View Full Version : its another joke, dont hit me for this laddies

06-10-03, 08:44 PM
A vampire walks into a pub, and ask's for a pint of blood.
bar man replies" sorry we dont sell blood"
so the vampire asks for a pint of water.
Another vampire walks in. and asks for a pint of blood.
again the bar man replies "we dont sell blood"
so the vampire asks for a pint of water. goes and sits with the other vampire.
(stay with me here)
Another vampire walks in and asks for a pint of blood.
the bar man replies the same. so the vampire gets a pint of blood.
The bar man then asks the vampire why they ask for water.
the vampire pulls out a used tampon. "tea bag mate"


why dont grannies get smear tests?
ever pulled apart a toasted cheese butty.
a woman stands naked infront of the mirror, she says to her husband.
" i look fat, horrible and ugly, pay me a compliment"
husband replies
"your eyesight is spot on"

girl pulls a lad in a nightclub and takes him home.
she says to him, "tie me to the bed and do what lads do best"
so he farted, scratched his dick and shagged her mate.
farmer buys a milking machine. try's it out on his penis. he has a great orgasm but cant remove it. he reads the manual and faints. it says
auto release after 21 litres.

06-10-03, 10:40 PM
u sure u typed that first vampire joke right? i dont get it, well i do but the way i read it dont make sence?

06-10-03, 10:52 PM
me neither, me thinks a bit is missing.

06-10-03, 10:56 PM
it should read..........

A vampire walks into a pub, and ask's for a pint of blood.
bar man replies" sorry we dont sell blood"
so the vampire asks for a pint of water.
Another vampire walks in. and asks for a pint of blood.
again the bar man replies "we dont sell blood"
so the vampire asks for a pint of water. goes and sits with the other vampire.
(stay with me here)
Another vampire walks in and asks for a pint of blood.
the bar man replies the same. so the vampire gets a pint of water.

The bar man then asks the vampire why they ask for water.

the vampire pulls out a used tampon. "tea bag mate"

06-10-03, 11:50 PM
ok. but you get it. end of story. so leave your handbag alone. biatch'sssss

07-10-03, 01:35 AM
altho it wasn;t funny coz it didnt make sence :lol:

07-10-03, 09:10 AM
a woman stands naked infront of the mirror, she says to her husband.
" i look fat, horrible and ugly, pay me a compliment"
husband replies
"your eyesight is spot on"

girl pulls a lad in a nightclub and takes him home.
she says to him, "tie me to the bed and do what lads do best"
so he farted, scratched his dick and shagged her mate.

Lmao :lol: :lol: Good 1's :lol: :lol:

Chris LR
07-10-03, 03:23 PM
I didn't laugh, smile or grin...

They were Bad!