View Full Version : Tattoos and Piercings....

13-11-03, 02:06 PM
So whos got what and where??

I've got my ears pierced twice and my belly button pierced.

I've got 3 tattoos..

1. Chinese symbol for love on my right arm
2. Seahorse on the base of my spine
3. Me To You Bear on my left shoulder

13-11-03, 02:11 PM
i have 'KEEP OFF THE GRASS' tatooed above my pubes and a no entry sign (red and white circle) tattoed next to my bum hole.


lol, no i have a chinese symbol on the top of each arm and a keltic knot underneath. been wanting a new one for ages though, just havent got round to it

13-11-03, 02:13 PM
i want a tatoo but i am too scared and i am a very passing out all the time sort of person!

I got my ears done twice at the bottom and once at the top also the plug bit of my ear done (which really hurt abd i didnt have no breakfast before i had it done so passed out oops)

And my belly button.

Used to have my nose done but kept getting wrong at school so ended up taking it out and didnt get it done again when i left as the craze was over lol

13-11-03, 02:20 PM
I had my eye brow peirced, and i have 4 tattoos;

Right arm - Tribal Patern with sun in the middle with a chinese symbol in the middle of that about 4 inches long

Left arm - Tribal patern about 10 inches long

Right forearm - Tribal again about 4 inches long

Between my shoulderblades - A pattern that blends from purple to light blue about 15 inches long


13-11-03, 03:06 PM
Chaos, Panic & Disorder

By all means, feel free to copy my sig :lol:

13-11-03, 03:07 PM

13-11-03, 03:42 PM
i have 3 piercings, 2 in my left and one in my right, i used to have a bar through my eyebrow but i took it out as im a football coach and it doesnt look 'professional'!

i have 2 tats, a scroll on my right arm, yet to be finished, and a black widow spider on my right leg!

soon to be getting more tats as my bro is a tattooist and i can get them all for free! :D

13-11-03, 03:50 PM
ive got my left ear pierced twice at the bottom and my initials tattoed on my rite arm in fancy kinda writing

13-11-03, 03:53 PM
i have a mate called david brennan and he has brennan down his arm beckham style like old english or something its called.
I was mortal winding him up on saturday and said i am going to get Kapen down my arm do you think it will look good might get a bull dog at the top too he was really mad i was takin the piss and just agreed with me ........well i thought it was funny at the time pissed out me head

13-11-03, 04:28 PM
I had 5 piercings, 1 in the eyebrow and 1 in my right ear and 2 in the left ear.. But don't have any piercings more.

And then i have 3 Tattoo's..

A Biohazard sign in my neck.

And a round Tribal sign on my left upper arm. ( draw it my self )

And i have a huge Tribal on most of my right arm and right side of my back and chest.. ( draw it my self )

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

13-11-03, 05:24 PM
I dont agree with mutalating th beautiful human form and am oppsed to any form body enhancement.

13-11-03, 05:44 PM
Just my left ear pierced borin I know! :D

13-11-03, 06:24 PM
im all innocent, with just grinder bite scars lol

13-11-03, 07:57 PM
I dont agree with mutalating th beautiful human form and am oppsed to any form body enhancement.

i agree with ben

13-11-03, 10:52 PM
I have both ears pierced 3 times on the bottom
left ear pierced on cartilage at top
right ear pierced on cartilage in middle, and on tragus (bone bit by cheek)

Belly button pierced

Tongue pierced :P

Used to have nose pierced but got bored of it, dont like it in photos ive seen now either :roll:

No tattoos but debating one on lower spine/back

13-11-03, 11:24 PM
i have my ears pierced 3 times on the bottom, and my belly button pierced to,

no tattoos as im a chicken lol


14-11-03, 12:18 AM
have my eyebrow, nipple, tongue and tragus ( inner ear)

3 tattoos, a coustom one (thats gonna be expanded soon) on my left shoulder, and band rounbd my right arm and a lion on the top of my right arm

14-11-03, 12:30 AM
Got my LEFT ear pierced twice.

Want a tattoo done, but scared of needles :o

Had to edit this, realised I'd got my left and right muddled up

14-11-03, 10:29 AM
LMFAO @ Ben. Yeah, course you dont believe in any of this stuff mate.


Shame the album isnt up at the moment eh :lol:

14-11-03, 11:16 AM
got my left ear done twice and my right ear done aswel


14-11-03, 01:41 PM
LMFAO @ Ben. Yeah, course you dont believe in any of this stuff mate.


Shame the album isnt up at the moment eh :lol:

I think you are getting me confused with that other Ben who's user name is now Ben Lurk75.

I do npot have any tattoos or piercing Andy and cant abide them.

14-11-03, 01:45 PM
Chaos, Panic & Disorder

By all means, feel free to copy my sig :lol:

Haha, sorry I didn't know. I have that as my operator logo on my phone.

14-11-03, 02:31 PM
sorry Ben i forgot you are the new 'Rejuvenated' ben who is nothing like the old ben at all. :D

14-11-03, 03:17 PM
Currently sourcing a nice turntable caricature/cartoon thing...which i might put on the top of my arm....not sure tho...
Would just like a 12" record, but would just look like a giant wagon wheel on my arm i think.. :roll:

Kinda special meaning- being my career and the epicentre of my mini universe really.

15-11-03, 03:28 AM
ive got my left testicle peirced and connected via a chain to my right earlobe and a stud in my anus thats connected to GPS so my mother know's where i am at all times.

15-11-03, 10:20 AM
ive got my left testicle peirced and connected via a chain to my right earlobe and a stud in my anus thats connected to GPS so my mother know's where i am at all times.

:roll: :lol: :lol:

15-11-03, 10:24 AM
the thing is ... with Neil you can never really be 100% sure if he is joking or not :lol:

15-11-03, 01:19 PM
hardy hardy HAR, u annoying little gecco andy!!!

15-11-03, 07:10 PM
the thing is ... with Neil you can never really be 100% sure if he is joking or not :lol:

Nah if Neil did have that done he would have pcs on the net of it.


15-11-03, 07:33 PM
lmfao u can just imagine neil sitting somewhere and getting an electric shock to his pods via GPS when his tea is ready or summat :lol:

15-11-03, 09:47 PM
the thing is ... with Neil you can never really be 100% sure if he is joking or not :lol:

Nah if Neil did have that done he would have pcs on the net of it.


lmao, here we go again

16-11-03, 03:11 AM
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

16-11-03, 06:59 AM
lmfao u can just imagine neil sitting somewhere and getting an electric shock to his pods via GPS when his tea is ready or summat :lol:

Well YOU might be able to imagine things like that but I can't...........

16-11-03, 08:31 AM
ive got me ear pierced twice 1 at top 1 at the bottom and me tounge

ive got a few plans for me tattoos i want my kids names on me arms (so i dont 4get em :lol: ) i want a pirahanna fish on 1 arm and "made in england" on t'other arm

17-11-03, 12:22 AM
You will all rot in hell :!:

17-11-03, 11:09 AM
1)Ears twice
5)use to have eyebrow


1) under my belly button a blue/opink and black celtic thing
2) Aceltic pattern on the bottom of my back

17-11-03, 11:12 AM
Ooo Tilly did it not Kill having your nipple done i went with my mate once for hers and i nearlly passed out watching them do it she kept catching it on things and it went infected

17-11-03, 11:16 AM
yeah i have a ring atm soon to be a Bar due to keep catching it.
must get 1 more piercing done and im complete.
Wouldnt mind another tattoo but i have priorities atm

17-11-03, 11:18 AM
where u want another piercing

17-11-03, 01:36 PM
Right here goes....

2 x Piercings in the top of my right ear
2 x piercings at the bottom of both ears
1 x Piercing in the flap of my right ear (Targus?)
Used to have my Nipple pierced when i was at school

1x Tattoo going across my foot in Thai writing saying my name
1 x Japanese Symbol on my right hand side of my chest (soon to be defaced)
1 x Colour Tribal pattern about 10"x6"s on my right shoulder blade
1 x 2ft black tribal piece going down my right shoulder now joined up to a 1 ft piece going over my shoulder and all the way down to my elbow.

Whole thing is made up of 6 seperate tattoo's and about 4-5 hours of custom work joining it all up.

In the future planning to get a Japanese Koi carp completely covering my right foot and then getting a dragon curling around my whole right arm and over onto my chest.

Also thinking of getting my complete rib cage covered with a picture of a Buddihst warlord to protect against evil spirits.

17-11-03, 01:51 PM
Right here goes....

2 x Piercings in the top of my right ear
2 x piercings at the bottom of both ears
1 x Piercing in the flap of my right ear (Targus?)
Used to have my Nipple pierced when i was at school

1x Tattoo going across my foot in Thai writing saying my name
1 x Japanese Symbol on my right hand side of my chest (soon to be defaced)
1 x Colour Tribal pattern about 10"x6"s on my right shoulder blade
1 x 2ft black tribal piece going down my right shoulder now joined up to a 1 ft piece going over my shoulder and all the way down to my elbow.

Whole thing is made up of 6 seperate tattoo's and about 4-5 hours of custom work joining it all up.

In the future planning to get a Japanese Koi carp completely covering my right foot and then getting a dragon curling around my whole right arm and over onto my chest.

Also thinking of getting my complete rib cage covered with a picture of a Buddihst warlord to protect against evil spirits.

:o bl00dy hell, either your loaded or you know someone who's a tattooist so you get them cheap or even free.

the one on the base of my spine took the longest outta all mine but that was only 2 hours

17-11-03, 01:52 PM
That is alot of tattoos i had a picture of my bigest one in the album. That took 2.45hrs. :D

17-11-03, 01:56 PM
Right here goes....

1 x Piercing in the flap of my right ear (Targus?)



17-11-03, 01:58 PM
I pay ?40 an hour (wich is a good rate) ive been going to the same place for 7 years and get on ok with them, ive had all them done there except my foot. here is there site...


They have hhundreds of awards and are constantly winning more.

17-11-03, 07:06 PM
the tato that looks the best is the 1 steve'o from jackass has got on hiss ass

it says "your name" so he can tell people he's got your name tattoo'd on his ass :lol:

17-11-03, 09:31 PM


you let billy bob and his buddy near you with a needle :o

18-11-03, 12:09 AM
when i had my first tat, my brother said, once ive had it done, i want another one, and i did, they are addictive, you might not like needles or pain, but once youve had one, youre likely to want another!

i want up to 15 tats, not saying i will get them all, but its what i would like!

18-11-03, 09:25 AM
Heres my last one the day i had it done, just got to get the rest done soon


18-11-03, 01:18 PM
The guy in the white T shirt is allegedly the fastest in europe with the highest % accuracy.

18-11-03, 01:48 PM
Heres my last one the day i had it done, just got to get the rest done soon


wow, thats mint. I aint got no pics of mine yet, but my dad just got back from America with a digital camera, i'll have to get someone to take some pics for me

18-11-03, 01:55 PM
Why thank you :D

23-11-03, 01:43 AM
:arrow: I got my left eye brow done 2 time

23-11-03, 04:19 PM
had a new tattoo done yesterday, tribal band around my wrist.

the guy was a guest tattoo artist from malta who apparently had won shed loads of awards and shit. couldnt understand a fucking word he said though lol :roll:

24-11-03, 02:13 PM
i know im new but i fort i'd join in!

ive got my tongue, nipple and belly button done!

i aint gay b4 any1 says it!

getn the little sticky out bit of my ear done on sat and a tattoo on the nxt month or so!

24-11-03, 03:53 PM
Ive got one sitting left after a itensive couple of weeks in the chair, looking forward to a break from them for a couple of months.

25-11-03, 03:22 PM
getn the little sticky out bit of my ear done on sat and a tattoo on the nxt month or so!

one of r lasses mates has got that done it looks painfull as hell :!:

25-11-03, 03:53 PM
getn the little sticky out bit of my ear done on sat and a tattoo on the nxt month or so!

one of r lasses mates has got that done it looks painfull as hell :!:

nice 1, cheers fella :lol:

25-11-03, 06:54 PM
Look the "sticky out bit of your ear" up, if your talking about the tragus which i think you are....it doenst hurt a tiny bit.

Tongue n belly on a bloke....hmmm well pld. I personally think it looks quite nice but all blokes shrug it off as "gay". i mean we dont look gay with it done and we use it for the same as you do :twisted: eating that is

26-11-03, 04:10 AM
Tragus dosent hurt just sounds weird when they are going through the cartilidge and you hear it pop out the other side.

Does anyone else with this suffer with there hearin in nightclubs etc as my left ear is now slightly distorted.

Off to the tattooists later if i wake up in time.

26-11-03, 04:09 PM
Tragus dosent hurt just sounds weird when they are going through the cartilidge and you hear it pop out the other side.

Does anyone else with this suffer with there hearin in nightclubs etc as my left ear is now slightly distorted.

Off to the tattooists later if i wake up in time.

thats what its called cudnt remember

and am already deaf in me left ear probably from music 2 loud but its spot on if r lass is snoring

26-11-03, 08:06 PM
i must get another tattoo done and 1 more piercing to go. eeeeeeeeek

26-11-03, 08:27 PM
where you getting another done tilly? or is it where i think it is? not sposed to hurt that much actually, if thats any help lol

27-11-03, 12:27 AM

27-11-03, 03:56 AM
had a 2 1/2 hour sitting earlier, all virtually done now just one last sitting for all the pointing and touch ups when all the scabs are off then im ready to go.

:lol: :lol: :lol: