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07-12-03, 06:23 PM
Well, the meeting came and went. I would like to thank everyone for turning up, especially those of you that travelled for a good few hours. I hope it wasn't too cold for you and that you enjoyed the day. I'd also like to thank Regal for turning up with Boost-Beast and several other Novas :)

The day started for me at 11am when I got a phone call from Dan saying him and Slatter were in the Gullivers Land car park. I thought Dan was having a joke because of what was said in the other post, but no. As I drove round the 2 carparks, it dawned on me that Dan was actually telling the truth and him and Slatter were indeed sat in Gullivers Land carpark :roll: :lol:

After getting a cup of tea down our throats back at my house, Slatter, Dan and myself got to Willen Lake for about 12:45pm. We waited around for a little bit and after 15mins of no one turning up we started to get a bit concerned. An Astra turned up and parked up next to us, but the owner didn't get out of the car for a while. Eventually he got out and introduced himself as White-Nova (Dave). We then saw two Blue Novas go flying past and we tried to kinda wave them down (well, Dan flashed them). They went round the roundabout past us again and then headed off in some other direction (I think Dan actually scared them off ;)).

There were now 2 Novas...great! LOL. Then Damo 1.4SR turned up in his Black Gsi replica (which made me cry as it reminded me of my car, lol). After a while, more and more Novas started turning up. Before we knew it there must have been about 15 Novas all parked up :) Over the next hour more and more Novas turned up. I think at the height of the meeting there was 30 Novas, including the Boost-Beast, a couple of Astras, CJ's Scooby and a few other cars.

People were mingling well and everyone seemed to be gritting thier teeth and bearing the chilly weather. At least it remained dry :D

Boost-Beast was demonstrating why it's the quickest Nova in the country/world? by blasting up and down the main road adjacent to the car park. I think a few people got to go for a spin in it and I think they were all pretty impressed by it :D

At about 3pm RS Approaced me to say Regal had bought up a few goodies to give away. So we set up a small competition picking out cars to give prizes to.

The categories were:

Rustiest Nova - Won by Mark (CorsaNova)
Nicest Paintwork - Won by Dave (NovaX)
Most Euro - Won by Chris Wilson - I think that's your name, apologies if it's wrong.
Cleanest - Paul Elsey
Best 1600 - Dan
Best XE - Can't remember the guys name (sorry)
Best ICE - Again can't remember the winners name (sorry)
Best Wheels - Neil (Nova)
Most distance Travelled - someone from Chicester (sprry, cant remember your name)

It wasn't to be taken too seriously, it was just a bit of fun, but thanks to Regal for the prizes.

After this, most people went to the bar for a drink and to get feeling back in thier toes ;) A few people started to make their way home whilst the rest of us chatted away indoors.

At about 5pm, myself and a few others decided to call it a day. We left everyone else drinking/eating in the bar. I think I can say that it was a really good meeting. There were plenty of cars, plenty of people and it remained dry. What more could you ask for? - Warm weather I suppose, lol.

Thanks again to everyone for making it. Hope you all enjoyed the day.

Breeny will post a link to the pictures once he's finished uploading them to his webspace.


07-12-03, 06:31 PM
Yeah dont mention the Best Wheels prise went to me will you! :evil:
The best ICE went to guy called Will who owns Cossvaux, his mate Andy who does body work was there too.

As i said on other post....

Yeah it was good, very cold, just like last year, at least i made this one! But my car is now DEAD! Gear box is f*cked, dont work, so yet again my car is no more till after xmas

Nice to meet lots of people, ta CJ for the cuppa in morning and thanks to mike for making me, CJ and Sean wait for half an hour whilest u throw up on the way to meet us.

Lots of nice cars, and glad my wheels have paid off with a prise of Bump stops from regal, think ill stick them to the side of my car so people stop bumping into me!

Nice to meet CorsaNova, altho ur a very scary bloke! joking aside nice to meet u lot!

Hi to Mel, nice to have a chat to you and i LOVE the boot carpet, really thought it was fab! Keep the rest of the work like that and ull be well away!

07-12-03, 06:43 PM
Yeah dont mention the Best Wheels prise went to me will you! :evil:

when did you buy new wheels? lol :p

07-12-03, 06:53 PM
Yeah dont mention the Best Wheels prise went to me will you! :evil:

Sorry Neil, I knew I'd forget some of the categories. I wasn't expecting a competition, it was kinda thrown on me, lol.


NuTtY nOvA fLaIr
07-12-03, 06:55 PM
Im really gutted i didnt make it, the insurance company told me i would have a cover note yesterday, being saturday. Then i was going to tax my car and make the long trip down to MK for my 1st meet, didnt happen no cover note was in the post saturday twat :evil: looks like ill have to wait till the next meet now when is it??? At least there was a good turn out.

Craig :(

07-12-03, 07:01 PM
Grrr @ jim posting at same time as me and having 2 threads lol

Had a good day Jim has explained most of what i would have said includidn me and dan going to his for breakfast :lol: :lol: Got too cold for me after an hour so me and Tilly went and found the bar... sat doen in the warm had some drinks and chatted... about 1 1/2 hours later most people followed!!

It was nice to meet some of us regulars again and was also nice to meet a few new faces.

Thanks to Dan for letting me get a lift there and back with him... as soon as i have got the valver back in my car i SHALL be building another engine with 40's cos they make dans car sound Awesome :D

I cant wait till dans description of the day ... i would write more but very tired!!!


07-12-03, 07:05 PM
Oh forgot to say i have a few pics... mostly of tilly :roll: i might put them up, but then i might heep them to myself for my own satisfation :lol: :lol: :lol:

07-12-03, 07:43 PM
i jus got home. went via CPs to get my new bits :D

was a good day. and nice coffee :)

07-12-03, 07:49 PM
what were they then dicko ???

Flame retardent wiring loom ??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry couldnt resist :wink:

07-12-03, 08:03 PM
not long back myself. 328 miles round trip for me. ohh and it was bloody cold. i ran off to burger king for some food. when i got back everyone was leaving.

do i smell or something?
mel, the boot carpet is well mint. loads of nice motors and even more cold faces. bring on the summer. :D :D

07-12-03, 09:13 PM
mel, the boot carpet is well mint.

hehe, thank you. took me a while..especially when my dad broke the first bit of wood :lol: we were all leaving cause it was cold lol..but nice to meet you :wink:

nice to meet you all, and some VERY nice novas. Hiya to corsanova + wiggie, cheers for the drink :wink:

N0va: love the nova, looks way better than the pics

07-12-03, 09:34 PM
yup good day, set off at just gone 9am, picked slatter up at 10ish as roads were oddly fast moving. Once in mk rang jim and got lazy git out of bed (swears he wasnt in bed and obv told his mrs to agree lol). After numerous attempts of proving i wasnt on the wind up he believed we had arrived and come to get us which was lucky as the carpark guy at Gullivers Land musta seen slatters type before and hovered around us looking busy till we went lol. We were graced with tea and 2 :( slices of toast once at jims before venturing out (jk mate :wink: ).

Standing around on a grass bank trying to grab attention of nova drivers can be fun when things are lonely. As said we saw the 2 lads in the blue nova's and waving arms whilst in jacket pockets just didnt seem to cut it. Slowly but surely others rolled in and joined us on the bank for some banter as jim became happier and happier.

It was good to see the regal guys turn up with their toy and make me eat my words as i wasnt sure about it coming, but glad it did as it was fun watching it zoom up and down and put on a show for peeps. As per normal Chris T got lost lmao :lol: :lol: :wink: so myself and jim shot off to find him and dicko and got them to the carpark safely.

It was good to meet some new faces from both novaload and rb followed by some mingling, winding jim up and wondering around looking at the other cars and winding jim up until the cold got 2 much and a few of us shot off for a nice warm cup of coffee and more chatter.

The bit of fun as regards a comp was news to all of us as dave (nova x) came in and said i had won a prize :? , obv took with a pinch of salt until jim came in clasping some goodies which will be useful for me so not to bad at all.

Come 5pm We made a move after what i think was a very good meet and cheers to jim for starting it all off and sorting out the finer details. Keep an eye out for a piccie of my comfy shoes in my car lol, most used phrase heard on journey there and back "are you still in fifth gear ?" lol

07-12-03, 09:37 PM
Nice to meet CorsaNova, altho ur a very scary bloke!

:lol: I am Not! - Right! :evil:

:lol: :lol:

Very nice to meet you for the first time Mel.

It was nice to see some old faces and some new ones!

Hope you liked your seats RS..

Thanks MikeO :wink:

Thanks for my prize from Regal... :lol: I have been polishing my cock - pit ever since :o :lol:

07-12-03, 09:43 PM
but the owner didn't get out of the car for a while. Eventually he got out and introduced himself as White-Nova (Dave).
sorry had to phone the g/f to let her know i got there ok :oops: :lol:

07-12-03, 09:48 PM
im gutted to have missed it. will book day off work next year. good that it was good.

07-12-03, 09:56 PM
LOL, Your faces seeing Tilly driving "X"!!!!!!!!

She's the latest of only 2 or 3 that have been allowed. As it is soon to be her engine in her pink box seemed only fair :wink: It was cold but nice to put more faces to name, like Jim I'll forget which name goes with which face tho :D It's my age I guess. This was the last outing of "X" before we start stripping it out for the winter project engine, so if this was the first time you've seen my car come see the new improved version at Donney next year.

Once again thanks for all turning up, as a VxlSCC regional Organiser I know how much effort goes into arranging anything like this.

P.S. Tilly slept all the way home :lol:

07-12-03, 09:59 PM
Yeah i enjoyed it aswell saw some nice cars and got to come down the motorway with boost beast. just watching the video back now ive got some great video of boost beast going up and down the road outside,

07-12-03, 10:35 PM
right just got in after a mad day in the beast, my necks burnt, my feet are freezing and im half deaf but still laughin :lol:

had a great day, and so did all the other regal guys (and emma :lol: )

hope u all enjoyed ure xmas prezzies to those who won them, jus a bit of a laugh and summat different.

i got a few pics of the meet but only sum are not blurred from me hands shaking!! :o








and last but not least, the beast.....


nice to meet a few peeps, nova x, jim, dan .........

and a special shout to ollie for makin the huge trip to join us - imperial blue type k turo, corsanova (cheers for the seats), fergie and the guy with the white cav (im so sorry, can remember ure name :oops: ) - who i reli owe for bringing back me seats cos i had no room.

cheers guys, already looking fwd to next year.............

07-12-03, 11:26 PM
was it just tilly out of the girls that went? no puntobabe etc?

07-12-03, 11:30 PM
was it just tilly out of the girls that went? no puntobabe etc?

No, there were a few that turned up that I know of.

Mel :wink: - Tilly and Puntobabe (Claire) and there plenty more mingling with the crowd!

07-12-03, 11:31 PM
looks well cool with all the nova's parked up.

be good if i could make the next one!

07-12-03, 11:34 PM
:roll: all that was missing then was the red carpet, a hot dog stand and mobile heaters. next year encourage me to throw sickies.

07-12-03, 11:38 PM
Yeah i enjoyed it aswell saw some nice cars and got to come down the motorway with boost beast. just watching the video back now ive got some great video of boost beast going up and down the road outside,
any chance of putting the video up mate?

08-12-03, 01:31 AM
67 pics - click here (http://www.breeny.co.uk/novaloadmk.htm)

08-12-03, 01:33 AM
Nice one Breeny - LOL @ Random Tilly pic in the middle of them all (Not keen on that spikey fringe style hair cut mind!!!)


08-12-03, 01:36 AM
Whoops.. i didn't mean to put that one in lol

I'll take it out tomorrow before she see's :lol:

08-12-03, 01:47 AM
Saved to HDD so if anyone wants to see it..................

08-12-03, 06:30 AM
Lol - Me too!

Good Pics Mr B!

08-12-03, 08:04 AM
Cheers for uploading the pics Breeny. I should really get more Interior shots as there were quite a few Novas with nice Interiors.

LOL @ Breeny with the worlds smallest tripod ;) :lol:

Glad you all enjoyed it. Next MK Meet will be same time next year, however, now that they've moved Billing, might look at organising one in the summer, not sure yet, I'll keep you all posted.


08-12-03, 09:19 AM
Thanks Breeny for lying on the floor and getting some good pictures :roll:

A small tripod is all you need, you think I really am gonna carry around a big fuck off one when often the best pics are taken low down on the floor anyway :evil:

08-12-03, 10:11 AM
that blue euro style one looks wicked!!

08-12-03, 10:11 AM
Glad you all enjoyed it. Next MK Meet will be same time next year, however, now that they've moved Billing, might look at organising one in the summer, not sure yet, I'll keep you all posted.


wheres billing gone??

08-12-03, 10:56 AM
wheres billing gone??

It's now in September.


08-12-03, 11:00 AM
what happened to July :?

:( @ best meet of the year being same time as trax when its colder as well

Good meeting, couldnt stay for very long as had a stinking hangover and looked very very rough :) roll on the nexdt meet


08-12-03, 11:10 AM
wheres billing gone??

It's now in September.


thats proper crap. been going to billing and luvin' it for 5 years now. in july never had a whole weekend of bad weather. september is far too late.
all good things always come to an end.

08-12-03, 11:11 AM
i say do novaload and png meet in july at billing. who's wiv me??? lol

08-12-03, 11:17 AM
Its because there isn't space... Every weekend theres something going on at Billing during the summer.

Its been booked for 2005 in July again.

08-12-03, 01:16 PM
I forgot to mention the highlight of my day was seeing blazing squad in the services on the way up :P

08-12-03, 01:35 PM
I forgot to mention the highlight of my day was seeing blazing squad in the services on the way up :P

And I thought it looked like a good day out, but if that was the highlight of your day...................
:roll: :twisted:

08-12-03, 01:36 PM
but there my favourite male vocalist group :P

08-12-03, 01:47 PM
but there my favourite male vocalist group :P

You need shooting then!


08-12-03, 01:48 PM
Was a good day, sorry arrived a bit late and didn't get to talk to many people, met corsa nova very funny man and met jim and also spoke to will and bling machine.

Some nice cars there, thanks regal for my shamois :lol:

08-12-03, 01:54 PM
thats good - no pics of me, hehe

08-12-03, 02:00 PM
i say do novaload and png meet in july at billing. who's wiv me??? lol

png are banned from billing

08-12-03, 02:05 PM
thats good - no pics of me, hehe

Thats cos I didn't get there earlier enough!

08-12-03, 02:06 PM
slatter has some :D

08-12-03, 02:09 PM
thats good - no pics of me, hehe

Thats cos I didn't get there earlier enough!

yeah, sorry I didnt get a chance to meet you, some certain person didnt tell me he was bringing you and I didnt find out it was you till last night.

when you arrived we'd already been there for 4 hours, so had had enough and was freezing

08-12-03, 02:16 PM
Didn't quite mean it like that lol... didn't know I was coming myself until about 30 mins before hand.. :oops:

GTE Girl
08-12-03, 05:03 PM
definetly think that it should be in the summer next year be much better or maybe not as late as december be able to have a proper look without my fingers nearly droping off lol

08-12-03, 05:11 PM
Breeny cheers for the shite photo, was a bit unexpected had about 4 flashes of camera in my face all of a sudden.

Was a good day just too cold. Well done to Jim for organising it, not a bad location either havingf a pub so close by.
Felt out of place not having mine there :cry:

Sorry i was so unsociable to most, didnt get to speak to anyone.

Oh and dan most heard u promise me a ride (in ur car u perverted lot reading that wrong)

And thanks to slatter and corsanova for the flow of drinks.

08-12-03, 06:20 PM
The problem with trying to oganise it in the summer is that theres usually a larger show just round the corner so most people wont bother turning up. All you have to do is remember to pack a wolly jumper, hat and gloves :D


08-12-03, 07:17 PM
thats good - no pics of me, hehe

if you look closely in one of breenys photos you can see the back of your head LOL

Don't worry I'll get ya next time!! :twisted:

08-12-03, 08:06 PM
Glad to see you all had a nice day!
I was thinking of you all whilst i was working through the night and day!
Grea photos! very sorry to have missed it now! maybe next time i could win the furthest distance travelled lmao!

08-12-03, 08:26 PM
Yeah sorry that i didnt meet alot of new people but being out in the cold was too much for me after a few hours.... i couldnt refuse taking tilly to the pub :wink: lol... MK next winter = 2 pairs of trousers .. 2 fleeces - scarf glove hat etc !!! then hopefully i should meet some new faces :)

08-12-03, 11:05 PM
great pictures everyone, nice to meet you all, great to talk to wrigles, bet u cant wait to past your test, good luck with it!

09-12-03, 01:48 PM
thats good - no pics of me, hehe

if you look closely in one of breenys photos you can see the back of your head LOL

Don't worry I'll get ya next time!! :twisted:

yeah I know, but ya cant really see me, hehe

09-12-03, 02:07 PM
was good to meat a whole bunch of people
jim, dan, slatter, alex, neil, corsanova, dave (novax) an put some other faces to names :D

09-12-03, 06:55 PM
seeing blazin squad was cool, wasn't sure wether to jump them or not though!!!

thought they were someone off here caus i reckognised them and then GTE_girl said it was blazin squad. so glad i didn't say something like 'you boys wanna follow us to milton keynes', they would have thought i was a right wierdo!!

sorry i didn't bring any BOOST bars with me but instead i brought the BOOST beast instead which i'm sure was a better surprise!! (see wot i done there, BOOST bars BOOST beast, haha, cleaver ay!!)

my engine started sounding well suspect so i'm putting in loads of overtime at work now so i can afford RS's GTE he's got.

was a fun day, wasn't too fun driving home though, the beast oil light came on which was worrying, then motorway (M1 i think) was hectic so we stopped for a drink, then kept falling asleep, then i had to try and keep up with chris and the beast on the way home, which i didn't manage to do!!

defo be at the next one though!!


09-12-03, 07:02 PM
correction fergie, wasnt the oil light in the end, it was the engine manegement light- throttle position sensor voltage too high, meaning we were cruising at the same throttle position (full throttle) for too long!

lol :lol:

wasnt the oil, but we put sum in just in case, pressure stayed spot on all the way home!

running hardly any boost that day :(

still managed to do 90kph to 210kph in like a stupidly fast time of like 4 secs! (and nearly ended up in the back of a lorry :twisted: )

09-12-03, 07:21 PM
seeing blazin squad was cool, wasn't sure wether to jump them or not though!!!

you should be ashamed of yourself, i would give my right arm to rid the world of thoses little (Wanna be Gansta) twat$ :evil:

Oh well, will have to keep hopeing that they walk out infront of my car, my bumper should scoop there remains up a treat :lol:

09-12-03, 07:30 PM
lol at bling machine, there only cardboard cut outs mate. i no ure cars low but theyd still be able to fold down and fit under. :lol:

cud u imagine the wail they let out, we cud record it and sell it as there next single!

fair play to em tho, they no how to make money.

10-12-03, 07:45 AM
fair play to em tho, they no how to make money.

I'm surprised they make any money by the time they've devided the profits between all 4million members. Theres countries with less people in than the Blazin Squad crew!

Anyway, not wanting to detract the post too far from the meeting. Shall we say same time next year? :)


10-12-03, 07:53 AM
anytime next year m8, ill b there

10-12-03, 08:14 AM
Ill be there, and hopefully my car wont look as standard :oops:

10-12-03, 09:57 AM
sounds good for next year,
will either be in the astra again or the nova depending on the weather :lol:

10-12-03, 02:01 PM
Hopefully I'll be able to bring the Punto along next year :D can't wait to get it back and seeing all these modded cars all the time makes me miss it more :(

10-12-03, 03:26 PM
think that's what slatter was thinking until he saw about 5 purple cars turn up :lol:

10-12-03, 04:43 PM
Yeah :( But i dont think any of those were exactly same colour as mine ... Lotus colour :wink:

Ohh well

12-12-03, 05:12 PM
...i know its abit l8in the thred but good work breeny.

i still wanna know where that pic got to of the robbed tinsel and corsanovas magic machine!


12-12-03, 05:29 PM
...i still wanna know where that pic got to of the robbed tinsel and corsanovas magic machine!



12-12-03, 05:30 PM
Id like to see this pic

12-12-03, 05:34 PM
Id like to see this pic

No you wouldn't - RIGHT :!:


12-12-03, 05:35 PM
:o Ok Ok Sorry :o


12-12-03, 05:44 PM


Mel - Don't you EVER develop that Pic!

12-12-03, 06:23 PM
:lol: hehehe :lol: whoops? qulaity moment :P

12-12-03, 06:27 PM
:lol: hehehe :lol: whoops? qulaity moment :P

Shut it right :!:

:lol: :lol: