View Full Version : f**king vinyl

nova m@rk
11-11-03, 12:19 AM
can any body please give me a quick solution about getting that faded grey sh*t off my car please dont say just heater gun and peel it off cus i did that 4 two days and only removed about 3 inchs of the stuff any help is great (plus) can any body recomend a exhaust that gos out the back bumper strait and not blowing smoke at pedestrians nothing like a bb4 about 3 inch sorry 4 this being so long but any advise is appriciated.... :cry:

moffat sri
11-11-03, 12:36 AM
I was gunna say heat gun but you'll cry! lol
Mine just came straight off. Think you have to vary how long you heat it for because if you heat it too much it's just as hard to get off as if you hadn't heated it. When you get the heat right you should be able to pull it off in big sheets.

As for the exhaust. you just need one for a late spec car. i think all mk 2 exhausts came out straight.

11-11-03, 12:52 PM
i did my tailgate vinyl the other day and was having an absolute nightmare for the first hour, moved about four inches.

got the nack in the end though. i had a hairdryer and heated the vinyl in about a four inch square piec untill it was hot to the touch. not burning hot just so you can feel that the panel is hot. pick a corner up with your fingernail and it will peel off in a nice big piece. if it doesnt its not hot enough. feel the panel before you peel to make sure its nicely hot and it'll come off a treat

11-11-03, 01:59 PM
it went from this


to this


just needs a new gsi badge now i think

11-11-03, 02:51 PM
:? Just my opinion but I think it looked better before...........

/me ducks under desk............

11-11-03, 03:20 PM
i think so to

nova m@rk
11-11-03, 03:42 PM
thanx for that ill try the heat gun cuase i blue my moms hair dryer up shes not impressed i dont think it really maters if i damage the paint cause im having full respray should have some standard ish pics on here soon.....

11-11-03, 04:43 PM
hair dryer will only be an easy way to do it if the hair dryer is decent power rating - poor ahir dryer equals poor results.

A herat gun is much much better and will get through the job in no time.
Have a clean wragg and some sort of spirit (white spirit / petrol) at the ready to wipe up any sticky residue.

11-11-03, 10:26 PM
:twisted: :2gunfire:

(also broke mothers haidryer lol)
now deciding whether to remove the b pillar vinyl and colour code the grab handle :?

think it may be too much white though then

nova m@rk
12-11-03, 12:28 AM
can en1 recomend a zuast like i said earlyer one that doesnt stick out the side of the bumper will a mk2 1 fit 1.3 does it have the same bore thanx

12-11-03, 07:33 PM
it went from this


to this


just needs a new gsi badge now i think


as 4 the vinal on ur car nova m@rk i did 1 side at a weekend when it was dull and it took ages
did the next side when it was a well warm day it came off well easier i know this doesnt help as were now aproachin winter
u cud always do it in a garage when uve had heaters on go it warm inside then hairdryer it off

as for kackerin hairdryers i didnt bust r lasses but i did remove all the paint off it after i spilt thinners on it ooops :lol:

12-11-03, 08:41 PM
now deciding whether to remove the b pillar vinyl and colour code the grab handle :?

think it may be too much white though then

No, it will make it look like a base model with a GSi interior!!!

(Not that there's anything wrong with a base model with GSi interior of course but it's just.................oh you know.............I'll get me coat!!)

*just my opinion again though............

13-11-03, 12:36 PM
lol, the gsi interior will be going soon too :lol:

nova m@rk
13-11-03, 01:52 PM
how much. is it in good nick wht do the gsi seats look like

13-11-03, 01:54 PM
it wont be for sale on its own. its going in my old gsi and i'm gonna sell the car as a whole cos i havent the time or space to break it

nova m@rk
13-11-03, 01:57 PM
nah thats no good 2 me insurance is dear enough on 1.3

16-11-03, 01:20 PM
how much you want for your GSi? i aint good at makin offeres, probably offer you ?0.20!!

let me know caus it'll probably be cheaper than doin a gsi transplant on my 1.0L.
