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18-12-03, 11:54 PM
any1 uno da little orange engine management light on da dash has any1s eva came on den gone off 4no reason coz i was drivin alone da otha day and it cam on den a minute later it went off 4no reason i checkd da engine i cudnt c any fing wrong any1 had dat problem if it has can u plz reply as i wud lik 2 no why cheers

19-12-03, 12:00 AM
you need to read off the fault code and it'll point you to whats wrong.

if youre no good with cars go to your nearest vauxhall place and they'll read the code for about ?30 and tell you whats up

if you want to get your hands dirty go to www.topbuzz.co.uk and theres a guide which tells you all about how to do it yourself

19-12-03, 12:12 AM
Or you could try typing in proper english and you may find someone would be able to help you out

19-12-03, 12:43 AM
I gave up after the 2nd line
I Dunno, wild guess - Try the Topbuzz site and see if it throws up a fault code.

19-12-03, 09:57 AM
any1 uno da little orange engine......as i wud lik 2 no why cheers
Has the Orange ECU light ever come on when you were driving and then gone off for no reason? The reason i ask it that i was driving alone the other day and it came on. Then one minute later it simply went off. I stopped to examine the engine but could not see any pistons where they shouldn't be. Has anyone ever experienced this problem? If you have please reply as i wish to know what the problem might be.

19-12-03, 10:18 AM
any1 uno da little orange engine......as i wud lik 2 no why cheers
Has the Orange ECU light ever come on when you were driving and then gone off for no reason? The reason i ask it that i was driving alone the other day and it came on. Then one minute later it simply went off. I stopped to examine the engine but could not see any pistons where they shouldn't be. Has anyone ever experienced this problem? If you have please reply as i wish to know what the problem might be.

christ! it is much better. i can now reply: sure mate, don't worry on the management light front; they do come on, stay on and go out for no reason; just carrying out checks. it means its working. but as above do take it to a dealer or get the code sussed. halford sell fault finders for not much money.

21-12-03, 05:53 PM
ive never seen mine come on it dont even come on when i turn on the ignition :!: think the bulb maybe blown :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:

21-12-03, 06:34 PM
Wonder if its the same reason my handbrake light came on then went off for no reason a while ago!


22-12-03, 02:41 PM
my abs light on my calibra does this now and again but not when im braking?

any ideas?