View Full Version : Bored

13-11-03, 02:49 PM

ahhhhhhh i am going mad in this bloody office with nothing to do

13-11-03, 02:59 PM
monkey, being a little bit bored and seeing a chicken clucking around in the distance behind some trees decided that it was time to spice up his day and have a little fun. He moved silently through the undergrowth towards the chicken only to find that when he drew closer it was infact a duck which had contracted 'mad as a carrot' disease.

The monkey looked around with a puzzlerd look on it's face and noticed a rabbit eating some lettuce beside a burrow. Wondering where a rabbit would come from in the middle of the jungle monkey realised that lettuce doesnt grow in the jungle either - in fact, neither ducks nor chicken live in the junge either... Monkey became worried and quickly ran up a tree and confided in his monkey friends who all turned and laughed at him.

Monkey was later sent away from the group and was told not to return until he could swing from trees, eat ticks and lice form teh backs of the others and look stylish while eating a banana.


I think you will find i am more bored than you linz.

13-11-03, 03:02 PM
roflmao you a nursery school teacher in your spare time andy

13-11-03, 03:08 PM
No i just have a good imagination - something which everyone is born with and uses all the time as a child during play etc but most people choose to ignore and forget as they get older...

All that happens is that the less creative people tend to get bored quicker as they cant htink of anything to entertain themselves and need to be entertained by others.


13-11-03, 03:16 PM
:D lol

13-11-03, 04:58 PM