View Full Version : FAO PAULROBO !!!!!! >>>>>>

13-03-01, 10:11 AM

I don't know If ytou have been trying to get hold of me by e-mail, my e-mail at work is fucked ! i haven't been able to get into it for over a week and we have only just got internet access back today, they keep fucking around with the servers here !
i got the cheque on thursday for ?110, which is great, but you dated it the 7/4/01 for some reason so I cant cash it yet.
If you need to get hold of me, you can do it by posting a message on the forum or e-mailing me @ damian.coull@yahoo.co.uk for the time being untill my e-mail is sorted out at work !!


13-03-01, 10:19 AM
I am a complete FU~#*%G retard! For the first half of the month i put the 04 on all of my work reports. Do you want to hold that check and cash that or what? If you want me to send you another then return the first and i will gladly send you one with thismonths date on it!
God, if I get any more stupid then i will be driving a PUG! X-(

B-) All Pug drivers are W*nk*rs (exept my missus) X-(

13-03-01, 12:00 PM

thats class. :D

X-( I'm mean and i don't care :D




13-03-01, 05:34 PM
I can hold onto this cheque but if I'm waiting until ive cashed it b4 sending you the stuff you will have to wait untill the 10th b4 I even send the stuff, my guess is that you will want the stuff sooner than that ?
I will leave it up to you, if you send me another cheque I will tear this one up or you can cancel it from your end, and I will use the new one.

Let me know what you wanna do, trust me, I know how shitty dates can be, Im working with an American company at the moment and hey do all their dates backwards so its even more confusing !!
