View Full Version : The Truth

19-02-01, 07:14 PM
Ged i got caught doing the following:

Driving without insurance
Driving without MOT
Driving without TAX
Driving without due care and attention
Failing to stop

It was my first year of driving and it was a mates car. Therefore, they couldnt do me for no tax. The coppers only reported me for insurance tax and mot cos they said that would be enough to give me a nice ban.

5 Months on i heard nothing of it, i didnt produce because i couldnt as i had none of the things except licence. I thought the 6 month rule would come into play, woohoo.

5months and 28days after a court summons appears.. shit

go to court, 6 points, 250quid fine, no ban. then the bitch asked me if i knew it had no insurance, I said yes i knew because i had no insurance at all on any car at the time, ya know tell the truth n all that. Then she goes... RIGHT 8 points then... DELIBERATELY driving without insurance.(like i was driving accidentaly....???)

So no ban from court, i give them my licence so they can send it off and get it endorsed with my lovely points. Two weeks later the licence comes back with 8 points on it and a letter saying "Due to the new driver rule your licence will expire 7 days after reciept of this letter"


New driver law states that if you get 6 or more points within the first 2 years of driving then your licence is revoked.
You dont get banned but you have to:
1) reapply for the provisional licence
2) reapply for and take theory
3) reapply for and take practical

luckily i managed to get mine back within 2-3 months which wasnt too bad...

but thats the true story and i should know cos ive fuckin been there.. none of this, of my mate says this crap!

if ya want anymore info then gimme a shout and ill tell you exactly what happens...

Cheers, and thanks for listening :D

Sam Richardson - with the fucked nova X-(

20-02-01, 05:19 PM
I've got to go to court about my dangerous driving. I'm gonna plead careless driving, I've also illegitamately obtained a pass plus certificate from an instructor so that will look better. I'm hoping the judge will realise that by giving me more than 6 points I'll lose my licence and only give me 5! is this likely? if not I just hope there's no ban ( I nearly wrote off two cars incl. a police car)