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26-02-01, 11:20 AM
Hi peeps,
Just wnat some consrtuctive critisiscm from you lot,

1. How do you think the site is coming along?

2. Do you have any suggestions while I'm on a roll!

3. Would anyone buy novaload.net merchandise if some were available (online store)?

4. Should the forums be viewable to non-members?

5. What do you like most about the site?

6. What do you hate/dont-like about the site?


26-02-01, 11:21 AM
Ignore the dodgy spelling :-/

26-02-01, 11:35 AM
I think non-members should be able to view the forums but not allowed to post unless they join up.

Apart from that, the site is going swimmingly. Everything i thought of to make the site easier to navigate you've done.

As far as merchandise goes, it depends whats on offer. But i wouldn't say no. How about some novaload shoulder pads :D

B-) "I don't know karate, but i know kerrraaazy" B-)

26-02-01, 11:38 AM
Kev, I know the e-Commerce software 'Actinic' very well, so if your building an online store and need sum help, give us a shout.


PS. Without sounding a complete weapon, could you re-arrange the 'feature car' page to be a bit shorter? maybe like you have laid out the pictures on the rolling road page? Just a thought.

My mojo needs realigning

26-02-01, 11:50 AM
The site works really well. A couple of things i have seen on the migweb.co.uk forum would work here well though. The forum could be viewed by anyone but only postable by members, and it would be really good to be able to paste pictures into the posts and the replies. This would be very useful.

26-02-01, 12:06 PM
1. How do you think the site is coming along?
smashing, great, super

2. Do you have any suggestions while I'm on a roll!
more 16v novas in features

3. Would anyone buy novaload.net merchandise if some were available (online store)?
Nike trainers

4. Should the forums be viewable to non-members?

5. What do you like most about the site?
dunno it's just the coolest

6. What do you hate/dont-like about the site?
i hate pugs and fords / site is fine

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26-02-01, 12:11 PM
readers wifes section.

wot bout a mod a car up online like add a spoiler, whos online @ the mo, stuff like that. Or a novaload screen saver. Just chucking some ideas @ ya, but the site is ace anywats, even if you didnt add any more it would still be ace.


Davo & Jessie


1 pint and im anybodies, 2 pints and im nobodies!

26-02-01, 12:24 PM
A readers wives section would be class (nothing stupid like a picture that involved marrows etc!) just some tasteful picks of everyone's birds. U could set it up so that only the hardcore members (the one's that are on here all the efin time!) get a password to enter the area with the piccies on.

Give it a thought

My mojo needs realigning

26-02-01, 01:21 PM
Well Im working on a profiles section, so peeps can choose wether they want their profile visible or not, then you can upload a pic of you and your car etc.

The reason for not allowing pictures in the forum is because you get idiots putting massive images on that stretch the site all over the show, thats not good. I could make it so people upload their pic to my server then it gets put into their message only if its a valid size, but that would just waste disk-space.

The 'whos-online-rightnow' thingie is nearly ready to go live Davo, so that will be cool, basically you will be able to see who is logged in at the same time as you, I was thinking of making an internal messaging system too, so you can get a message to another online member. Maybe that would be taking things to far tho! novaload would be evolving into a kind of Extranet then! cool!

Theres also going to be the option of uploading your own image for your footer, I might allow flash footers too. But again, the size of images etc will be restricted.


26-02-01, 01:48 PM
The site is really good Kev. Knowing who's online at the same time will be really good. Also, the internal messaging thingy might take alot of the questions and answers away from the forum. Even if I don't know the answer to the question I still like to read it incase I can relate to the problem or If I've had a similar problem myself. I don't know how your planing on making it work so I might be totally wrong. Apart from that, this is the only Nova site I visit. The P.N.G and V.P.C.C. sites are too formal, on here people seem to stick up for each other alot more, you kinda of feel like one big family - Awwwwww, Like the Waltons! LOL. Anyway I've kinda gone away from the topic so I'm gonna go now :D
G'night Johnboy LOL

"Beware of the voices"

26-02-01, 01:49 PM
Excellent job m8!
i've been off for a while but the forum is lookin really good.

any chance of a search command to look thru the archives. that would be useful.

(PS c if there already is a search command somebody quietly point me in the right direction)

Good stuff

26-02-01, 02:17 PM
READERS WIVES...READERS WIVES...READERS WIVES !!! I wanna see loads of 'downstairs donner' if u get my drift! lol :p :p :P

My mojo needs realigning

26-02-01, 02:31 PM

26-02-01, 02:33 PM
yeah, I think the sites good, but I'd like to have pics of the members so we know what eachother look like !
It could be just a simple pic witht your car if its featured like "OWNER" and then a pic of each of us ?

I H8 fat wankers in Lorries !!!!!

26-02-01, 05:57 PM
The site and forum is superb as it is. Its the only Nova site I bother visiting! Any other changes u wake are simply a bonus. I think its a good idea to let visitors view the forum, but only members vote, coz that way they get a better idea of what the site is like, and are more likely to join. Most of the other ideas are good too including seeing who is logged on. The only thing i get frustrated by is that the site times out if left for a while, and I have to log back in. Other than that its great, and I spend far too much time on here! :) :D :X

Whoopass! :D

26-02-01, 05:58 PM
That sounds good damian it would be good to put names to faces and faces to cars!

26-02-01, 06:17 PM
sounds cool,I think I would consider novaload merchandise,as long is it aint over priced and low quality,I aint saying it would be,it just annoys me with some merchandise I have seen at high prices.I think some more articles would be cool for newish modders like me and some of the newcomers,theres nothing worse not knowing wot ur doin,thats how 3 spokes and fido dido stickers carry on living

26-02-01, 07:09 PM
site is working superb kev just one addition i thought off is the general area members live in as the same question comes up in all the forums "were do ya live" could be posted along with the members cars, keep quality were it belongs crackin' site kev :D

26-02-01, 07:28 PM
profile section with member and car sounds very cool. as does screensavers.

more articles perhaps?

howz about a feature 2litre turbo or just a sad looking nova in need of some help to do up with ongoing posts to show others how clean you can make a nova look? that would be nice but noones got the time or money huh?
apart from that the site is very good and very helpful!


26-02-01, 08:06 PM
These ideas sound great.As for the site it's ace but I think we need a pic of that mad V6 Beastie with golf headlights just to show a full o bonkers nova!!!
One idea may be to get some kind of reps for area as specially up here in scotland theres only a few of us and no-one up heres heard of novaload.Aslo tryin to get a shop type thing would be great as would internal messagin.

26-02-01, 10:07 PM
maybe more how to articles on everything could be a bonus!I'd like to know how to fit a big scoop on my bonnet! other than that great site can't fault it

26-02-01, 10:45 PM
Cheers everyone!


27-02-01, 12:03 AM
I think this site rocks, the forums are top and have well knowledgeable members. I know fook all really about the mechanical side of cars but I read thru most messages to learn new things which I can then use on my own car if I'm having any trouble. Top site, top forums, top members... can't ask for much more :D

27-02-01, 12:32 AM
so whats this site about???

27-02-01, 09:57 AM
some great ideas Kev. Any estimates when on when we can see them?

dan69_gsi@hotmail.com :p

27-02-01, 12:18 PM
kev, could you instead of having just the nova on the front page, have the nova with a red headed thigh high boot wearing gorgeous bird on the bonnet? (sssshhh be quiet rexy - we will get him to think our way!)


Davo & Jessie


1 pint and im anybodies, 2 pints and im nobodies!

27-02-01, 02:12 PM


Davo & Jessie


1 pint and im anybodies, 2 pints and im nobodies!

27-02-01, 02:23 PM
That internal messaging service sounds pretty good mate., so does the drivers profiles with pictures and a field for downloading current girlfriend piccy's !!

GSi For sale :)

27-02-01, 07:52 PM
My only critiscm is that it's so good with so much on it and so many peeps with so many ideas and views that I spend hours on it trying to keep up and it's costing me a fortune;)!!!!!!!! Seriously it's changed loads since I've been commin on and judging by the amount of people joining presently you must have hit the sweet spot. Don't know about the readers wives bit - I have to leave the lights off to face mine:D