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View Full Version : battery probs..

14-10-03, 10:29 AM
just cum back form uni for a week, an my cars bin sittin, hasent bin started or anything for bout 4 weeks, so obviusly the batterys flat, put it on charge last nite a t about 11, came down this mornin at 9:30 an it wasnet charged :( its a 12volt batery, and im usin a 4amp charger, how many hours should it take??

14-10-03, 10:34 AM
jump start it and take it for a drive...

14-10-03, 10:55 AM
could the battery cells not have colapsed with it bin sat 4 so long :?:

14-10-03, 03:34 PM
wouldnt jump start, tryed that straight away, but just didint quite have the power to get it goin , an diidnt wana fuck it up by constantly turnin the key, went to halfords to get it tested, battery fine, charger seems ok, but the battery is a well powerful one, so i was told to just charge it for long time so its fully sorted.... have ta wait an see..

14-10-03, 04:10 PM
you couldn't jump it?? why not??

14-10-03, 04:20 PM
should still jump start without a prob

14-10-03, 06:02 PM
not sure y, u knwo the imobliser under the steerin wheel that u use the little key for, wot possition is it in when the imobliser is on? ive totlaly forgoten, that could have bin it!!!