View Full Version : THERE I WAS MINDING ME OWN BUSINESS WHEN..............

24-03-01, 04:49 PM
me, rob26 and a mate in a clio were sitting in town when all of a sudden there was a fu**ing loud bang i looked up and some fucking cock decided it would b funny to try car hopping along our bonnets!!

he launched himself of my passneger side panel, onto bonnet (denting it! X-( ) onto robs bonnet placing 2 more dents, then onto the clio again leaving his fucking mark with a dent.

after words were exchanged (such as ur a fucking cock sucking wanker what the fuck did u do that for u ****) we found the old bill.

we thought that he would get away with it, the old bill would say give us a description and that would be that but the dum fuck cam over for more! he was nicked and took to the station where we were from 2 till 3:30 in the morning

does ne know if ne money will be coming our way?? has it happened to ne one? we have taken photos of the foot marks on the cars as evidnece but with 3 statements saying the same and hopefully some cctv back up he should be well and truly fucked!
i mean he has caused bout ?500 of damage the cock!

ne wayz thats me moan over but hopefully i can get me hands on some gsi vents ne one got ne for sale?



24-03-01, 05:06 PM
ring one of those claim places on the telly, or see a good solicitor, theyl sort you out the cost of the repairs and some compensation (for all the loss of not having your car for that big show that happens to be the same day its repaired...not that i encourage lying)

shouldnt be hard if youve got all that evidence

Im tall and your small

24-03-01, 05:37 PM
and for loss of earnings????!!! i cant get 2 work!


24-03-01, 05:38 PM
while its being fixed!


25-03-01, 12:09 AM
Sure, u can take him to court, make sure u make the police aware that is wot u want to do, cuz they probly wont tell u that u can, especially if he's on the social! Its criminal damage at the end of the day and if he cant pay up he may have to do time!!!! :)

25-03-01, 11:38 PM
the **** is goin 2 court. i'm gona make him pay! fuckin ?290 to fix my motor!! THe old bill know whats goin on. as much as i hate the pigs they did quite a good job!

xr2 ??? i'd rather walk!

26-03-01, 09:56 PM
yeah they were fucking well good but the new quote for me and rob is...................

?440 fucking quid! X-(