View Full Version : pissed off security guard at asda

23-12-03, 11:17 PM
my cars registered as disabled atm cos my mums been through cancer, so i was parked in asda eriler in the disabled bay whilst mum and g/f went in to get the soap powder. a security gard cam over and said "can you move you car from the disabled bay", so i looked at him and smiled and said, "erm if you want to look at the tax disc you will see the car is disabled registered and mums got the stickers in her bag and had forgoten to leave them cos she was in a rush" with that he said oh, and sorta looked as tho he didnt know what it say :D, then walked infont of the car and looked at the tax disc and then walked off, a few mins l8er he came back as his friend cam out and his friend called him over(also a security guard) and nodded at my car, and the first gard said "oh its disabled registered" and the second gard looked at me so i just smiled back at him and thaught to my self, bet it pissed them off cos the cars slightly modified (blacked out windows modified sr bumper, lowreed and has gsi alloys and my red dragon on the bonnet) and they couldent be twats and move it cos i was allowed there. hehehehhe bet it pissed em right off :D:D:D:D

23-12-03, 11:22 PM
if that had happened to me i would have been pisseed off (being in the car, rather than the security guard). If they are going to enforce such things, they should know what to look for and i'd just have shouted fuck off at him as soon as he approached the car.

23-12-03, 11:26 PM
i coudl have done that but i thaught it would piss em off more like that, and it did,

what u mean by

me i would have been p**s off (being in the car, rather than the security guard). u taking piss outa my car, if so you should know that in the last year...

my dad fucked off
my mum got cancer in the whomb, and had to go throught all that, my dog then died from cancer, and i havent had much mony as i been helping mum out, so i couldent do many major modifications that i wanted to, but if you wernt taking the piss dun worry and ignore this :)

23-12-03, 11:29 PM
he wasnt taking the pi55, he was saying that if he was you (ie in the car) and the guard came over he'd ahve shouted at the guard before he even got there. As if they were "doing" their job they should know what to look for.

hang in there mate, umm Things will get better, I totally know what your going through (appart from the dad leaving bit)

23-12-03, 11:31 PM
lol all sroted no witht he dad mum dog shit.

didnt get on al the time with him so wernt too bothered about that
mum got all clear and has also got clear each cheakup shes been to
and we gota new dog about a month ago,
and ben saving up for the kit for the other nova in the garden will order in jan :D
all peachy, lol

sorry bout that then amarty, im a bit of a tard some times and read things worng lol
no hard feelings :D

24-12-03, 12:12 AM
my brothers mate's dad has had both of his legs chopped off to the knee's. so when he goes into safeway the security guard says Heres hoppy!
he put in a complaint about him. if i had heard it, i would write to safeway ho and get the nob removed from the store.

chin up mate and i hope things are good for this coming year.

24-12-03, 11:38 AM
you have to display the orange badge...

24-12-03, 03:14 PM
yeah i have little orange badges as well because my grandma is disabled. Last time i parked in the disabled space the looks you get off people. They just stare at you as if your some kind of wanted criminal. But the BMW driver that doesnt have any badges he's allowed to cos he's a twat. :?

25-12-03, 07:38 PM
he wasnt taking the pi55, he was saying that if he was you (ie in the car) and the guard came over he'd ahve shouted at the guard before he even got there. As if they were "doing" their job they should know what to look for.

yep. :D

It's true that i should have had the orange sticker displayed, but the fact that he told him to move it without questioning why he parked there would piss me off anyway.

27-12-03, 02:54 PM
yeah i have little orange badges as well because my grandma is disabled. Last time i parked in the disabled space the looks you get off people. They just stare at you as if your some kind of wanted criminal. But the BMW driver that doesnt have any badges he's allowed to cos he's a t**t. :?

There not all T**ts, i drive one and iam not!!

27-12-03, 03:31 PM
^^^ give it time and the evil of the BM will oooze up through the seats and up your anus, gradually taking over you and turning you into bmw rep man.

27-12-03, 11:09 PM
^^^ give it time and the evil of the BM will oooze up through the seats and up your anus, gradually taking over you and turning you into bmw rep man.

classic marty quote. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

28-12-03, 12:05 AM
hahahahah lmao at marty

ur suposed to have the sticker dislayed( mines green, the new colour) but if you dont they still cant do nething cos the car will be disabled registered :D good n it lol

28-12-03, 10:23 PM
Green? My Grans and My bro's new 1s were blue? they changed them again?

Don't ever try that in Truro mate - my bros car is a Kia Sedona thats been modified with a ramp for wheelchair access, is tax exempt and has the blue badges displayed. In Truro it was parked in the disabled bay - with my bros manual wheelchair in the back (he was out in his lectric 1) and the council still slapped a ticket on it! :evil:


28-12-03, 10:31 PM
i park in disabled bays too.

only i'm not actually allowed :lol:

01-01-04, 07:56 PM
nova_rally didnt your bro go and sort it out as they had no right to ticket him as he is alowed in the disabled bay ?