View Full Version : GSI / GTE bumper

31-12-03, 09:29 AM
how hard is it for me to fit a gsi/gte bumper to my mkII 1.0ltr ??
has anyone else done this ??
r there any how to guides, or someone who has done it could they explain please ??


31-12-03, 11:51 AM
gsi and gte will require difrent ways to fit.

you have a mk2 so a gsi will slot straight on.

to make the mk1 gte bumper fit you will need to use the gte bumper, the gte bumper beam behind it - the metal bar like, but the brackets that go into the chassis if you like (carriage irons there called) you need to use the mk2 ones off your current car, they simply bolt on and off the carriage bar.