View Full Version : Things that confuse me - by David Wyatt

22-03-01, 03:30 PM
1. Why do flat chested women wear bras?
2. Why do people in wheel chairs wear shoes
3. Why do you feel cold when you are scared?
4. Why does my boss's daugter get horny 50 20 times a day?
5. Why do young offenders always get to go on holiday.
6. Why are there people starving in the streets homeless, when there are thiefs and pedofiles getting well fed in prison?
7. Why is the legal age of sex 16 - if theres grass on the wicket - LETS PLAY!
8. if there a class of school kids, and a lad puts his hand up and asks to goto the toilet, the teacher will no, as there are only 10 minutes left. BUT if a lass putsz her hand up the teacher will say yes, cos she bleeds!

i do not mean to be offenseive, but is there anything else that ihave missed out. i am kind person but i am in a deep mood.



23-03-01, 12:17 AM
re: numba 7, thats my philosophy too so I don't mind messing about with me 15 yr old bird (she's quite mature!! 34C :D ) and I am still youngish so it dunt bother me ;)

23-03-01, 12:28 AM
YOUNGISH Dave! How young you perv!! Only messin M8. I fully agree there is 5 years dif between me and my bird!

B-) When you become a Taxi driver, is it compulsary to have a lobotomy?


23-03-01, 01:04 AM
NO7 Right on......

23-03-01, 10:38 AM
ok so now the police know who the peadophiles are!

and davo wheres no 9 : Long words.

X-( I'm mean and i don't care :D



23-03-01, 10:46 AM
lol - not bad for you m8

[naked_davo] Suck my D1ck Biach!

25-03-01, 12:06 PM
I is 19, 20 in may but she's 16 in July which aint too bad.. :)