View Full Version : Steerin wheel removal

25-10-03, 08:56 PM
How do I remove the sterring wheel without one of those 2/3 legged puller tools, also without damaging the steering column?

I have tried but have been unsuccessful

Need experienced advice


25-10-03, 09:19 PM
If you have time, lots of WD40 onto the splines, give it a wiggle, more WD40 then leave it overnight and use rubber mallet to give it a tap from behind....and when it won't budge, more WD40 and more mallet!!

Or pop in your local car accessory place and payaround ?15 for a Draper puller!

25-10-03, 10:18 PM
get a puller. definately

26-10-03, 10:03 AM
definately get a puller or just take your car down to a local garage and ask them to remove the wheel and just fit your new one there.

26-10-03, 10:33 AM
i tryed the wd40 ptin fr like a mnth 20 odd cans of the stuff(well seemed like it) wore myself out a number of times then i brought a puller took me 2mins t get the fucker off PULLERS will save you losing to your wheel and no ne likes a loser do they !!??!!

27-10-03, 07:24 PM
I got the new steering wheel rolled on down to the local masterfit, asked for a guy to get it off, and then fitted it there. Took a few mins and saved on buying the puller :D

The pullers are handy though!

27-10-03, 09:23 PM
i took my old sr to vauxhall to get the wheel off. they couldnt budge the fucker lol, even with there pullers. turns out the shaft was slightly bent and the wheel had to be hammered off

28-10-03, 05:13 PM
I asked the same question a while ago , but got different reponses.
The way I was told and followed : having removed the horn pad, loosen the nut in at the end of the steering column, but don't remove it. Now place both feet on the back of the foot well behind the pedals, hold the steering wheel and lift youself off the seat, you should now rock the wheel from side to side and the wheel will make a snap noise - it is now loose undo the nut and take it off.
P.S if you do this method, make sure you leave the nut on the column, DO NOT remove it as this could lead to a steering wheel in the face.

28-10-03, 05:31 PM
If your lucky you can just undo the nut slightly wiggle it left to right then up and down and it may just pop off!

this has worked twice for me on 2 different cars! :o

good luck mate

28-10-03, 05:51 PM
loosen the retaining nut but do not remove completely - then some brute force, pushing, pulling, hitting, shaking etc should get it off eventually.

does take LOADS of effort like that though in most cases... if you aint the biggest strongest person in the world... buy a puller.

28-10-03, 06:25 PM
loosen nut until at end of thread, get a 1/2" extension bar(or any bit of metal with a flat end), put the flat end on the nut, NOTE> the end has to be big enough not to go in to the thread and fuck it up. hit the bad with a lump hammer and the wheel should pop off. you will have to give it a good wack but dont aim to flatten it in to the bulkhead. if this don't work then buy a puller. i think machine mart stock them but most places can order one for you.

28-10-03, 07:40 PM
loosen the nut all the way and go mental on it, rag the wheel from side to side. it'll come off. well thats how i did it. as you can tell i went a bit mad, but i think everyone else has given you the safest way to do it.
have fun.

28-10-03, 08:25 PM
i wouldnt advise smashing fuck outta the column unless uve got a spare column laying around or fancy a trip to the scrappy to get one as they are DESIGNED to collapse on hard shocks or impacts so the wheel dont go thru your face in a crash...

get a puller - they aint dear and will save you hassle

28-10-03, 08:36 PM
was gonna say that, i was advised by the vauxhall mechanics not to start wildly puliing and bashing away as the steering column is colapsable and will break. if it doesnt come off with a puller then you'll have to take the steering column out (with wheel attached). put it in a vice or work bench (gripped above the colapsable bit!) and then a small tap with a hammer on the centre shaft will pop the wheel off

28-10-03, 09:07 PM
then a small tap with a hammer on the centre shaft will pop the wheel off

do this in the car. it will work, but don't go mad because as has been said the column is collapsable.

30-10-03, 10:25 PM
the puller is the best way, but getting the nut loosened to the end, getting 2 mates to pull like hell on the old wheel whilst you give the bolt a small tap wit'hammer does work. if the small tap does not work, just hit it a bit harder until it comes off.
I was reminded recently by a mate that about ten years ago we tried to get a calibra wheel off, which resisted all attempts to thump it off, and we wrapped it in a large towel and poured boiling water on the centre. it expanded and popped off. the missus was not particularly impressed with the towel though.

01-11-03, 11:07 AM
just pull the fucker as hard as u can!!! i done it on my own before!! :roll:

07-11-03, 04:53 PM
i tried to get it of to get the dashboard off but it was having none of it eventually i took the whole steering column out, it's a good security feature to