View Full Version : computer help !!

14-11-03, 09:04 AM
hi all i am in desrerate need of some help with my computer. when i am on the net no pictures will display on any web site. all i get is an empty box with a little red cross in the corner. this goes for ant picture at all. all i can see is writing. someone please help.

14-11-03, 12:03 PM
On your internet explorer window Click Tools > Internet options.
Then click the advanced tab.

Scroll down about half way until you come ot the multimedia section and there will be an ption which says "Show Pictures" if this box has a tick in it already i do not know where the problem is, but if it hasnt got one... it needs one.

Hope this helps.


14-11-03, 12:05 PM
and yes i know you cant see the image - but if you do it right you will be able to see it when it is working and know you founf the right bit.

14-11-03, 01:28 PM
LOL :lol: Thats a bit anoying. can't see the image to fix the problem about not seeing images. Like when i had a virus that wouldn't run .exe's I got a patch but it was an exe!!!!

14-11-03, 01:33 PM
lol! thats quite funny!

"change some settings if it works youre in"

14-11-03, 02:16 PM
dont suppose you have that silly google bar at the top of internet explorer? or maybe a firewall such as zonealarm/tiny etc

14-11-03, 02:57 PM
Right i have emailed the image to him/her. That might help eh lol.

14-11-03, 06:28 PM
my pictures box in my tools has got a tick in and it is still the same. its really pi**ing me off now. come on someone please help