View Full Version : Rev Limiter ??

Adam Moran
10-12-03, 08:59 PM
Going to be running a 1.6 8v on twin 40's with a 1.3sr coil and distributer. The limiter used to be electronic, whats to stop the engine reving till it blows now? is it done in the distributer ??


Will F
11-12-03, 11:44 AM
Hi mate, you will be better off getting an aftermarket item for this.
There are a few companis that will sort it out. Dizzy wont stop it!
The pistons will limit the engine, when they rendez-vous with the valves!!

11-12-03, 12:17 PM
The limiter used to be electronic, whats to stop the engine reving till it blows now?

Your right foot?

11-12-03, 04:05 PM
best using 1.4sr stuff!! and spk to corsanova about a rev limiter ;)

11-12-03, 05:49 PM
dicko's right with the 1.4 sr ignition side of things as this is what i run, and also you will need an aftermarket limiter. very easy to fit and plumb in yourself

11-12-03, 06:02 PM
i would recommend getting an after market limiter, i have one an its saved the engine numerous times. The last thing you want is to miss a gear an then take past 9000rpm accidently :oops:

Adam Moran
11-12-03, 08:55 PM
Is it REALLY nesacery to use the 1.4 sr ignition stuff? Cause ive just brought 1.3sr ignition :roll: Will it make a huge difference?

Been looking in the DT book at the the engine limiters thats what made me ask. Will have a chat to corsanova.


12-12-03, 06:49 AM
The rev limiter I have is a Micro Dynamics Visiscale Rev Limiter which is a smoothcut limiter - It is in the 2003 red demon tweeks cataloge page 172 Item 2 - setable between 6,000 and 9,000 rpm by the twist of a knob and extreemly simple fitting, only 3 wires. - It was for the rally car, but now we have a version with shift light and launch control and it is a bit overkill on my day to day 1200 :o
Was ?83.33 plus vat new.

12-12-03, 09:34 AM
Is it REALLY nesacery to use the 1.4 sr ignition stuff? Cause ive just brought 1.3sr ignition :roll: Will it make a huge difference?

1.4sr stuff is self contained with it's own loom and module

12-12-03, 11:15 AM
i know dan tried 1.6 stuff, and lost something like 40bhp :x

philsutton - i would recommend getting an after market limiter, i have one an its saved the engine numerous times. The last thing you want is to miss a gear an then take past 9000rpm accidently

wrong, rev limiters dont stop this!! or did you mean revving it out of gear?

12-12-03, 12:11 PM
missing a gear as in going for 3rd and geting neutral :lol:

12-12-03, 01:39 PM
missing a gear as in going for 3rd and geting neutral

:lol: yeah thats the one, this was when my gear box was on its way out as well and some times didnt go into gear, then thinking it was nailed it. At least the worse i can do now its bounce it off the limiter at 7000rpm