres no come back...

:( :?

05-01-04, 06:54 PM
thankyou for your advice. i think im gonna get my pal to do all the primer just so i can stop driving round in my multicoloured embaressing nova!! will get proper resray done when i have the funds!!! oh and your model novas look cool! will definately have one! can they be customised?

05-01-04, 07:07 PM
yeah - you can customise the model the look like your car

as for driving around in primer - i recommend you dont - primer isnt a top coat and is slightly water absorbant - in current weather you'll wreck the panels and will need to spend more money resprayong it later.

best to leave it - save a little more until springish and then get it done properly - it'll then look stunning!


05-01-04, 08:51 PM
oh, i dont want to drive my car in the way she looks now!! what if i primer it then laquer it? ( am joking)

maybe just buy another one till the summer........