View Full Version : chippin a ps2

03-12-03, 01:29 AM
has anyone tryed chippin a ps2, there's cheap chips and how 2 guides on the net but its meant to be well hard, any1 know?

03-12-03, 06:43 AM
Tut, tut, Naughty, naughty Mikey!! :lol:

03-12-03, 01:43 PM
what! are we not allowed to talk bout this stuff? :oops:

03-12-03, 02:16 PM
yeh ive got mine done! had it done last year cost me ?40. one of my uncles m8's did it for me. games cost me ?5 now :lol:

03-12-03, 02:31 PM
40 quids pretty good a few of my mates have had it done for 80-90quid

03-12-03, 02:34 PM
yeah as i said it was my uncles freind so he did it cheap. Yep Denny thats another thing i got cheap lol!

03-12-03, 04:12 PM
bah, for ?140 my mate can chip my X-box to play PS2 games, copied games, multi-region dvd's AND fit an expanded hard-drive (onto which u can copy/save FULL games to) with 80 games already built into it!! :D

Or copied games for ?3 each.

03-12-03, 06:01 PM
i gotta chipped xbox, did it with my bro, its well easy in an xbox coz theres already a little port inside on the main board where you just plug the thing in!! iv got games saved to my harddisk and can upgrade it, can play any region dvd..

i saw ps2 chips that you can just plug into the usb port on the ps2 somewhere on the net, wasnt too expensive either. they had the normal ones that you solder in aswel, and they had guides on how to do it

03-12-03, 06:37 PM
u get cheap crappy chips and you get expensive rip off chips.

the best chip u can get is the DMS3 chip.
THERE IS NO CONTEST! Trust me, I have done my research into Messiah 2 Pro, Magic Chips etc etc....


It's around ?35 to buy, and then whatever it is to install (around ?35 too).

You can't go wrong boyz.


03-12-03, 06:42 PM
go to a local computer fair, usually someone at these will do it for around 40 quid. just go back a hour or so later.

03-12-03, 06:46 PM
I was in woolworths the day the PS2 was released in the UK and some guy was loitering round offering to do anyone who bought one.

03-12-03, 06:54 PM
:s he was doing people when they bought a ps2, now thats a promotion i an avoid lol

Xbox all the way kids :D

03-12-03, 07:00 PM
Only problem with the Xbox you need a utility room to keep it in, ive seen smaller car engines.

03-12-03, 07:28 PM
some guy was loitering round offering to do anyone who bought one.

Some guy was loitering around offering to 'do' people that had bought a PS2? I hope you told the cops - bloody kiddy fiddlers!!

04-12-03, 12:20 AM
what! are we not allowed to talk bout this stuff? :oops:

It was supposed to be funny Mikey, that's why there was a laughing smiley at the end... :roll: :lol:

04-12-03, 01:42 PM
i knew really, :lol:

yeah ive heard of the magic and massiah chips thought the massiah was the best but ive never heard of the other one. i was wondering if u could solder it yourself, as the pics of the circuit board looks so intricate and theres loads of wires to do... its like u need a magnifying glass!! :idea:

04-12-03, 03:04 PM
i got mine chiped with the first messiah over 2 1/2 years ago and even that was 26 wires all about .5 thick , the connections are so small i wouldnt try it unless your an electricion or somethin ,if your in manchester take it to bowlers one sat or sun mornin thell sort it :D

04-12-03, 10:35 PM
i saw ps2 chips that you can just plug into the usb port on the ps2 somewhere on the net, wasnt too expensive either. they had the normal ones that you solder in aswel, and they had guides on how to do it

Where can you find these?