View Full Version : Interview

12-11-03, 09:24 AM
11am - less than two hours away now.
Am getting rather anxious about it all now.

Sorted out the problem of how to get out of work by simply telling them yesterday i would start a bit earlier today as i have to leave the office for an hour or so mid morning. No problems there.

Just Sh*tting myself about it now :o

12-11-03, 09:49 AM
did you just move this post yourself??

oh and good luck by the way!

12-11-03, 09:54 AM
yeah i moved it - can do without the complaints today lol.

Setting off in about 10 or 15 minutes :o

12-11-03, 10:01 AM
bugger it i'm off.


12-11-03, 10:05 AM
Hope it goes well mate, breeze through it no doubt

12-11-03, 12:03 PM
That's it - it's over and done with.

Went quite well... not bad at all really. They are gonna let me know within 48 hours and then if they decide i am worth it they will have me in to meet a director... probably while doing some sort of trial day or something for them and then from there i would start as soon as possible once my notice here haas been worked.

12-11-03, 01:15 PM
Nice one. Directors scare me,is there going to be a few of them sitting in front of you or just one,you alone in the middle of the room:(

12-11-03, 01:22 PM
Well done Andy!

12-11-03, 02:07 PM
Comapny directors are jsut the same as you and me withy a bit more cash in their pockets - or not depending on the business.

Register youself as a limited company and bingo, youre a company director lol.

I think form the sound of it it'll just be one of them there to approve the wages of whoever gets the job lol.

12-11-03, 02:53 PM
I had an interview yesterday for a helpdesk job, seemed like a really good job aswell. Got a letter this morning saying my application will not be taken any further :evil:

So hard to find a job once you got a degree and no experience :cry:

12-11-03, 03:16 PM
No Degree - got experience though :D
Have tried my hand at pretty much everything.

Electrician... Warehouse work, IT Support, Web Design, Call Centre, Glass Collection, Bar Work, Bar Supervisor... Loads of admin and data input jobs.

Get yourself registered with as many recruitment agencies as you can find and just keep accepting jobs and list all the stuff you ahve done on your cv. all counts as experience... and gets you a couple of employers you can use as references rather than just college toturs etc.

12-11-03, 03:28 PM
GO Andy its your birthday!!!

lol not really well done mate you should have done fine its the wiating bit i hate

12-11-03, 03:32 PM
it was the anticipation i didnt like - the build up to it etc.
when i left work i was cacking myself but once i got changed and became "Interview Andy" i felt better and once i walked in there i was fine... confident as could be.

Only thing i am worried about really is the fact that i need to work 4 weeks notice... they were asking me if that could be reduced at all but with it being our busy time i just dont know - and wont be able to find out unless they offer me the job.

12-11-03, 03:57 PM
call in sick for 4 weeks while at your new job.. OR get sacked if you get offered the new one and so no notice is needed :D

12-11-03, 04:02 PM
it would be very difficult for me to be sacked though as they know i have to train my replacement. THis is the bind i have myself locked into now you see.

Not too bad though - they were quite understanding about it really. Will just explain if they get me in again that if they want me they will have to expect to wait 4 weeks but if it is at all possible i will be out sooner than that, just depends on employers plans and how intelligent the new recruit is lol.

12-11-03, 04:03 PM
Well anyone will be better than you as they might get to work at a reasonable hour :lol:

12-11-03, 04:07 PM
the only reason i dont arrive on time all the time here, and had my start time adjusted by half an hour was because i see no point of coming in at 9am when it makes no difference if i start at 11am - except to me and my finishing time.

Employers dont like it, but thats just an example of how hard it is for me to be sacked - at once point i had a record of 33 days being late out of a possible 35. and they gave me a warning - i repeated this and they didnt give me another official warning they just told me off a bit about it as they know that they only have so many chances with the official procedure etc before they have to sack me - and they cant do it - will cause them too many problems lol.

12-11-03, 04:40 PM
get alex in to do your current job lol

when me dad found a new job, he was put on "gardening leave" which means he got a months holiday from his old company as full pay, which was just to piss the new company off as they couldnt get him for 4 weeks lol.

ive registered with so many agencies its unbeliveable, i get calls saying "hi its ...... you applied for ...... job" , "umm did i? oh yeah that one" lol

i apply for about 2 jobs a day on average, and get about 3 replies a week lmao

12-11-03, 09:22 PM
you have also got to remember to leave on good terms.
think about this senario. you get the job, you hate it and ask to go back to your old place. the person who has replaced you is prob still on a probation period, this means you could get your job back.

well done with the interview, i think confidence in an interview is half way there. your whole body attitude shows it.

12-11-03, 11:24 PM
Job interviews are all about LUCK. If you get an interview, they already want you, otherwise they wouldnt give you one (assuming there was a selection process for the interview).

If you don't get the job it isn't a reflection on you. Just the luck of who else turns up that day.

Good luck!

I want to quit my job, but because it's coming up to the 'silly season' (work in hospitality trade) i would leave my employers in the shit if i leave it any longer to hand my notice in (since it's best to find a job to go to before leaveing), so i'm biting the bullet and giving it this friday!
That way they/i get longer to 'train' my replacement, i don't leave them in as much shit as i otherwise would (they WILL be pissed off tho, since it'll come out the blue for them) and when i go to interviews (assuming i get any) i can say in a week/two weeks.immediately when they ask ''when can you start''. Which would only be to my advantage.

THO, it could all go pear shaped, as i might fail to get another job so have no income for a while! And Christmas is not a good time of year to be skint.
Tho i can get part-time work anytime i want, which would help me get by without dipping into my savings (which i cant get at anyway, as i transfer all my disposable income into a 90 day account - have to give 90 days notice to make a withdrawal).

13-11-03, 10:14 AM
I know what you mean about silly season marty - wines and spirits distribution is a bit 'hectic' at this time of year too - starting to pick up already - a guy who sorts out a load of paperowrk after i ahve done with it only started this year and saw teh amount of paper i dropped onto his desk being about 15 inches thick as opposed to about 7 or 8 inches the other day and gasped and looked at me saying "is that two days?" i told him straight - "NO mate, thats yesterdays, and its only gonna get bigger from now on!"

Xmas period is stupid here - i wanna be out mid december time to start at the other palce before xmas as that way i get more time off through xmas and new year.

14-11-03, 02:03 AM
Well, hope you get it mate!

I've written my notice and gonna hand it in tomorrow! :o :(

They will be well pissed off with me i think. Esp when they ask what job i'm going to, and i'll say ''i havent got one. just going to pretend i'm a student and sit around wearing jumpers and drinking cups of tea all day''.

14-11-03, 10:24 AM
just explain to them that that job is not where you wanna be forever, and you dont think you will bother trying to finda nything else while ever you are there coz you dont need the money so leaving will make you HAVE to find another job.

Still no word on my job yet - 47 hours later :lol: THey said they'd contact within 48 hours lol.

15-11-03, 03:11 AM
any news yet?

why not just go freelance?

15-11-03, 03:13 AM
become a hit man, or a gigalo like marty

15-11-03, 08:17 AM
gigalo would be a good job, cant see the missus being too impressed though :lol: Hitman... dunno about that, be cool to put on my cv for the future though :lol:

I have thought before about quitting the job and just doing freelance work but i need more financial security than that so i cant really do it at the moment. Maybe one day though.

Still no news - if i havent heard by Monday lunch time i am gonna phone them as they did say they would let everyone know either way within 48 hours. F*cking lazy b*stards.

15-11-03, 01:29 PM
they dont ring back if its bad news, they r lazy.

17-11-03, 06:35 PM
Phoned them today and he was sooo sorry for not being in touch yet but he is having trouble tracking down one of the directors so that he can make an apointment for his choice of staff to meet the director and show off some technical knowledge - he will be in touch with all the applicants as soon as possible to let them know.

So... while i am being kept waiting by this clown, i have applied for another three jobs today :D

18-11-03, 11:35 AM
good luck mate,
working notice can work against you sometimes but i'm sure you'll get sommant good come odf the applications you've sent out

18-11-03, 12:01 PM
Missus phoned me earlier and played me a voicemail message down the phone... from one of the places i applied for yesterday - he says he is quite impressed with my CV and would like me to arrange an interview for either wednesday or thursday morning :D

This one is not so much money though so dont really know if i wanna go for this one, although this one is working just down the road from where i live so would be at work within 5 minutes ... can always try and haggle the pay upwards a bit if they seem interested in me i suppose, nothing to lose... not like i really need a job is it lol.

18-11-03, 03:03 PM
I applied for a job a few weeks ago, and when they rang me up for an interview, i asked 'when' to which they replied ''anytime you want, you're the first applicant we have shortlisted for the interview stage''. Did i get the job? Did i fuck. lol

19-11-03, 03:10 AM
For some reason interviews dont bother me, some people get nervous but every intereview i have gone for ive got, even tho ive had no experience in the job wat so ever. Ive had to turn few down as ive had offers all at the same time then chosen which one i want. I just act really interested and nod alot with wide eyes and ask lots of questions, even if their stupid, and i never ask about pay, i do that if and when they offer me the job, unless they say about it in the interview, coz if u ask it coudl put them off.

Good luck andy!