View Full Version : Migweb + roybacer

31-12-03, 10:11 AM
Does any1 know what has happend 2them?

31-12-03, 10:38 AM
By what it says when u log in.

Mig is down as its been updated or something

And roybacer is down due to it being hacked I think

31-12-03, 10:39 AM
They both went "offline"...

Guess it pays to pay a little extra and run a good server like Novaload,,

31-12-03, 10:45 AM
Hope novaload dont go anywhere :(

is there any other site part from novaload
migweb + roybacer

31-12-03, 11:30 AM
how much more do you want? :o

31-12-03, 12:06 PM
Novaload wont be going anywhere in the forseeable future!! Dont worry.

31-12-03, 12:15 PM
damm little spotty people with no driver lience sittin on ther pc thinkin its funny to hack websites (at least they aint hackin us )

31-12-03, 12:18 PM
Novaload wont be going anywhere in the forseeable future!! Dont worry.

Hope you aint got bad eyesight :o

31-12-03, 01:08 PM
Mig is down for it's annual matinence (Almost like a F*rd!!) - I think?

No idea about RoyBacer.

Bilbo ballbaggins
31-12-03, 02:24 PM
rb's waiting on a backup copy or something like that to be loaded up, but the person who has it isnay there!!

mig is fukt lol,

can't wait for them to get back online 'cos this site is piss poor lol bunch 'o fannys

31-12-03, 02:37 PM
if you dont like it - fell free to fcuk off and start your own!

Bilbo ballbaggins
31-12-03, 02:38 PM

31-12-03, 02:41 PM

31-12-03, 03:37 PM
I don't think Mig is down for maintainance, even though it did say that for a day or so, they would have put a post up saying it was going down, not just cut off!

31-12-03, 04:57 PM
Who was the F"$&*"g culprit that messed around with ROYBACER while it was being updated...............BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU!

I think MigWeb are just updating and will be back in the New Year!

Have a Good New Year tonight guys and gals...........let the drinks start flowing! Can I take the bar with me? LOL

31-12-03, 05:33 PM
Who cares - the pubs are open and parties are kicking off everywhere :lol:

31-12-03, 07:46 PM
as corsanova_mark said... MIG is down for maintenance, it's not fcuked, they are making it better for us users, one Novaload gets as big as MIG is, I'm sure it too will need more bandwidth etc. and so may need to be down for a day or so to organise and sort it.

31-12-03, 07:58 PM
more than likely the upload of the new version of software was buggered...... Tom Williams and Mike will be sorting it out with the service providers

31-12-03, 08:00 PM
more than likely the upload of the new version of software was buggered...... Tom Williams and Mike will be sorting it out with the service providers

It aint buggered, it's fine, I'm good mates with Tom, they are just getting more bandwidth etc..

31-12-03, 09:25 PM
I don't think Mig is down for maintainance, even though it did say that for a day or so, they would have put a post up saying it was going down, not just cut off!

they did put a post that it will be down, numnuts!

Oh my god theres so many miggers on here i can't believe it

01-01-04, 10:40 AM
MC There's a lot of VxlSCC people on here as well :wink: MIG is down while they install Vbuliten3. This, it seams is taking a little longer than they thought.

Rick Draper
01-01-04, 11:46 AM
I don't think Mig is down for maintainance, even though it did say that for a day or so, they would have put a post up saying it was going down, not just cut off!

They did :roll: :roll: :roll: . Rick

01-01-04, 12:47 PM
I don't think Mig is down for maintainance, even though it did say that for a day or so, they would have put a post up saying it was going down, not just cut off!

They did :roll: :roll: :roll: . Rick

Yes thank you Rick, you are the second person to point that out, don't you have anything better to do like go play with your car!

Rick Draper
01-01-04, 01:15 PM
I don't think Mig is down for maintainance, even though it did say that for a day or so, they would have put a post up saying it was going down, not just cut off!

They did :roll: :roll: :roll: . Rick

Yes thank you Rick, you are the second person to point that out, don't you have anything better to do like go play with your car!

Well if you had taken the time to look at mig in the first place when the post was up we would not be having this chat :roll: :roll: Rick

01-01-04, 01:49 PM
Saucer of milk table 2 :wink:


01-01-04, 02:15 PM
Hope novaload dont go anywhere :(

is there any other site part from novaload
migweb + roybacer

dark cruisers a good site its no a nova 1 but i liked it aint bin on there 4 a while ste on here runs it or has a lot 2 do with it

01-01-04, 02:39 PM
I don't think Mig is down for maintainance, even though it did say that for a day or so, they would have put a post up saying it was going down, not just cut off!

They did :roll: :roll: :roll: . Rick

Yes thank you Rick, you are the second person to point that out, don't you have anything better to do like go play with your car!

Well if you had taken the time to look at mig in the first place when the post was up we would not be having this chat :roll: :roll: Rick

My apologies for only using the advertising section of the site, if they were going to be helpfull, maybe they could have put a small note in all forums??

As to having this chat.. we would not be doing so if YOU took the time to read this whole post and noticed that someone had allready pointed out that I am wrong...Duh :roll: :roll:

01-01-04, 03:10 PM
aren't your eyes hurting from all the rolling :lol: :roll: :roll:

Johnny A
01-01-04, 05:05 PM
I'm good mates with Tom..


Sorry that just made me laugh

01-01-04, 05:31 PM
I'm good mates with Tom..


Sorry that just made me laugh

why? whats so funny about that?? :?

01-01-04, 07:03 PM
Pissed off coz i was meant to be selling something on mig, missin roybacer too, more fun than NL, NL aint too bad though, have to make do!

01-01-04, 07:32 PM
I have no interest in Astras, so MIG bores me.

Had a quick look at RB a few times when i'd read/replied to all i wanted to on here, and almost all the posts there are pointless/stupid/slag posts. Certainly lives up to the BOY racer nametag.

01-01-04, 08:13 PM
I have no interest in Astras, so MIG bores me.

you know the astras the better package, maybe you should drive one

Rick Draper
01-01-04, 09:12 PM
I have no interest in Astras, so MIG bores me.

you know the astras the better package, maybe you should drive one

I would rather insert a fist full of wasps into my arse than drive or own a astra. Rick

01-01-04, 10:15 PM
your so biased rick

think of your engine in an astra...... how much more comfortable:)

01-01-04, 10:51 PM
your so biased rick

think of your engine in an astra...... how much more comfortable:)

thats a shock on a site called Novaload :P

they may be more comfortable but theyre boring and slow

01-01-04, 11:03 PM
Had a quick look at RB a few times when i'd read/replied to all i wanted to on here, and almost all the posts there are pointless/stupid/slag posts. Certainly lives up to the BOY racer nametag.

I agree mate all the do is talk girls or shit. Or abuse new members. yes i did get abused but i wasnt on there trying to get attention i did it to read about other members cars etc it was all crap

01-01-04, 11:27 PM
thats a shock on a site called Novaload

they may be more comfortable but theyre boring and slow

nnnnooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!.....There not slow

i own an astra & nova.

02-01-04, 12:16 AM
are you selling a cam kit on ebay? :wink:

02-01-04, 02:52 AM
you know the astras the better package, maybe you should drive one

Maybe so, but it depends on what the overall 'package' that we look for is. They are certainly not as light as a stripped out Nova, and when you combine the brakes/engine of the bigger/neahier Astra and fit it in a Nova, i know which one i'd rather go for. Smaller cars handle better too.

Anyway, if i could have any vauxhall, i'd only have the 220. I only still have the Nova because i bought it when i was in my last year of Uni so couldnt really go round splashing out on fancy cars (who can with only a part-time job or two, unless your mummy and daddy give you the money) and then did it up as it was something to do. It's probably time for me to move on now, but (a) i cant decide what i want (within reason, since i'm not going to front like i can have anything i want, since i cant) and (b) since i've already done/had done a LOT to the Nova, i kinda want to 'do a little more' before i move on. Since after this one, i think i'll only 'modify' cars in so far as fit a new set of wheels and have them lowered. I definitely wont be bothering with fiberglass bodykits and etc, sine i'll buy the 'best' most expensive car i can afford, and then save the money i'd spend on fiberglass stuff and other parts that gain no added value for the 'nect time i move up'.

Anyway, hope it doesnt look like i'm dissing novas or anything, as i do actually like them a lot. Especially the shape - i like the angular look, the arches and etc when compared to the new 'bubbly' cars. It's like art deco.
But, 'schoolboys dont aspire to one day own a Nova'. I know it wasnt a poster of a Nova i had on the wall when i was a kid. (It was of a Bugatti, if anyone wants to know lol).

02-01-04, 10:40 AM
Hope novaload dont go anywhere :(

is there any other site part from novaload
migweb + roybacer

dark cruisers a good site its no a nova 1 but i liked it aint bin on there 4 a while ste on here runs it or has a lot 2 do with it

yup i run it... but it aint that busy.. well the open forums aint ;)

02-01-04, 11:41 AM
sorry i shouldn't have said Astra in a nova forum :)

i had owned my first nova for around 3 years. Some bad decisions had happened to it along the line, which being a student i haven't got any bundles of cash to put right. So i bit the bullet & gave the solid shell away to some lad. I've now got another nova for my everyday run-around & i'm happy at that, it works!.
I've now got an astra gte shell for free from my my friend. All it needs is an engine which i have & new arches so when i purchase a migwelder i can fix them. I've always liked the gte & always wanted one & now i have one :).

02-01-04, 11:51 AM
All it needs is an engine which i have & new arches so when i purchase a migwelder i can fix them. I've always liked the gte & always wanted one & now i have one :).

would have been cheaper to buy a running non rotten gte

02-01-04, 11:59 AM

the shells mint & everything else apart from arches. Looking at the inners there ok its just outer skin thats a bit nice. Thinking about round arches though, but that will have to wait untill i find a garage.

Ps: i should be getting a silver MK2 cav 130 today do you think i could make anything by breaking that

02-01-04, 01:43 PM
once Novaload gets as big as MIG is, I'm sure it too will need more bandwidth etc. and so may need to be down for a day or so to organise and sort it.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
If you monitor your bandwidth stats from time to time you can see when you need more bandwidth, contact your hosts, give them a few more pennies and have bandwidth increased to compensate for increased usage. There is nothing else to organise and sort.

As for an upgrade to a newer forum version, makes much more sense to set up an alternative forum called forum_test or something similar that runs along side the normal forum so you can troubleshoot the new version and make any necessary changes, then you simply have to rename the old directory to forums_old and rename the new one to forums and jobs done. Down-time = less than a couple of minutes at the most. :D

02-01-04, 02:10 PM
Migweb is now workin ppl :D

03-01-04, 02:19 PM
this is a gay thread

05-01-04, 07:38 PM
Roybacer is back now 2