View Full Version : Crankshaft swap +BHP

Jono r
05-12-03, 02:27 PM
Does anyone know if it is possible to fit a crankshaft + conrods from a 1.6SE or similar into a 1.4SE? I was thinkin this would give the engine more stroke so therefore the capacity would increase to about 1540cc. Does anyone know if it would be a straight swap and be a worthwhile mod?? Any suggestions???? :idea:

05-12-03, 03:31 PM
more stroke but you need a longer block as the pistons will come out the top

05-12-03, 05:59 PM
All blocks are the same height, whats wrong with just using a whole 1.6 bottom end??

05-12-03, 07:41 PM
really ??
im sure when i measured my 1400 and 1200 blocks they were about 20mm different.

Jono r
05-12-03, 07:50 PM
i may be wrong but is that not why the 1.2-1.6 are called short block and the 1.8-2.0 called long block? the reason i don't want t use the 1.6 block is fir insurance reasons!

05-12-03, 08:53 PM
tbh if thats your game then you should be shot as its people like yourself that keep shtum on modifications that help keep the premiums up that little bit more for the rest of us that are genuine with our motor insurance. Fortunatley the gains you are aiming to get wont be noticable as bottom end work alone doesnt give power as such.

05-12-03, 09:40 PM
If you want it to go faster stry stripping th eseats out of it and any extra weight, bet it will pick up it's pace ;)

Jono r
06-12-03, 07:06 PM
Dan the "MAN", i think u misunderstood me. I did not mention anythin about NOT telling the insurance company i just pointed out the fact that the 1.6 is a group 11 when the 1.4 is a much lower 7! Just to let u know i do have all my modifications declared, so think before u speak next time.

06-12-03, 07:19 PM
Most bottom end work only increases the rev speed and dosent actually increase BHP.

06-12-03, 08:05 PM
sorry maybe i did get wrong end of stick but increasing the capacity of an engine means declaring it, and going from a 1398 to a 1540 if it is, and not wanting to go that extra 58cc tells the tale of wanting to increase performance on the qt as after declaring such i dont think a 1598 bottom end would be much different in cost, maybe its just the way its written and i interpreted it wrong

07-12-03, 10:10 AM
or maybe he wants it in the lower tax bracket??

makeing the stoke longer reduces the revability

low tax stops at 1549cc so that engine would fall into the lower category :)

08-12-03, 03:16 PM
BEN....if u increase the engine speed the power WILL also increase. it may not affect the torque produced, but power is the "rate of work done". if u increase the RPM, there are more power strokes per second, and so more power is produced.
(Motorsport Beng (hons))