View Full Version : New nova...

18-11-03, 10:10 PM
hey people im kinda new here (as a registered user, ive been watching the forums for a while)

i was wondering....what do you think about getting a 1.1 /1.3 nova as a first car?

i know i wouldnt be able to have one that had been already modified or the insurance would kill me...but what do you lot think ? :?:

18-11-03, 10:17 PM
I think you'll have problems finding a 1.1, as there are 1.0's, 1.2's, 1.3's 1.4's. 1.5's and 1.6's but no 1.1's

Get a nice little 1.2 for your first one..

18-11-03, 11:19 PM
standard 1.2 spi mk2. as clean as you can possibly find. do hold out for a good 'en. there are still a few tidy 1.2's about. this way it being so tidy will deter people away from the fact that its only a 1.2 and onto the fact that its a really clean nova. which is getting rarer. thats wot happened with my 1.2 when i got it. my mates had bigger, more powerful cars than i but then all immediately moved onto tidy-only cars. kinda 'copying' me.

19-11-03, 08:34 AM
im gonna be selling my 1.2 after christmas! :wink: