View Full Version : nova site?????

18-11-03, 11:27 AM
how many peeps are on here from the southwest, and would they be interested in a southwest nova site, so we can all get together ourselfs, post below or email me @ novarich82@aol.com

18-11-03, 11:29 AM
no i'm not intrested in a site... NL is good enough

18-11-03, 11:30 AM
that would be cool m in hampshire and there isn't a lot going on round here we got a site starting but it just a forum and is for allcars not just novas so a nova one would be great were abouts are you

18-11-03, 11:39 AM
im in padstow in north cornwall

18-11-03, 01:02 PM
Im in south devon.

why dont you just come and use www.southwestcruisin.co.uk

loads of peeps on there and we usually meet up on wednesday nights or at the meets around devon and cornwall.

18-11-03, 02:30 PM
No need to start ANOTHER one, there's loads about.

19-11-03, 05:01 PM
why u southwestcruisin, when cruise south west is closer based, i wonted summat just for novas in this area, where we can get together, never mind, ill see how many i can get interested in just cornwall